(Old fag here) What the fuck happened to Sup Forums? Ever since moot left...

(Old fag here) What the fuck happened to Sup Forums? Ever since moot left, Sup Forums has become a complete cespool of who can make the worst thread ever. I remember when that creepy guy won backstage passes to a taylor swift concert, and when we made the rage face a hate symbol so hot topic would stop selling them. Now what can we do? Ruin artwork on a website. Amazing. We could be moving mountains, but we are so unwilling to team up that we can barely move a grain of sand. Fuck you.

Other urls found in this thread:


What the fuck did I miss when did moot leave?

around 2015 Sup Forums hasn't been the same since


OP here: the only way we can make Sup Forums great again is to do make a comeback, no matter how small. The real question is, what will we command?


We just need to find something to ruin and troll. Something where we can all unite and destroy something

Find an internet poll and ruin it.

Sup Forums is almost entirely paid shill threads and data polling threads. Shady companies pay money to promote and shape narratives.

OP here: looking up some now

Red leader standing by

Remember the one time we ruined Lays DoUsAFlavour poll ?

Bump , you faggots.

there's this faggot who is a total tard. Here is his instagram: r31773y. Go nuts.

The taste of granny smith will never leave my mouth

The internet has changed and Sup Forums has been left imitating a decaying remnant of its former self. Get used to it, it's over and it's never gonna change or be like it was. This place will slowly fade into obscurity and slowly be lost in the echo of a forgotten era.

I still reminisce about those great times, but I have learned to accept the fatality of that era. Forever encased in a cherished memory, but lost forever.

It is getting a /bit stale.

Either help us or fuck off.

arise hate machine ARISE!!!

what is?

It was beautiful

I'd help if there was anything to actually help. I've tried and learned from my mistakes. Just accept it Sup Forumsro

Hi niggersssss checking in

My wife's Vagina.

> Yeast infection.

faggots ruined Sup Forums

/b is now only traps amd porn thread .
What a sad day.

OP here: anyone know of anything we can shit on?


loads of things pick one

On what? The quad an hero is that way ->


ruin Sup Forums huh?

A facebook page :The Flat Earth Society
Thinks that earth is flat.
>we need to give them a lesson

OP here: We need to make an impact, so no petty shit. Other than that, suggestions are open.

Newfags think Sup Forums is a porn site. That's all I see on here. And lazy fucking people that don't contribute to anything.

bitch bitch bitch everyday
you too are a reason why the site is shit now. you may be old, but you're still a faggot. you may have participated in old events, but you never made any good ones.
which is why insert this


OP here: It's perfect. Give us link faggot. GATHER THE TROOPS!!

I think if we start small like chasing little girls of the internetz. We will build like an avalanche

It is annoying. Sup Forums has always had porn, but 3/4 threads are porn shit. It's pretty fucking boring now.


I dont have a fb account

We have only 13 people.


chaturbate / raids

> the storys

Two fat as fuck cunts and one skinny twat, and they fuck for tips. It was a car crash, but one hell of a feeding frenzy. Much fun was had.

OP here: just spam them with dm's or something

Half the problem is all you cunts don't know what to do with yourselves. 5 years ago then poll ruining was funny as fuck, but now it is being done pretty much everywhere to every poll. It is not funny, it is not original.

Retarded internet culture has become more a part of main stream culture. If you want Sup Forums to feel like it used to, come up with ways it can be different, don't just do the same shit that made you giggle half a fucking decade ago, that's the problem.

No fag lets think this through, we need a good target so we can get people on board

Make one.

Nigga! Who da fuck you calling lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

OP is a newfag

Not that I dont have a few extra facebook accounts. They just kick you off way to easy. jewtube you can still cause a lot of grief on though.

Stfu faggot

agreed, and it's what OP is showing through all his posts.

OP here: you're right, I'm thinking ahead. What's our plan?

If you were a true old fag, then you'd know that Sup Forums was never good.

I think the main issue is that all avenues for that kind of entertainment have been tried up. In a smaller and more isolated internet it was easier to have an influence on things, but now it's just so fucking trafficked at every corner that even some good teamwork doesn't quite have the impact that it used to

What do you recommend we do then user

OP here: Exactly, we would do terrible things for the sake of a kek, and if you will not help us, you can fuck off.

Eat shit and die, old man.
The future is now

Wait listen, some months ago there was a thread about spreading the rumour that beyonce used a sprerm doner, so we made some posts on yt and normies started buying it, i still get comments on this, we do you guys think?

trolling periscope cunts?????

OP here: that could work, anything else?

Sorry for the typos im driving

S-senpai... I never knew you felt this way...

OP here: we already sort of did that when we made a postcard stand fall over, good idea faggot

log off anime liker

nigga, you are the lamest motherfucker I've seen claiming to be an oldfag so far. you require so much spoonfeeding fucking hell

the problem is that no one has the balls to actually do anything now. Let's be real, the only people who would actually deliver tended to skew towards the crazy younger demographic. Most of them are either preoccupied with jobs and shit now, or they have a life they're not willing to ruin over petty shit.

Their place has been taken over by a bunch of coddled summerfags who saw a greentext thread on Reddit that used nigger.jpg and now they think Sup Forums is all about edgy teenage angst.

or go find youtube channels on spouse abuse and tell them the many ways we would beat them and rape them and eat them

OP here: It's been boiling in my fucking skull for way too long. Will you join me?

>every since moot left

1/10 bait made me reply

The good old days.

mass/school shooting anyone?

You have my sword!


OP here: fuck didn't see the typo. That instantly makes my opinion invalid.

That's been done way too many times already. We'd just be another normie following the fad


OP here: I thank you Aircorn

Reporting for duty


forgehub.com/chat/ this website seems like an easy target.

Ready whenever the time comes

Can we get around the law and make plans to kill someone or how we are all going too?

We could all donate to a charity to get back at those normies

We need to strike a target that other people of all backgrounds can gather together and destroy.

Honestly this is the only pure form of trolling left for us. Tricking moronic normies into believing stupid shit.

Another example is the fake ads telling people to charge their iPhones on the microwave, love that shit.

But yes, in the current internet climate spreading bullshit using dumb people as telephone poles is as good as it gets.

Who is a singer in girls froth over at the moment? Write some articles about him fucking one of his fan's mother.


Bumping for potential.

We could target the Canadian prime minister

What we've got here is a classic problem of well trained eager troops willing to die for their country and no general. I don't claim to be anything I'm not, but I remember fapping to some new bitch named Boxxy...

A good target is one that can be attacked on all fronts. Not just on the web, but when you all go back to your average "water cooler" jobs, you can tell steve from accounting about this "crazy phenomenon thats happening" so the question is... what does the world care about in 2017? What's worth trolling? What hasn't been attacked yet? What kraken seems untouchable? That everyone relies on.

user. I pose to you. A war on Google.

Nooooo we want people to react we want them to shit their pants mad as fuck at us.....


This is actually a fucking autistic thread.

kys cant tell if bots or just autism

New Sup Forums sucks but the whole "we did it reddit" mindset was cancer too

OP here: this forgehub has potential. If we decide on this, then we shall claim that website for Sup Forums. Anyone have any other ideas

Cant be done, pick a better target

we did that lots a times


I like dreaming big