Pee stories? Anytime you pissed somewhere awesome, or rude, or really funny. Anything else pee related

Pee stories? Anytime you pissed somewhere awesome, or rude, or really funny. Anything else pee related.

I pissed onto a passing freight train

Peeing outside is the tits. I work weird hours, so walking home at night in the city I would always piss on a different building, tree, or doorway. That was fun.

I used to piss at my bus stop everyday when I was in middle school. It was out in the open in front of my hood. Never got caught.


I once pissed in my neighbor's garden while i was playing outside with the neighbor kids simply because I didn't want to go inside and pee

I once pissed off a bridge onto the cars driving underneath
I wonder if they noticed / looked up

heh. their plants probably appreciated it.

30 now, 16 at the time, rocked up to a party of twin chicks from school, uninvited, our group was like 12 cunts plus we met other kids from another school at the bus stop and they tagged along

Get to the house, the kids from the other school ransacked the parents bedroom of jewlery and bailed, we stayed. mate shat in one of the girls beds so I pissed in the refrigerator, all over the food, there was a baking pan with an A4 sized lasagna in it, if the pan was 5 inches deep there must of be like 2 inches of lasagna and a pool of piss 2 inches high or so

Never found out if they ate it or not?

uh my first time drinking at like 12 me and friends all drew pictures in piss on the street

> taking a shower at a mate's house
> he knocks on the door
> "Make sure not to pee in the shower dude"
> "Course bro."
> i already pissed in his sink while waiting for the water to heat up

hilarious. did you get up to shit like that often?

Dated a chick, her cat pissed on my coat. For the next 3 weeks i pissed in the cats food

they would've heard it.

>st. paddy's day
>irish pub
>irish punk band
>drunk af on cheap green beer
>moshing hard
>go to bathroom
>go into stall because urinals are full
>start pissing
>close eyes and enjoy being perfectly drunk and high
>look back down
>mfw I've been pissing on the shoe of the dude in the next stall the whole time

>Pee stories?
You gotta be 18 to post here kiddo.

at least i didn't say wee or peepee

When I was a kid, I used to piss in the trashcan next to the toilet

I was walking with a friend in the middle of night when we were 16 going through cars looking for money or shit we could sell. There was an unlocked masseratti in some dudes driveway. I peed in the drivers seat. Feel kinda bad about it now.

I once pissed in a toilet for the sole purpose of emptying my bladder

I did it on the side of cars driving away from me. So they'd have had to turn around and look up to see the source of it.
Should've done it on the other side on the cars coming toward me. So they'd see me pissing, and have no choice but to drive through my stream because of traffic.

Being this autistic

drawing in the snow is pretty sweet.

what'd chick think of that?

>finished fucking a girl
>she goes to the bathroom to freshen up
>i head to the kitchen to see what food she has
>take a long piss in the kitchen sink
>she comes down stairs
>drops to her knees
>starts slobbing my knob not knowing i just drained the lizard

fuck you mean, peepee is god tier

>funny pee pee jokes!! XD LOL!!! XD

Are you Adam Sandler?

I saw my sister pee her jeans once

made me kinda nauseous

but I still managed to masturbate to the memory once or twice

just have a pee fetish.
that was hot in that movie when he was peeing against a wall or something with his son though.

Pissed on a girls shaggy ass dog at a house party once.

Its retard humor for retards, Adam Sandler is an embarrassment

is this you?


Adam Sandler is accessible salt of the earth comedy for working class americans. Go back to your safe space pretentious liberal scum.

Inb4 "b-but happy gilmore and b-billy madison"
Fuck Adam Sandler man
nothing but hatred for that fucking IDIOT

Working class Americans are dumb as fuck?
I knew it!

He confront you about it?

>I'm a retard

senior year of high school, climb onto roof of school at nite with friends

piss down the open air vent that goes into the art classroom (chimney for the kiln while its running). the piss just splashed everywhere in that corner of the classroom.

this was in 007, just like the end of your post. what a life.

My dad and used to go porch peeing. We didn't have a downstairs bathroom so would go out the door and piss off the porch. Killed the bushes off eventually. I would check for traffic but my dad would just wave at any cars going past. We lived on a gravel road not in town.

>I like pee pee poop jokes


It's not like he can't afford the dry cleaning. Honestly it's less rude than pissing in some poor working mom's run down Honda.

Piss in someones gas tank.


You ever heard of the masterpiece called Ren and Stimpy?
Pls cri moar.

This morning when I woke up I had to really go but someone was in the bathroom so I opened up my window and pissed out of it.

This kills the car.


I work on the road now and always end up having to piss while at someone's home. Just find a spot and piss in their yard of on their house. Pissed in a cops yard waiting for him to get home and he pulled up 30 sec later and he stepped right in my puddle. Also piss in the garbage cans at single occupancy gas station bathrooms.

When I was in 1st/2nd grade used to "play" with a neighbor girl a year younger than me. We got under a big blanket in the back yard and she pissed on the grass while I watched then I pissed. Probably where my piss fetish started.

A few weeks ago I was drunk and had my gf pee on my face and chest and in my mouth. It even went up my nose and I choked on it before swallowing it. Some got in my eyes too. Felt fucking amazing. Was warm, salty and kinda bitter.


I got home from work extremely late one night and had to piss terribly bad the entire way home so as soon as I got out of my car I pissed my pants in the yard (purposefully). It was the most amazing feeling. I've done it a couple dozen times since then

>fucking a girl
>never really saw anything based off of peeing in a vagina
>curiosity hits
>looks like she is orgasming
>I fake an orgasm
>fill her wITH
>at first she gives me a really nice look
>she notices the transparency of the substances as it leaks out a little
>she doesn't feel so good
>some more piss comes out
>"ew wth"
>gets kicked out
>was blocked on everything
>never saw her again

I very nearly pissed on the building that the declaration of independence was signed in.

Ever consider killing yourself? You must realize you're a filthy piece of shit who nobody could ever actually love, just be honest with yourself. You're broken and should just die.

>Vacation in CO
>Take 6 Dabs
>Drive to the hiking zone with my friends
>Have to piss for the last 2 hours
>Fuck it, gunna hold out till we reach top of the valley
>Smoking another fat ass joint
>Feel like my cock is going to rocket off like the Gluten ep of South Park
>Finally make it to the top
>Absorb the majesty of this land fully
>There are red rocks and forests for as far as i can see
>Then i whipped that whopper out and pissed all off the side of the cliff
>Euphoria from being high as shit too
>I swear an eagle even flew overhead and cawed

byfar the best piss i ever had

my peepee went in your poopoo


I was arrested pissing on lighting bonanza
Didn't get charged cause my cock is FUCKING MASSIVE AND THE CHIX LUV IT

>be in last year highschool
>start doing "le pee-pey" prenks
>literally peeing at the bathroom floor
>principal gets mad and shit
>tell us she will close the bathrooms for mens if the peeing meme continues
>bathrooms closed for the rest of the year lolkolololo

I can't even lol well played sir you win 5 internets sir lol sir sir sir XD LOL SIR LOL XD

undeniably the guy is a genetic failure, but you come across as a whiny faggot yourself

you sound like a cunt but thats pretty kek tbh

>be me
>freshmen in HS
>be with ex gf (current gf at the time)
>at her house Chillin
>it's a school night and I didn't have a car at the time, so she gave me a ride home (she was older)
>really had to piss
>We were outside walking to her car
>we live in the woods and it's very common for guys to piss in the woods
>I figure I'd piss in the bushes before i rode home
>I whip my dick out prematurely just to teaser her and be goofy
>the stars were out that night and looked amazing
>little did I know her dad was taking the trash out behind the garage and was walking back inside
>mfw he sees me with his daughter and my dick out
> he drove me home that night
>had to piss the whole way home
>the level of awkwardness scared me to this very day
>best piss ever when I got home tho

Immature degeneracy, should of pissed in your own mouth/10

I pissed in an elevator, pissed in a gallon bottle in my car, and a stairwell.

Stopped reading at the LIE

stay mad


did that a few times from my second floor bedroom window. new house has a grate though so I can't anymore.

>damage control

You're upset because I didn't find your gay story as "edgy" as you thought it was


funny as hell if it had shook like wet dogs do.

>a-and then I pissed on the f-floor! Lol! XD

>like sixth grade
>friend is sleeping over
>i really have to fucking piss, but if i go out my parents will see me and know we were up later than we should have been
>i have a loft bed covering the top part of my window, so i can't just stand on something and take a leak out of the window
>remove pants and undies
>open window, swing feet out, and hold on to my bed for dear life (two story drop onto asphalt)
>entire lower half of body is hanging out the window now
>sounds of raining piss on trash can lids could even wake the neighbors
>swing back in, my friend didn't believe that I actually did it, swore i dumped a water bottle and hid it
>parents never found out

>and then my micropenis pissed on my balls!

When I was 19 visiting friends and family in Poland get invited to party by some friends. Cousin was supposed to come with but had to do something first and would call to find out the address. Get plastered, go outside to piss. Beer in one hand, dick in other. Get phone call. Decide to let go of penis instead of putting beer down to answer call. Piss all over the front of myself. Spend the rest of the party awkwardly trying to hide piss stains

I got high with a friend of mine last week and when I was walking home from his place I had to piss really bad and pissed off the side of the road and a damn black snake was coming towards me. I ended up jumping back and pissing all over myself then took off running with piss going down my leg.

Back in 2002, the Pocahontas Parkway had just opened and it was free for like the first week. I drove on it just to drive in it.
There was literally no other traffic. Once I got to the Monahan Rd overpass, I just pulled over, got out and pissed off of the side. There were no cars going by underneath though, so not quite as impressive as the other bridge pisser in this thread.

That being said, I submitted my story to the local free newspaper Punchline (which no longer exists) for their miscellanous and nonsense section and it made it in.

That was the same section that skullz67 posted in all the time, aka Ben Fawley, aka the guy who killed Taylor Beihl in 2004.

It was also like after midnight.

Damn, how high were you? Black snakes are harmless!

My friend took a piss on the side of a hill facing down and while he was pissing my other friends shoved him into the stream and as he fell done the hill he still was pissing

well that was a waste of a post

I park my vehicle by the road and i have become regular about waiting for a car to round the corner down the road, start pissing facing the way the car is coming at me and let them drive by me with headlights on. Never had a car stop or turn around. But its a thrill


I just remembered when I was a lot younger like 3 or 6 or somewhere in between, I thought I could piss in my trashcan when the bathroom was available.
I didn't understand that piss smells bad when it dries up. My mother had to explain to me why I shouldn't do that.

I've gotten my wife to piss herself and even the bed for me. turned out she loves it so eyy