I think am falling into depression anons what can i do to fix it, no friends to talk to...

I think am falling into depression anons what can i do to fix it, no friends to talk to, i only answer to the bottle of liquor

None of you sick fuckers even wanna talk to me god damn

Head over to /soc fagster

Work out at the gym, particularly cardio.

Drugs. Drugs and alcohol.

i work out, the only cardio i do is biking, lifts are fair but not impressive

Start jogging. Join some kind of club.
Pick up a hobby. Above all just stay busy.
Being alone with your thoughts for extended periods of time is dangerous Sup Forumsrother.

Treat your body is a machine that you need to maintain. If you maintain your body well, your chances of being happy will increase hugely. The most important forms of maintenance are:
- lots of exercise. Good exercise that gets you very fit and lets you know your every muscle of your body. Keep it varied too.
- good food. Don't eat garbage. Your body deserves the best fresh food, prepared with care.
- sex. Your body wants sex so find someone nice who you can have fun sex with. Have sex at least every week and ideally for longer.
- treats. Do something else you really like doing every week. Maybe it's singing. Maybe it's playing strategy boardgames. Maybe it's hiking. Maybe it's volunteer work or political activism. Just doing something that gives you a glow of pleasure and perhaps even altruism.

If you do all these things, you'll be maintaining your body well and are quite likely to be happy.

Also, get off Sup Forums and never ever come back to this cesspit.

Cardio releases natural serotonin. Depression medications increase serotonin artificially. If you are feeling depressed I recommend running or the elliptical.

seems like the general idea is to be a healthy person

visting Sup Forums was a horrible mistake user is right its a cesspit of hell some times ive been sucked into this place for a while now

I struggled with (diagnosed by a real doctor) very serious depression for several years....
Here is a method i stole from the Japanese, works pretty well for me

Take 1 min every day. just 1 min. and do some repetitive task that requires all your attention.

1 min is to little time for your depression to be able to give you a good enough excuse not to do it, and buy re-establishing routines and engaging in scheduled tasks, no mater how small, you can help train your body to overcome the lethargy you are likely feeling now, to some extent at least.

>seems like the general idea is to be a healthy person
Even when you don't feel like it, make yourself get out and do stuff that you know is good for your body. Your body is your pet that you have to keep looking after and treating well. If you treat it well, it well release happy hormones for you and you'll feel good about the world. The hardest step of all is choosing to get up, go outside, and do the shit that you know is good for you. Make yourself do that every single morning after you have a good breakfast. Every day is for doing something constructive with, especially if it means getting your blood pumping and sucking in plenty of oxygen.

Admittedly, I get frustrated at people who get depressed because they always seem to break these rules. It seems almost like it's a choice. The only time I've been depressed was for a few months after a breakup but then I kicked myself in the ass and made myself go out and do stuff that I knew was good for me. I ended up becoming very fit and pretty fast runner as a result. I feel like I now know how to control the neurochemistry of my own body now. Good luck to you, user, learning the same.

is 1 minute really enough?

i will become strong user and will deadlift 300 soon even if it kills me

Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen... There's a solution here you're not seeing...

Just deal with it until you hit rock bottom. Then make shit worse. Depression underflows and you feel normal again. Source: worked for me

the brevity is the point.

i think that is what happened to me last time, was a rough time though lucky to come out of that alive

watch a few episodes of to catch a predator and realize that life could be worse

Oh, and another thing. You know what's
worse than being alone? Being in the company of
people that give you bad vibes. I used
to hang out with a group of people in college that were just cancer.
Cut off all ties with them and never looked back.
Surprise-surprise! Less drama = happier me.

It won't make you feel any better but replace the alcohol for weed. It's an easier crutch to maintain and allows you to function numbed and distant

my family are my bad vibes,i cant move out yet, what can i do?
no access to pot user sadly

Jerking off everyday is said to put off depression. Not even joking too

Try these suggestions in this order till something works.

Get some sublingual B12 and take it.


Get out in the sun.

Try to get your hands on some salvia. I heard about some studies where it crushed depression.

Go see a counselor

see a doctor

Get your butthole licked if that doesn't work.

user listen to me. You need to sort yourself out. Stop watching porn. Clean your room. Find a purpose and mission for your life, Eat healthier and for bloody sake clean your room. A man defines himself by what he does.

That's that.

Don't listen to this fuck OP.

>be me
>make 6 figures
>drink all the time
>constantly on /b
>hate everyone
>constant depression
>fuck everything I don't care if the gf knows she won't leave even when I tell her to
>white male so no rights
>made a will to my cousin nothing for noone else
>i await death. It comes one bottle at a time. One line at a time one toke at a time.
>one post at a time.

Do you have a job user? Get that fuckin money son- work somewhere that you get to interact with girls or some shit.

If your really depressed, stay the fuck away from this place. Go out into nature, get a hobby, meet freinds. Do normie stuff.

If that dont work, then welcome back faggot.


Strenuous physical activity

I know this answer might be a bit unorthodox but I would recommend 1 tab of acid.

I had struggled with depression all of my life and kept falling into never-ending spirals of depression that I was only to blame for. After I took acid I was able to see myself from a third person perspective and saw ways to fix my self-consciousness issues.

Although I do recommend the drug I advise you to do quite a bit of research to fully understand how the drug works and the safety precautions to take before you ingest anything.

Pro tip 1: If the blotter has a VERY strong metallic taste and makes your tongue numb spit it out, it is probably a research chemical. real LSD should just have the light taste of paper.

Pro tip 2: If you are on any antidepressants and want to take LSD make sure to stop all use of anti-depressants for around 1 to 2 weeks to clean the body of that drug so you can safely take LSD without having the small risk of serotonin syndrome

This is so fucked

Too much realness

also makes you tired and it depletes testosterone which can really make you feel out of it.

and it depletes the reward system for finding a mate. stay alone forever if you get in the habit

The only thing not jerking off a lot does is lower your standards

this seems do able
salvia is some sort of drug i guess?why do we assume my room is dirty user
my eating is ehh
this seems like my life - the 6 figures and gf
Not working right now did have some time in contracting and landscaping though land scaping was too hard it was a long bike ride to get there and hard work, contracting just is not available anymore , girls are nah man am ugly and socially awkward
so this is a cesspool of people who wanna die?i pretty much browse/lurk all day whats wrong with me anons
i wish i had some one to have sex with user, would be nice to have some one to love
acid is a litte far ill save this for post suicide as a last resort
last part makes sense user

everything in moderation friend the post said every day

when i think about my life i wanna kill myself

Don't make it worse by spending time with assholes
at school then. After all, school rules most of your life I'm assuming.

I've been there

Out of school, a dropout but even if i was not a dropout i would be out of school by now

Honest question have you ever felt actually happy in life. I know I only had short bursts of happiness and the feeling would dissapate and be forgotton quickly and I was back to my old depressed self. If your anything like me once I have actually experianced something I begin to grasp the concept and be able to learn from it. Acid taught me how to truly be happy and once that midset has clicked I am now able to crawl myself out of that hole once I know im falling in.

yeah its pretty much only been short bits of happiness before it all goes to hell, its been a long time since ive had a day where am not sad

Fuck fatties or uglies then

depression is a monster my friend dont let it eat up your life to where you have nothing left like I almost did. I never wanted to be out of the house I ignored all my friends and family to the point where nobody asked about me anymore I felt like a ghost and it made me feel so much more empty inside. No matter how you get out of this just make sure you are trying to get out of it. sitting around doesnt help

best of luck user

In general, live by this. I'm not the author, but older than he is. He got it right. This screen cap needs a lot more airing.

For you, particularly #6.

friends forgot about me years ago anons i live in solitude alone

am thinking there is no cure anons

Or maybe you were always depressing and they are avoiding you. Which would also answer why haven't you made new friends?

i had a small group of friends in highschool, somthing happened, nothing to do with them and i started to not go to school so often before this i was already kinda had bad attendance but when this happened i pretty much stopped going to school and my friends tried to get a hold of me i hung out with them a few times before i cut the cord, i stopped answering and we all moved on

i havent made new friends because i really dont want to try and fail and am shy and awkward but a nice person once you know me and i really have no way of doing it, i live in paranoia

>make 6 figures
>Still depressed and trying to kill yourself because you don't have any worth in your life
>mfw people like you are making all that money and still have to bitch about something.

Well... there's always Sup Forums I guess.

yep you homos are my friends.... welcome to rock bottom i guess