Do you know or have a dog?

Do you know or have a dog?
The summer heat is rising!
>Give your dog grapes!!
The water in grapes hydrates them and their sugars give your pup a little happy high!

Other urls found in this thread:

A lot of people don't realise that a bit of fruit is actually pretty good for dogs.

Dogs are disgusting

>How to kill your pupper

And now i am worried that grapes are somehow poisonous to dogs, even though that doesnt make any fucking sense

Grapeand raisin (driedgrapes) toxicity is well documented indogs.* Although the exact substance that causes the toxic reaction is not yet known,dogsshould not eatgrapesand raisins because even small amounts can prove to be fatally toxic for adog.Dogsof any age, breed, or gender may be affected.

Grapes contain theobromine. The same chemical that makes chocolate toxic to dogs.

Typical fag got OP trying to get you to kill your doggo


Do your own research. Don't kill your dogs.

You guys are super boring

it made mustard gas

how do i bring my dog back to solid state hes pissing everywhere

You have to condense him by making him rain - do you have any dry ice?

Seriously though, it must take a lot of grapes to bump off a dog, right?

You don't get to see the dogs actually die so even if they didn't intervene you'd still be bored.

I feed my dog grapes. Chocolate. Cum. All the time. It does nothing.

You have to feed in excess to hurt anything. Even a human being.

>It does nothing.
That's because it's dead

When I feed my dog grapes she gets all crazy and hyper. She loves it! It's a treat I give her if she has been a good girl

plz dont kill ur pupper grapes kill dogs

I've licked my dogs vagina

i just gave my dog a bowl of grapes lol n hes eating them all really fast nice

Based white people

Mohammed plz go.

The consumption of grapes and raisins presents a potential health threat to dogs. Their toxicity to dogs can cause the animal to develop acute kidney injury (the sudden development of kidney failure) with anuria (a lack of urine production).

They are. Google it


>Do you know or have a dog?
>Give your dog grapes!!
>The water in grapes hydrates
the water in his water bowl hydrates him I think but im not sure

ITT: newefags and retards

Ounce or so.

No. Water just makes them pee.

Sorry we aren't sociopaths who like to kill helpless animals faggot

Did it taste like grapes?


You don't want your dog to get his 92 virgins?

Sorry I don't have a dog, but I don't want any dog hurt because OP has to prove how edgy he is

hey op,
I hear drinking a quart of Drano is a good cure for the hiccups, next time you have them, check it out.

I'm hardly a sociopath

Gonna feed my family's dog grapes now to see if it dies. Gonna push for an ounce a week, and increase dosage bi-weekly from there until severe affects begin to show.

it's true?
Watches at 0 $?

It's definitely a cure - 'good' is a relative term.

>it's true?

I gave my lazy bitch step moms dog grapes for a week in secret. Loved hearing her cry and divorce my dad a month after. Hated that lazy alcoholic.


Sorry edgy

Maybe later. Meanwhile...

That's really insensitive user - some therapy probably could have gotten her dog off the booze.



For a tiny dog perhaps. I've seen a 50lb lab eat a couple of dozen grapes with no ill effects. In addition to that, there are a number of vets who call bullshit on the whole thing, as there is no causal connection renal failure in dogs and grape consumption.

ITT. Faggots and more faggots

Wow, OP. You're a monster.


That's better

Can confirm

>you guys are super unedgy

Don't forget, cats need lots of iron.

is anyone retarded enough to actually fall for this? Everyone with more than one fourth of a brain knows grapes fucking kill dogs.

OP your mother will die in her sleep tonight and you will contract an intractable uti that burns agonisingly.
No counterspells, no immunity, no returns.

kys is the only way to revoke :3

your mummahs die in sleep too.

Hah, she lost her job over this post

Dont do this.
You should look up the guide for making crystals

Lol haha does this make mustard gas?

I hear ammonia and bleach make hydronium crystals!

What the fuck.
Poison yourself instead and give us daily update thats a better idea than harming a poor innocent animal

What a disgusting person you must be.
Im just imagining all the friends that you have.

Grape and raisin toxicity in dogs. The consumption of grapes and raisins presents a potential health threat to dogs. Their toxicity to dogs can cause the animal to develop acute kidney injury (the sudden development of kidney failure) with anuria (a lack of urine production).

Well, it comes down more to exposure and ignorance than intelligence.

Granted, any intelligent person who decides to own a dog should take it upon themselves to learn what not to feed your dog

this shit is why i don't trust nurses and vet's and doctors
i know some people, who work at hospitals because the enjoy to see people suffer

For all you know his family dog is the dog equivalent of Hitler

that's why he is a edgy faggot

Being this new ... not knowing that B loves doggos ... Grape and raisin (dried grapes) toxicity is well documented in dogs, for some of us dogs are our only friend.

What the fuck
