Would overdosing on zinc vitamins be a successful way to kms? or what pills would? advil...

would overdosing on zinc vitamins be a successful way to kms? or what pills would? advil? any pills as long as you take a shit load right?
i don't own a gun and i don't wanna throw myself off any heights.

You don't seem truly committed to the task at hand, user.

why? just because i don't wanna throw myself off heights? dude.... i'm fucking committed, i just really wanna know what pills would be the best ones

Tell us why you wanna do it

i don't wanna go into detail why, i'm just... ready to go is all

yeah im pretty sure any pills would work as long as you take a lot

Can i od off my vitamin gummies

zinc is extremely deadly if you take a lot they're not like gummy vitamins


idek tbh i just had the image saved

For zinc, it depends on the the salt. The lethal dose of zinc chloride for example is 3 - 5 g, although recovery has occurred after ingestion of 90 g.
For zinc sulphate, fatalities have been reported following the ingestion of 10 to 30 g.
For zinc phosphide, ingestion of 4 to 5 g has caused death on two occasions, but people have survived ingestion of 25 g.

just don't, what are your reasons even bro, roughly.

Dakota Skye

are you fucking kidding me? they survived. damn it

Pills are very risky, as each body handles them differently. You may also run the risk of being found and saved if you do OD

I recommend you these nasty pills

you might get lucky, these people were probably health fanatics.

id make sure i wouldn't be found. i think my body would handle them poorly, im a 21 y/o girl, my body is pretty small

im just.. a weak horrible person. i really don't wanna give my reasons

literally what. have you heard of our lord and savior the iron pill? stop being a faggot and become a wife, shits easy.
only have to do a few basic things
1.cook, it doesn't matter what just so long as he can eat
2. have babbys
3. don't be a faggot
and that's pretty much it


for fuck sake ... i actually have a 2 year old son and still in a relationship with his father. and i've fucked both their lives i feel

if you leave your son hanging like that hes gonna grow up being more fucked up than you can possibly fathom, his empathy levels will be exactly Zero. like fuck dude, take the iron pill, better yourself, realize what wrong and fix it, stop being a faggot OP, shit could always be much worse, but it doesn't have to be

I still have plans for you.

Stick around


:/ ok but.. i still just wanna fucking die. thanks for your opinion though


we cant help you unless you let us
also nice digits, heil hitler

Best way imo would be to get ahold of a bunch of lsd. Drop 400au once a week. Shit will litterally make you become a new person, leaving your old mind/self behind/dead

And if you get busted or it doesnt work who cares, you were going to kill yourself anyway.

the help i want is figuring out what method of ending my life would be best. pill wise

it'd be hard to find an lsd plug so, next

You will be OK Op.

Speak to a therapist. My wife tried to kill herself once. I didn't notice the signs of bipolar. I managed to save her life and she survived the overdose. A great therapist made her see she was being self destructive and the reasons why. 7 years later she is a happy mummy.

tbh it kinda seems like you want to kill someone else with pills...
FBI niggers get out??

Child molester spotted
Turn yourself in you piece of shit

Why take a shitload of Advil when you can take just one Aleve?

i can't speak to a therapist i don't have the money, and personally speaking to one would probably make me wanna kill myself even more, speaking to anyone about it makes me wanna stab myself in the face..

no dude just tryna kill myself

Prob like my wife you cheat on him correct?

(In b4 cock)


im not a fucking pedophile

I hate speaking too. The listening part is fine, but having to answer or act like you're interested is exhausting and raraly worth it, but they make you fucking do it, every day.

i genuinely don't understand this

please just talk to someone professional first. Please, don't kill yourself, you will come out better in future i promise

suuuuure I believe you man
>it was just a slip-up it'll never happen again i don't even like kids haha
turn yourself in you double nigger

God you sound like a whiney bitch. Pills rarely work and are unreliable. Get your fucking shit together and take care of your kid you dumb cunt.

Op it is OK that you cheated. My wife did the same multiple times before she attempted suicide.

She was ill. So are you.


Hurry hurry, go chill tomorrow to gf's house or go fuck an asian chicl who want the d

i wish i could talk to you idk why


Look. The only thing I can say is I have been on the other side. I understand and I promise there is a good life on the other side. But you need urgent help. The therapist can help your partner understand why things happened and how things can get back on track. I was angry at my wife and almost lost her forever (and my son his mother). They won't want to lose you. No matter how bad there is ALWAYS a way forward.

You OK?

No, I suicided.


nigger just cut your own damn throat or the arteries in your lower arm

you also buy yourself some helium, attach it to a pvc tube and then to a gas mask or however they're called

costs less then 20 bucks, so even macklemore can buy it it off himself

btw, dont listen to people telling you not to do it, it is your own damn life and what they're doing first of all is nosy to put it lightly. they dont want you to do it because they dont wanna be left without you. might seem like a weird concept, but even people on the internet have a tendency to care for people and feel responsible for others

Zinc is a nutrient. The pills are supplements.
Have you even done any research to see what the effects of zinc overdose are?

I agree with You don't seem committed. Sounds like you are asking for help to convince you not to do it. If that's the case, you came to the wrong place, OP.

Wise choice! That's just what I would recommend.
Trust me. I'm a doctor.


She without sin pop the first zinc

I'm not OP, but I think about suicide all the time. I want to die.

The problem is that I'm a fucking pussy and I'm afraid to.

How do I overcome this?

Well, OP, if you have a son, especially that young, you are indescribably selfish and uncaring. You say that you've ruined his life. He hasn't begun to live yet. At 2 yrs. old, he doesn't know anything about what you have or have not done, and he is too young to have a concept. What would ruin his life would be to do exactly what you are proposing. It is cruel to no end to leave him without a mother--HIS mother.

Stop with the self pity and self-absorption, wake up, grow up, face your problems, right your wrongs, ask forgiveness from those whom you feel you have wronged, and change your life for the better.

Live your life to meet your responsibility to your son, if nothing else. If you have wronged his father, your husband, then do what it takes to make it right. Be a decent human being.

Knowing how you think you have ruined their lives would help someone to help you find a solution.

Here is what WebMD says about zinc in their warnings and side effects section:
Zinc is LIKELY SAFE for most adults when applied to the skin, or when taken by mouth in amounts not larger than 40 mg daily. Routine zinc supplementation is not recommended without the advice of a healthcare professional. In some people, zinc might cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, metallic taste, kidney and stomach damage, and other side effects. Using zinc on broken skin may cause burning, stinging, itching, and tingling.

Zinc is POSSIBLY SAFE when taking by mouth in doses greater than 40 mg daily. There is some concern that taking doses higher than 40 mg daily might decrease how much copper the body absorbs. Decreased copper absorption may cause anemia.

Zinc is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when inhaled through the nose, as it might cause permanent loss of smell. In June 2009, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised consumers not to use certain zinc-containing nose sprays (Zicam) after receiving over 100 reports of loss of smell. The maker of these zinc-containing nose sprays has also received several hundred reports of loss of smell from people who had used the products. Avoid using nose sprays containing zinc.

Taking high amounts of zinc is LIKELY UNSAFE. High doses above the recommended amounts might cause fever, coughing, stomach pain, fatigue, and many other problems.

Taking more than 100 mg of supplemental zinc daily or taking supplemental zinc for 10 or more years doubles the risk of developing prostate cancer. There is also concern that taking large amounts of a multivitamin plus a separate zinc supplement increases the chance of dying from prostate cancer.

Taking 450 mg or more of zinc daily can cause problems with blood iron. Single doses of 10-30 grams of zinc can be fatal.

Op you are weak and pathetic. I don't know what your going through and I don't really care but you are leaving your son without a mother damaging him far more than you can fathom. I'm not trying to stop you, in fact I do hope you overdose. I heard overdose deaths are excruciating painful, have fun.

Ayy this user knows what's up. Hard to get though. Start with mushrooms OP.

Call me what you will, if you will turn everything over to the Creator, and if you put your trust in Him, He will guide you through this and will guide you through it.

If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it.
If there was a way in, there is a way out.

Are dark web sites reliable for lsd? genuinely curious

>All day strong, all day long.

Take 400mg of vitamins C, B, and D. You won't die, but also won't want to kill yourself anymore

Go to your local Seventh-day Adventist church (they meet every Sabbath--Saturday). Speak with the pastor, and he will help you to turn your life around, get it back on track, and help you to be the mother that your 2 yr. old son needs you to be.

Good advice from a strictly health point of view; but there is something deeper going on in OP's case, I think.