Share the gang rape video of the Brazilian girl

Share the gang rape video of the Brazilian girl

which one ?


All I know is pic related and she was raped by 30 dudes, don't have more info


>gang rape video of the Brazilian girl

I thought that was their national pass time

1. you don't tell us what to do
3. fuck off summerfag


>not greentexting
>instead, making a shitty, numbered list
You are the epitome of summerfag

>30 dudes
Holy shit, someone deliver now.

Numbers instead of >green text hahahahah

Sauce and backstory now!

>mfw this nigga can't do it either

>attacking style over message

isn't there a summer camp to attend for you guys

Dipshit he as no source

>Damn that's embarrassing

Theres no video of the actual rape. Its a short video of her just laying there after they are all finished. They spread her ass and show her beaten up raw pussy for like a second then the video ends.

Message being what? Nypa? Yeah, no fucking shit. This is a request, not a call to action. Don't feel obligated to respond if you aren't interested. Summer fag af.

>I am attending not giving a fuck what you think camp.

I still want to see it

>what a champ

>Share the gang rape video of the Brazilian girl

>This is a request, not a call to action.

i TOLD you to stay in school and you just wouldn't listen

I bet you shit your pants when people use exclamation marks.

If only there was a place for requesting things on Sup Forums

>i TOLD you to stay in school
NYPA retard.

>give gang rape videos because so hawt
>fucking rapefugees all over Europe