Sup Forums why is my girlfriend such a slut now after 4 years?

Sup Forums why is my girlfriend such a slut now after 4 years?
Pic related she sent it to a guy she is flirting with.


7 year itch

Because she's selfish and too immature for a lifelong commitment. Mave on and find someone better.

just fucking confront her with it and say its over what the fuck is wrong with u

shes sending nudes and you're still with her
fucking cuck you're going to get what you deserve

I'd smash

Because she doesn't respect you at all and/or you can't satisfy her.

You def need to confront her and fuck her correctly.

Because she wants attention

Do this user asap, before it's too late.

shes gotten bored, more than likely you two are stuck in a rut. same shit every day. you need to make a more of an effort to keep things fresh.

or shes just a whore and you should look eleswhere for a relationship.


Real question is...what's her kik? I want her sending me pics too

I used to work for a phone company doing illegal shit. I know a hack that can make her think my phone is his.
Give me her number and I can find out what she's sending him

lol OP i have some bad news for you

Can we see her tits too?

Find the guy she's flirting with and tenderly make love with him.

Op is a Cuck


Well dont ask us why your gf is such a slut

Option a: drop the bitch!

Option b: prepare for life as a cuck. Sloppy 2nd's in her cum filled stretched out pussy............

Your choice

So does the OP you fucking morons, he's posting a nude with an inflammatory post and he's in Sup Forums instead of /adv/.
You fuckers are just as bad as the dumbasses in camwhore threads who dote on the fake pictures. You're just doting on a different kind of attention whore.

Naw. These dumb niggers are funny. Let them be lemmings

She isn't my gf gf we are just fucking but I'm leaving her and she knows it. She is giving me a lot of sex before I go...

Post frontal dude

Dump her ass, and dump her hard.
Also don't fall for the whole love is not about sex speech, because she will make it seem like it's your fault. Let her do what she will, sorry to tell you man but you lost her a long time ago it seems.
Now as for after this work on your skills in bed, and when you start dating again make yourself presentable. If you do it right you'll have another in no time, and can rub it in that sluts face.

Likely story faggot

I would lick between those cheeks as often as possible

well if thats the case, then whats the problem?? so what if shes fucking other people, so long as you are still getting sex. just stop treating her like a girlfriend and treat her like a side chick.
