Loli Thread

Loli Thread

Other urls found in this thread:







/r/ bootyholes and tongue-fucking.




I want to have sex with Mari.















link to full version?





Just google 'Of Inner Demons'. You'll find it.







anyone got satsuki from ghost stories? will dump yumi in exchange.


what is the name of this manga?

This is the only one I got.

rape escape

This is now a Lego thread


Is Doll Guy around?


couldn't care less





that's a milf. the opposite of a loli.




You asked for more. You didn't specify if you wanted more loli or more Legos.





she is like a loli goddess.

Is that lube?



the shotgun shell ? i did use lube


Will you ever actually fuck the doll on cam?


can you put the head from the other girl on that body because the blond girls head is kinda ugly.

Hey dollfag, may i ask how old are you?

She looks so tired of people's shit.
It's funny as hell.

What do you think would happen if this doll gained sentience and the ability to move on her own, as well as remembering everything she experienced from the moment she arrived at your house?

Loli love

I'm not Doll Guy

Sorry, i have the milfs and lolis in the same file

I'm 39

Will you ever actually fuck the legos on camera

i don't think so. the skin color is different


i don't know, but i think i'm good to her

not me, but good job with the file name

are their heads swapable?
like, do the different companies have a shared standard interface?

That's the one. Artist?

I'm not Lego guy



that pic isnt even legos
that's from hotwheels Acceleracers

>i think i'm good to her
>uses as fleshlight

Hey i took that pic today, glad u liked it.

no, and the new dolls are starting to use a quick detach

cute thumbnail trick
can i get the normal version too?


>that's from hotwheels Acceleracers


just sometimes, we do other things too

Long time no see. Glad you're back, Marifag.

Open it! Open it! Open it!

I'm pretty sure it's multiple people posting that.

nice drone
ever use it to take creepshots?
man... last year there was a middle/highschool summer program that they all were housed in the college dorms
little girls apparently don't have the same instinct as grown women to close the blinds in the evening after everyone takes a shower...
wish I could have taken some closer-in photos

>little girls
Kill yourself

nice bikini
you make that one yourself? finally figuring out how to sew?

Such as dressing her up in microbikininis?