Where were you when you realized that pic related is overrated?

Where were you when you realized that pic related is overrated?

>boring characters
>boring story
>boring combat
>boring lore
>boring dialogue
>boring powers
>boring dilemmas

Effectively, we have a large world full of nothing noteworthy upon a foundation of cast members with the personality of sandpaper interacting with a story I failed to become even remotely interested in. I know I'm just going to be written off as a troll, but that just goes to show how arbitrary this game's popularity is. There is no defense for it other than falsely asserting that any of its detractors only hate it out of their gross misinterpretation of their own opinions. I can say with every fiber of integrity I have that The Witcher 3 is an average game at best unjustly hailed, for whatever reason, as the greatest western RPG of all time, and I wouldn't be surprised if the entire world is collectively punking me in liking it so much.

It IS overrated, but not because of the reasons you say.

It's characters and facial animations are great, so is the scenery and voice acting.

But holy fuck are the combat and RPG elements mediocre.

Bloodborne and MGS5 do combat much better.

People have their own opinions. My opinion is you should kill yourself

2edgy. Do you fangirl about Witcher 3 with your friends around the middle school lunch room?


obvious bait is obvious.

Combat is terrible, I agree. It's a huge problem early on, but as you level you'll reach a powerspike where it doesn't matter.

name better games then fagg0t

That game... you get what you put into it. I don't mean time, I refer to meaning. If you want a game to give you meaning for your actions, Witcher 3 isn't it. If you want a game to give you a world around your actions that you choose for your reasons, great game.

Morrowind is a better RPG. Last of Us is a better narrative. Arkham City is a better 3rd person action game.

Pick a game and odds are I enjoyed it at least as much as The Witcher 3.

>arkham city
literal retard.

Could not get into this boring fucking game.

I tried and tried again, I always feel completely gay going threw the intro with that fucking flute music

>provides no substantiated basis for his rebuttal and opts instead to use 8th grade insults

Literal retard.

sounds like ur cherry picking games that do the best of one thing- the witcher has all these elements and puts them at or past the mediocre bar

Personally, and let me say I'm a normal/basic fag that plays it one the xbone, i prefer the Witcher to Skyrim.

How bow dah?

Boring dozens upon dozens of positive reviews, awards and grossing a shit ton of money in a day when stealing games is simple.

Yeah, must suck.
Or you're just throwing out bait... or one of those hipster types who hate everything new/popular. Go play WOW cuck.


If anyone has to provide any information on how that makes you an actual retard, you are a literal retard.

>thinks the opinion of an overweight neckbeard matters to a studio made up of some of the most skilled in the industry

make a game then lol

Trips don't lie op. Seriously though I agree with you. I don't hate the witcher, but I don't understand all the love for it either. I thought reading the books would help me appreciate the world and characters more, but they are just as bland as the games. Im not tryin to start a flame war or any shit like that, people can like and play whatever the fuck they want for all I care, but witcher 3 is overrated in my humble and entirely correct opinion.

morrowind better? HAH, the people in the game are static, every 10 feet you load in, the quests were fairly good but saying its better than W3 is like saying pac man is better than sonic the hedgehog.

This. It does all of those things well enough to be noteworthy.

I'm with this guy

I'd still rather play this than Skyrim. Open world games are overdone anyway.


Its alright, although its the game I play when not playing DCS.

Some people play games to be given a story, others play them to create stories. It's some meta shit you probably wouldn't understand, just go back to overwatch.

Same opinion as OP except on the Elder Scrolls games. Never understood why people liked them so much. Huge fan of the Witcher series tho. Different folks different strokes. I guess there are people who didn't enjoy Pulp Fiction.

but tits tho

Did the fedora fall off your head and coincidently type a coherent sentence or are you a bitter small man and meant it?


Can't be the only one who liked TW3's combat. Though, I wish the signs were all equally useful- you could get through the game using nothing but Quen and Igni easily.

Me too I quite liked it.
Maybe it would be a bit better if it was shadow of mordor style.
I don't get how people give W3's combat so much shit yet I didn't hear anything bad about mass effect's. I really liked the story but I just watched it on youtube since it was so boring to me.

my Witcher 3 experience

STFU op. Everyone in this thread knows shit for games. This was based on a series of novels and games. It's better than half the shit you guys are gloating about. So suck my dick, Witcher 3 is good tier in every respect.

All the witcher game have been boring dogshit.

RPG my arse.

>I failed to become even remotely interested in
I don't see how that makes the game bad. You didn't like it, get over it.


>being this mad that someone doesn't like what you like

honestly if you didnt like it, it's because you're tastes are shit.

it's full of slavness

You could just as easily say OP's mad that others like something he doesn't.... assuming the thread isn't bait.

>Morrowing is a better RPG
>You miss. You miss. You miss.
>Last of us a better narrative
>A horror narrative can be compared to a fantasy narrative
>Arkham City is a better 3rd person action game with m1+m2 combat

The terrible combat kept me from enjoying the game, everything else seems top notch but it's hard to get into if the gameplay feels clunky. For some reason I can't bring myself to sell it though, might give it another shot one day.

I enjoyed the game for a while, and then i got bored for some reason, i dont even know why i just didnt felt like playing it anymore

Calling somebody stupid on Sup Forums is the internet equivalent of eating your own snot. You're getting nothing from it and making a fool out of yourself, so consider formulating an actual argument.

Except Pac-Man is better than Sonic the Hedgehog.

>if it's so easy, then you do it
Welcome to Avoiding Fallacy 101, kids.

Or I just don't like mediocre games simply because faggots like you hold them in high regard without warrant. Do you want me to lie?

I tried to like Witcher 3. I actually fucking tried. At the end of the day, though, I couldn't pretend that I was enjoying myself. That said, it's quite easy to see why I felt the need to "cherrypick" those games: they actually engaged me.

>anybody who disagrees with me is stupid
How creative

If by "mad," you mean "not bending over and letting Witcher's fanboys fuck me in the ass because I can't see the appeal in their favorite game," then sure. I am mad.


Lemme summarize this guy's rebuttal for those in a hurry:
>Morrowind isn't good because you can miss
>Last of Us's story is fundamentally incompatible with Witcher's story on the basis of genre difference
>Arkham City's combat is bad because it isn't arbitrarily contrived

Whew. Good job, Johnnie Cochran.