Sup Forums what is the best legal drug to get horny?

Sup Forums what is the best legal drug to get horny?

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The drug of love, brother.

I don't think there's any drugs that actually make you horny. Maybe some illegal ones? I dunno. Might wanna check with your doctor if you can't get turned on.

zinc and magnesium

Real life women.
Not the game. Not the vr simulation. Not the program. Not the app. Not 2d "kawaii" drawings
Real women.
If per chance IF you already do this then like this user said get to the doctor and just tell em, there not gonna take this piss and theres no need to be embarrased, i can guarantee they've seen and dealt with 10x worse, plus its always nice to have peace of mind if they give you the a-ok.
>tldr just go see the doctor and check it before and maybe its turns to something way different and worse hopefully its nothing.
Best of luck user and god be with you x

Is this you getting horny or you getting someone else horny?

OP here. I have no medical problems, thanks though. Is there really nothing else that comes to your mind?


I've taken just about every drug, and nothing has me hornier than the smell of fresh pussy when I'm sober.

For women, idk, liquor seems to do the trick but that's subjective to the woman.



Coal, probably coal.


So you dont know shit. Why did you even respond?

magnesium, horny goat weed, fenugreek, zinc, nugenics

You're welcome faggot

nutmeg extract



Sativa weed

.Your mom/

Lemon Juice licked off a hammer

If weed is legal in your state ask your local dispensary for any aphrodisiac strains, they do exist. Other than that: are poppers legal where you live? Cause these make you horny af, even though they are more suited for buttsex as they severely loosen your asshole. If you do decide to use poppers, read a safer use guide beforehand.