Do people actually believe Russia had anything to do with the US elections...

Do people actually believe Russia had anything to do with the US elections, and that the whole thing wasn't just made up by the Democrats to blame someone for why the lost?

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Comey does, no fuzz


I mean, the NSA, CIA, FBI, and Office of the Director of National Intelligence all agree that the Russian government likely interfered in the election. Do you think the Democrats were able to convince multiple intelligence agencies to lie in order to hurt the Republican party?

Are you really asking Troll supporters to think?

It's funny to watch them try.

Yes there is a good chance. Need i remind you about the NSA agent jailed for treason after leaking the classified document about a voter booth that was hacked. Russian is doing similar things to The Ukraine to turn the country against itself. They want to destroy the USA from the inside out as well. Pit us all against each other. I'd say it is working marvelously. We are at each other's throats everyday. No one trusts anyone other anymore.

Fuck you asshole, I don't need you telling me what to think with your fancy logic and reasoning.

Daily reminder that both parties & as well as various trump secretaries & intelligence agencies have all said russia interfered heavily in the election and are about to (thankfully) smack russia with some more sanctions

Putin's trolls are out in full force trying to sow doubt. There is no doubt. Russia did it, and they are about to get smacked for it. God bless america.


>I'm gonna pretend to be angry to compliment a guy and also poke fun at the other
Reddit style

>Because sarcasm is exclusive to reddit

No, the Russia meme was pushed because the puppeteers thought trump wasn't gonna play ball due to some of his non-interventionist rhetoric, so they did that to get the public mad at him to pressure him to go to war. And trump being the spineless two face he is, went to war. Went against his promises on foreign policy, like many presidents before.
Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich told us not to buy into this Russia meme and vocally support trump on this issue (not others) but we didn't listen.
I knew trump was gonna break his promises, which is why I didn't vote for him. I voted for Darrell Castle.

To be this oblivious.

>the puppeteers

Who? Who exactly are you referring to?

It's pretty cool to witness the birth of a new religion. The sycophantic worship of a fucking retard is an amazing thing to see.

Have you actually read any of their 'reports'? Or are you just going by what the media says?

I read the 20 page report they released earlier in the year, the entire document is just about how Russia Today, Russia's state media organisation ran some news articles that might have made the Democrats look bad. That's literally the entire document.


So the BBC is state funded by the UK government, and they ran dozens of articles about how bad Trump was, does that mean the UK government is responsible for trying to influence the US elections too?

It's all fun and games until they start passing out the kool-aid.

Have you looked at where a bunch of the bots that spammed pro-trump/anti-hillary stories on twitter, switched quickly to pro-le penne/anti-macron

Hacking is a completely different ballpark than influential media. Comey influenced the election too.
Either way, whew lad those are some serious mental gymnastics.

Oh man, Trump is quite retarded in a number of ways. But trying to blame 'da evil Russian's' for why they lost an election is downright fucking embarrassing.

It's been what, six months now? Still no one has produced one single shred of concrete evidence that the Russians were involved. There has been nothing but media spin and conjecture.

Yes, that's the point though. This was an 'intelligence report' showing Russia's influence on the election, and the best they could come up with was some news articles from Russia Today. There's zero evidence the Russian's hacked anything, otherwise it would be spread throughout the media instantly.

>Do people actually believe Russia had anything to do with the US elections,

Yes, but it is nothing new. Every country with foreign spies attempts to influence elections.

I think a lot of this backlash is just because you dimwits down there are in disbelief over who got voted in. Clinton is an evil bitch to be sure, but Trump is certainly doing a good job of getting his own government to fight him.

Even if Russia's influence wasn't more than usual, I have no doubt that they are laughing at the chaos he has caused.

Time for another round of Ripley's.

Russia did in fact meddle in the election, going so far as to try and attack database VMs used in the election counting process.

Now for the rest of the story... Russia did this blatantly. They made it deliberate and only halfheartedly attempted to cover their tracks. Why would they do this? Well, the time was right. America has become so partisan that as long as their candidate won it would be acceptable that Russia meddled in the election.
The real kicker is that if Putin hadn't hated Hillary so much she might too have benefited from the attempts to undermine American democracy. Now because of the trail of breadcrumbs Russia left to follow back to the Kremlin, America will continue to doubt the results of elections for generations. This was the whole point, it had nothing to do with Trump. Trump is a useful idiot that is serving his purpose.

TL:DR: Russia hacked the election and did it so it wouldn't be hard to figure out. America goes nuts and becomes less free. Russia wins.

Partly true, but see Can't say how I know all this of course. :)

>Russia Today did some articles that made Democrats look bad

>BBC does some articles that makes Trump and the Republicans look bad

For all we know. All this super over zealous Trump supports on the internet. You know the ones where you're like "fuck dude you can't really be serious" could just be hacktivist (the ones not trolling anyway). Paid by or working for Russia or some other foreign power. I mean its not any crazier than some of the conspiracies theories(emphasis on theory) floating around.

There was a book released about a month or two ago that claims Hillary and her team came up with the whole Russian things two days after she lost. Don't know if it's completely true, but so far nobody has produced any conclusive evidence that supports Russian meddling in conjunction with the Trump campaign.

Nice try Ivan.

The jig is very, VERY up for you retards.

>hurr durr DAMAGE CONTROL!! Quick! Throw them off the trail, comrades!!

I'm not talking about influential media. I'm talking about the possibility the numbers were tampered with, i'm not saying they swayed public opinion. I'm saying there could have been actual tampering with the polls during the elections.

If this was actually the case, then the entire media would be talking about it. Do you really think CNN, MSNBC, CBS or even shitty outlets like BuzzFeed would be staying silent if there was actually legitimate evidence of a hack?

All they do is bitch about how bad Trump is, if there was legitimate evidence we would all know. I mean look at that dossier shit, it was literally a file of made up, unverified shit, and the entire media went insane about it, just because it said negative things about Trump.

>the whole Russian things
That was out before the 2nd debate




This sounds like the much more realistic answer to what actually happened tbh.




Well no. Did you not hear about the NSA agent that was jailed. She was jailed for leaking a classified document saying there was Russian interference at a poll in America. Please go check it out.




>Thinking things need to be on the internet to hack
>Being this ignorant of CS and trying to make an argument over it


Я дyмaю, чтo этo нe пpoблeмa c дpyзьями c Poccиeй. He нecти cтpaхи нaших oтцoв, и миp cтaнeт лyчшим мecтoм.

Just some fat Chad in Colorado



Hey, thanks for being so upfront about how completely fucking wrong you are. It's really convenient for me.

The ODNI report was very clear about the fact that Russian efforts at interference were multifaceted and involved much more than state-run media outlets. From the report:

>Moscow’s use of disclosures during the US election
was unprecedented, but its influence campaign
otherwise followed a longstanding Russian
messaging strategy that blends covert intelligence
operations—such as cyber activity—with overt
efforts by Russian Government agencies, statefunded
media, third-party intermediaries, and paid
social media users or “trolls.”

You neglected to mention that Wikileaks and other unconventional outlets were used by Russian intelligence to disseminate information:

>We assess with high confidence that Russian military intelligence (General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate or GRU) used the Guccifer 2.0 persona and to release US victim data obtained in cyber operations publicly and in exclusives to media outlets and relayed material to

Or that cyber-intelligence operations were a major component of Russian interference:

>The General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate
(GRU) probably began cyber operations aimed
at the US election by March 2016. We assess
that the GRU operations resulted in the
compromise of the personal e-mail accounts of
Democratic Party officials and political figures.
By May, the GRU had exfiltrated large volumes
of data from the DNC.

When are you going to start being honest? Russia interfered with the election. There is no asterisk at the end of that statement, and any attempts at denial indicate a refusal to accept reality for what it is.






I never said anything about the internet.
















Point being if FBI CIA NSA know anything about Russia actually hacking the election they will most certainly not make it publicly know. If the public knows Russia knows. If the public knows one could say, it means Russia wins.













Oh hello Mr Russia bot spammer. Good to see you again in a thread with the key word "Trump" "Election" or "Russia" here again to spam the thread to reply and image limit.


>web brigades

you mean like Share Blue?












