Be indian

>be indian
>wake up to the screams of women being raped
>pray to blue two headed rhino god
>no shower so bathe in the ganges
>almost choke on a child's spinal column
>ride on the roof of victorian era train to call center
>"hello this is hank from computer company we need to ask you a few-*click*
>creepily hit on western women on facebook during breaktime
>walking home
>need to shit for the 35th time today
>squat over dying orphan who happened to be in the way
>wipe anus with bare hand
>eat rice from giant communal bowl
>use hands like chimps
>time for bed
>crawl up into a straw pile, pray to 5 armed lobster woman god for allowing me to live in the greatest country on earth
>pic related

Bump and kek

is true

Of the top 5 places I want to nuke, India is 3.

Lmak! So true.

What up my brown nigga?
Chandigarh masterrace reporting in.

>the other two are Israel

What are the other 4?


Op here

I'm a canadian of German descent. Just shit posting

israel, new york, north korea and tibet

hahahaha holy shit lmao



Go on laugh son of bich we will show u.


this makes me führerious

Sorry, eh. Canada has taken so many Indians in. I feel for ya.


> bath, drink, etc. In the Ganges.

I traveled through india over a decade ago. Can confirm it's fucking filthy.
Like a different world. I had to take so many vaccine shots it was absurd.

1. Middle East and anything with Stan at the end it it. For the outliers (e.g.uzbekistan, Pakistan, kazahstan).
2. Entire continent of Africa (aids and low iq)
3. India ( disease, inbreeding and rape)
4.North Korea
5. Tibet

Hilarious and true. Lmao! My sides! Thank you OP

Fucking Canadians. Too nice to troll. I was in Detroit for business and saw some Canadians. I asked them why the fuck they were in Detroit. Fucking idiots weren't afraid of black people.

WTF did Tibet do to you? How abput China? With 2 most populous countries gone, earth might actually survive.


I've been to Uzbekistan. Its clean and modern. Nothing like India.


they sure are good at shitting in streets.

found the chink

Does it really have to be explained?


Poo in the loo, prajeet

Eminem? Is that you?

Don't you guys feel bad...? It's a sad reality.

Keked and checked

>superpower by 2020

it's so comfy laughing at this cause I don't live at this shithole

my country is not Germany,Canada,Norway or any alike,but at least I don't eat shit


I kek'd.

some people believe this.
they've cornered the tech support and street shitting markets.

Leave Tibet alone user :/

They look like they have no idea how to lift. Or shower. Or shave.

I think shitting in the streets is never gonna catch on in the West. Also we intuitively know how to, i'd say. You could
always share your secret techniques tho'

>implying Kali

not assuming your problems won't allow to improve, take from someone who comes from a third-world country. If you keep denying that you're awful, you'll never want to be better

w o k e c o m m e n t

someone's a currynigger savant

I fuck 3 white woman today and I cum inside them they all say

>You're brown dick so much better knock me up with a baby

