Animals Rekt Thread

Animals Rekt Thread

(also, over 25 million dogs are killed and eaten each year. Have a nice day)

Human get killed too you know

Let's not forget about cows
The population of cows is 1billion
Wonder how many die every year
They are animals you know and have souls

I mean come on. Why the animals? You're not trying to be edgy, but still, these animals have done nothing wrong. I'd rather see humans get rekt

Me too, but not ITT

I bet you've got a lot of friends and don't make anyone around you uncomfortable.

Relax edgy boy.

Cucked beta degenerates turn to psychopaths
That's common knowledge. I feel bad for them.

I'd rather see you get rekt, faggot.

Have a nice day :^)


lol, no

Now have a ded dowg, faggots.

I feel bad for them too. But you understand and sympathize for the animals too, right?
I get it, we are Sup Forums, but don't fuck up what I love most in life





Probably ded...

lol that is your mom? you are so god damm edgy

damm niggers killing each other

Likely ded...





ya i kno rite?

ded dug 4 u!

He's trying so hard to look edgy
It's okay man, we understand how painful life is, we understand, just cry it all out.

I feel bad for you man

I don't know what it's like to have nobody love you, and it must be hard trying keep a mask on to hide your worthless value. Just let it out, and come to realize, that you will never be happy. As much as you might say it, will never truly be content with your life


Trying wayyy too hard kid. Fucking go outside for once. Creepy mouth breathing fatass.

the bullies rape op whit a torch for sure lol

Nice feet.



lel @ sum hardcore projecting

Most psychos start to practice with animals. That's why in russia they are making the law more severe.

Ate some dog the other day. Was pretty fuckin good. Might do it again. Better watch out when im back in the states

do you guise likey ded dugz?

I hope you and your whole families get cancer and die painfully.

have a nice day.

Dig tastes pretty good though OP.

dugz good 4 eatin' then fuckin' then killin'

(not neccecerily in that order tho)

I can't understand Sup Forums sometimes. When there's someone currently torturing animals, all of Sup Forums comes to help and raid the dick who does it. Days later, I find this. Why?

since Sup Forums are all sick animals
here is you animals getting rekt

Because you can't change the past fucktard.

maybe the bad boys in the college make you a lobotomy whit a hammer and thats why you write like retard, Careful kid dont cut yourself cuz you re sooo damm edgy lol

some may consider death to be mercy. So i guess these images are alright.


I'm sensing ur butthurt, lol..

This bitch, if you ant he hoe hat did this her name is wolfie blackheart. She's a furry. Literally lives like a dog

Whatzat Sup Forums? u want moar ded dergz?


I'm guessing it might be a...

No, it's ded.


RIP mices. I hope this guy gets eaten alive by rats.

Will it fly?


Friendly reminder:
Most people who come into these threads and use words like "edgy" are children. Small, prepubescent boys sheltered in suburbia who haven't had a taste of the real world.

Once you grow up you'll realize just how trivial the death of a dog can be. Once you realize that everything happening to these dogs in these photos is probably happening to some human child somewhere, you'll stop giving a fuck about some shitty mongrel. Some garbage animal that is so populous in certain areas of the world that they harvest and consume them for sustenance.

Don't like the methods they use? Turn away. Don't enter the thread. Thank God for the anonymity, because if it didn't exist, you weak faggots wouldn't last here.

Also, a c@ is fine too.

LOOL thanks for write like a human, did the bad boy in the school bother you so much? thats why you trying to be edgy? :(
when you kill yourself make a livestream pls


Where do you all get your images from?


I would very much like some more.

google & killin' dergz

same pics every day. don't you have anything new ?

How sublime, the little pupper on the right made an emoji, hahaha.

fuck you, i looked this videos, to remind myself that the world is hard, but if you torture a rat like that in my garden i will kill you, asshole

GTFO ma thread, normfag.

ITT, animal lovers post atrocities and act e-hard to raise awareness on how cruel and unusual life can be. Softies really should stay-put, and see what could happen to your animals if you don't protect them.

Not really, I just do it for teh lulz.

Not many people keep cows as pets.

I often wonder what dog meat or cat meat would taste like. Some guy offered me Mt Lion once but never gave me any.

Prob should...

Dog meat is quite tough and gamey. I have not tried cat, though.Land predators are generally not so great. Prey is by far superior in flavor and texture.

Your karma is on it's way, faggot

Lol must be hard living in your parents basement

Trick Rape

vs real?

I..I... just wow, I mean really? who!?! FUCK!

He was an autistic cat

ok that's fucked up


This man needs to be killed

this is the kind of cruelty, so sophisticated, only we humans could come up with such ideas. i hope a 10km long meteorite hits the earth one day


that would be a good thing. is it definitive that the law will be changed and what will it say?

Dogs don't take selfies

nice feet

only a fucking moron, a sub-mental, or the unloved would enjoy watching the torture of this poor animal. Where do you fall OP?

holy shit the snowflakes show their colors so fast


Ooooooh. So edgy. Try better bait faggot. Everything dies.

that only applies if they themselves abuse the animal
this isn't your safespace, you could always leave the thread

btw, love my animals, have a pic of my exceptionally fluffy kitteh


is that a sandblasting unit?