The FBI is at my fucking house guys. What the fucking hell do I do about this? I'm high too btw

The FBI is at my fucking house guys. What the fucking hell do I do about this? I'm high too btw.

Post all your CP, your going to jail anyway.

Say "reeeeeeee get out my hous normans!!! "

That's happens to you for looking at child porn op

I don't have any CP also they're still outside, they're just standing around trying to look into the windows. This is creepy as fuck guys.

This op. Normans always leave when theyre called out so directly.

stop posting on Sup Forums and heat your hard drive up with a blow torch

What kind of illegal shit are you into that would cause them to be there in the first place?

if you have ANYTHING incriminating on your computer, nuke it to hell and back. you're fucked buddo.

>claims fbi is at his house (stupid fucking grammar)

>spends time on Sup Forums to ask about it

Seems legit....have a (You). Yay, you are still exist today. Random strangers on the net acknowledged your existence.

Show proof

All I've done is burned copies of Game of Thrones and have been selling them outside of the mall for the past 5 months. And DUDE they're still just standing out there menacingly.

Prove it biatch. Take a pic and upload NOW

I don't have a smart phone or a camera. And my monitor is a TV so it doesn't have a webcam.

Your so full of shit i bet andy sixx is your next door neighbor

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Prove it. Take pic of FBI with timestamp

I'm not lying, I seriously don't.
I'm using an old pantech cell phone.


Yell you have a gun and aren't afraid to use it, they will certainly flee from the danger



I have a gun and I'm not having them break in here. They're just still standing around. A couple of them are smoking cigarettes and pacing around.


>A couple of them are smoking cigarettes
FBI Agents don't smoke ciggarettes, only dicks

They're knocking on my door. I'm not going to answer it.

Ask them if they have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour Cheesus Crust

Weedfag get BTFO

If they were planning to raid your house they wouldnt be standing around in front. If they were planning to talk to you at all they would have went up to your door the second they got there they dont just hang out in front of suspects houses in full view you fucking mongoloid


If this isn't bait, why are they even at your house to begin with?

Theyre not. Its bait.

this is how kidnappings take place. refuse any interaction until they show official id AND you've cleared that they are legitimitely FBI with your local PD. they should send a squad car over, the law doesnt like it when people impersonate the badge.

Then what are they doing? Because they still haven't left.

They aren't doing anything. They aren't there. OP is a liar.

Theyre sitting at their desk, doing fbi stuff presumably. Because theres no way this isn't bait and you are full of shit.

>op promises the fbi is actually at his house
>refuses to go into detail or give any backstory
>not to mention the fbi seems extremely calm

>sells burned copy of GOT in front of a mall

What degenerate shithole do you live in?

Post pic with timestamp faggot.