Watch Oreimo or Eromanga sensei it'll help! (You can make her fall for u) or find someone better to pour your...

Watch Oreimo or Eromanga sensei it'll help! (You can make her fall for u) or find someone better to pour your attractions too

Ugh. It might help. But still. This is really fucking with my brain. I have never acted like this before, nor have I been in this situation. This is so fucking confusing..

How old are u and ur sis

Post a pic of her so we can judge you

No, and no.

Here's some advice, go find Jesus and pray it will help because he helped me

Try to know her better, but dont entertain your urges.

If you start a good platonic bond your mind will fix itself.

I doubt it. Jesus never helped me before.

I just need to find a gf. ¬.¬

Perhaps it's time to look for Jesus


Although the platonic thing actually sounds like a good idea. I'll make sure to try that.

Let her see where she can work at a gloryhole and pretend to be her customer.

You don't know how temptation works do you

first step is to steal a pair of her used panties

It is the duty of every onii-chan to sexually satisfy his kawaii imouto.

I want to kill the urges, not entertain them.

And please, keep religion out of this. It never works.


That makes it worse, because she calls me Onii-chan ¬.¬

Rape her


Just talk to her about it and make her understand I think dialogue would be the best foot forward

I suggest seeing a therapist

fuck her oniichan

Tried it.

Ended up in a make-out session ¬.¬


I suggest seeing a therapist soon

Well then ask your parents for help

but he's already the rapist why would he need another one

You fuckin crazy?

How fat are you? And how long have you had these delusions?

LOL if you guys actually love each other and not in a sibling way then it shouldn't be a problem be free from societal norms

I'm out now. Too much rape.


Just fap, op
Fap until you can fap no more.

seeing as this is an incest thread in the making is the incest story of rob and his sister the most up to date version on the google drive, if so is he going to update it


Fuck off.




None of that has anything to do with my current situation.

Well whatever you do, do not go into her room while she's asleep and rub her crotch while you jack off. That won't help anything, even though you're convinced it will somehow.


I never said I was convinced that it would help. I don't even want to do that. ¬.¬

Please click on the post you are responding to, user.

Get used to it, its called wincest

But honestly just stay on good terms with your sis, be a good brother and you will soon start feeling like a protective father rather than some siscon. And if she grows up and ends up being atracted into you then its a win win

Alright. Sorry. New to this.

Good advice. Thanks.

I shall take my leave now. Thank you all.

We just want to keep the conversation orderly.

He's going to rape his loli sister tonight.

No, he's going back to the basement, and fap furiously, until the bad thoughts go away.

All it takes is some bad timing...

Nah, hell be ok. The fact that this disturbs him so much, is an excellent indicator that he won't do it.

It shows he has a conscience.

Ugh. Fuck it. I'll stay.

Feeling any better, op?

Or he can't stop fantasizing and masturbating about it and talking about it openly here offers a new angle that makes his dick diamond again.

When she's all worked up one day, wrestle or tickle her, see if you can slip a finger in. If she's into it, you're in.


I talked about it with her last night.

She brought up an interesting point, which didnt make a lot of sense at first.

She said that I might be feeling this way because she reminds me of someone else I care for deeply.

Could that be it?

op search for a google drive called wincest

That seems a bit enlightened for a younger sister. Just how old is she?

Frankly, I'd be a lot more worried if he was joking around about this. That shows that the idea is not repulsive to him.
Those are the dangerous ones.

Its time OP

could be, but if shes so similar to the person you care for, then it could mean you care about her with true emotion and desire

Just post the link here ¬.¬

Take the silver pill

May I suggest OP and his sister to watch Yosuga no Sora?

That's woman thinking. She has no idea the testosterone coursing through your veins. You just want to fuck or be touched until you cum, the only reason it's focused on her is because she's readily available and your imagination doesn't have to work too hard.

You should tell her this as well, it may actually make her horny.

That's also possible.

Another factor could be that I've only known her for two years.

I don't think you understand how jokes work.

Humor is derived from absurdity. If anything, someone who jokes about something finds it particularly ridiculous.

No. I'm not sexually attracted to my sister.

Its Agape, not Eros. ¬.¬

Agape is the bloom, Eros is the root, son.

i cant Sup Forums stops links its just called wincest storys and its owned by Kane and bird

search google drive/wincest and a link is in the wordpress article second down


Ive always been told that Agape is romantic love, while Eros is erotic love.

That is true, but they are inextricably connected.

You can have Eros without Agape, but you must have Eros to have Agape.

Maybe so.

But it will never get that far. I wont let it.

Just trust me when I say that I'm the master of abstinence


Fuck you, emojis ¬.¬

It's already gone that far, friend.
You have reached a Agape.
You want to fuck your sister and cum deep inside her, whether you accept it or turn from it. That exists inside and it is the root from which agape has bloomed.

Bottom line is this, op:
You are having Intrusive Thoughts.
Having them does not make you a bad person.
There is a wealth of information online to help you rid yourself of them.


Damn how right you are ¬.¬

I trust that it will fade.


It is becoming increasingly increasingly evident that my female first cousin digs me. Every time we see each other or talk to each other she does something to show it. The most recent time we took family photos we were standing next to each other and when we got next to each other and I put my arm around her waist her hand went straight to my ass and stayed there the entire time we were taking pictures.

I definitely show it to her that I'm attracted to her also. There is definitely always a sexual tension when we are around each other. I am of the mindset that as long as she never gets pregnant or no one else finds out that there is plenty of fun to be had. Although I haven't completely come to terms morally with the idea.

A problem I still face is bridging the subject with her. I was thinking something along the lines of "So, is there something going on between us?" and if she looks totally confused, ask "If there was, you would know exactly what I'm talking about. This seems like the most neutral way of going about it. It is an obvious risk even talking to her about it....

It will fade, just try to avoid harboring or thinking about it.
The more you feed it, the longer it lives. Close the door, user. Lock it.

arrete de niaiser pis fourre la

Good idea.

Now I just need the box, lock, and key, and I'll be set.

How old are you both?

English, please.

I'm 27 and she is 21. This sexual tension when we see each other has been going on for about 6 years now.

Not saying.

Actually that was a bad estimate, didn't think about it, but around 3-4. But still. Long time.

... Apologies.

It's all about your own mental and emotional discipline.
If you don't have that, you are a bad person.

Not because you don't have it, it's the effect of not having it.

Learn to be a good person, learn mental and emotional discipline.

Do it while you're young and it will stick.


The good thing is you're both adults.
The bad thing is you risk alienating her and her entire side of the family, by talking about this with her.

Yeah I don't like the inherent risk involved with bringing it up.

don't do this to me, I don't want to go to jail

Then don't. Consider her physical contact as her way of showing simple affection for you, nothing more.

Then don't commit any crimes.

hol up, she related to you or not? half sister?

Yeah. Half sister.

... Or brother.

Im not even sure what to call her anymore. ¬.¬

are you referring to yourself by saying half brother? She a trap? or am I retarded

She's decided to be transgender.

Does 'she' have a vagina or not?

Either way, fuck her in the vagina.