What do you do after you realize that nothing matters in life and nothing you do matters , and nobody cares

what do you do after you realize that nothing matters in life and nothing you do matters , and nobody cares.

exactly myt situation since few years,
i'll tell you i'm trying not to get mad,really mad,studying what higher minds has thought bout this in ages,so philosophy.
apart that,i'll never cease to wonder how people get so serious in their life,in ehat they do,in all the stupid retarded non sense things and still not realize that it's a complete absolute non sense.

I care, and thats what matters. Fuck everyone else. Whats the point of living if you need the approval of someone else to do it?

What I want

brush my teeth

Sauce? pls

Have as much fun as possible

killing yourself is the hardest but legitimately best option

This guy understands. I'm guessing you almost did enough drugs. 3 Grams of shrooms will get you there.

Go on Netflix. Or maybe do some missions for my business in GTA online. Oooo or go onto the nearest red box and rent a movie :P


OP, I am at the same exact place where you are. At times I catch myself thinking that life is a waste and there really is no point in continuing with life. It's pointless to think that way, and it's even more pointless to kill yourself. What's the use in that? Just have fun, guy. You'll find yourself again and again thinking about it, but it's best to just ignore it and carry on with whatever the fuck you were doing. And if no one cares, I care OP. Love you Sup Forumsro

I have a mental disorder so drugs aren't necessary I just neglect to take my meds and I'm super happy

What if having fun isn't an option for you? What then?

You improve yourself or just end it

distract yourself from the fact that life is pointless and we're all going to die and everything humanity has accomplished will almost certainly cease to exist in a matter of time.

I totally get it, I've been thinking the same way for the past couple of years, and maybe this is just the truth. Life is difficult, and painful, and unless you're given an opportunity that very few are given, you're just made to live out a completely pointless existence. The only meaning to life is just to not die until the day that you die. Shit sucks, friend, but you're not alone.

IDK. There's this term, "amused mastery", which basically comes down to viewing life as the absurdity that is is. Think of it like a GTA parody or something. Like you're listening to a chick complaining about her beta bf and all I can think of is Normies gonna norm.

What I also like to do is indulge in basic pleasures. Make yourself good food. Fuck random people off tinder. Get drunk on a weekday, do drugs when you get home. Ride the wave of decline I guess.

The only way to be truly happy is to make long term goals and make them happen. Like building a good career and family life. Of becoming pro at your hobbies. That said I've accepted I'll never make it that far, so for me Hedonism is the way. Just saving up for a small house far away from the grind of city life. After that the world can burn for all I care.

Why? In 100 years or less it literally makes no difference

Well do you want to spend your life moping or do you want to spend it doing stuff you like.

Graduate junior high

Why not?

Are you 100% certain of that?

We barely have a grasp on the physical properties of our universe, let alone biology, consciousness, cognition, ect.

Who says our AI overload won't download our brains into a hivemind that will transcend our 4 dimensional universe?

Masturbate. Eat some pizza. Play video games. Do things I enjoy.

Your consciousness is dependant on it's biological vessel you dumb hippie. "It would be nice" yeah but that doesn't mean it's possible. Fuck you and your wishful thinking, get some thoughts ground in reality instead you pseudo-intellectual I-have-done-so-much-drugs-my-brains-have-fallen-out pleb.

of course this shit is meaningless, find some shit you like doing and there are definitely other bitches who like doing it too, find them.

i stop'ed caring and started having gay sex :)

As long as it matters to me idgaf about anything else.

Fuck off OP

Been There, learn to love. And everything makes sense.

Nothing about it.

why? they just gonna get crappy anyway

Quit doing drugs faggot


why is his arm so long?