Jizzuz Sup Forums, I feel old

Jizzuz Sup Forums, I feel old...

I remember when I was just a little faggot watching that episode where Homer used Dimonixil to regrow his hair.

Now I'm 30 and thinning so my dermatologist prescribed me Minoxidil...

Does this shit really work?


why didn't you get the same stuff Homer used, user?


no. i've been using it for well over a year and i'm still losing hair...i'll be a /baldbro/ soon

Weird man. I was actually just thinking about starting a similar thread. Im 27 and thinning pretty bad too. By 30 im sure ill be balding enough that ill just have to shave my head. Feelsbadman

i'm going to the doctor this week to see if he'll prescribe me Propecia. It supposedly gives you bitch tits as a side effect but I dont care.

and takes away your ablility to get hard. but i'd rather have hair. not like i'm getting laid anyway

shave it now, bro - you'll look like a maniac, and the chicks will come swarming! true story

Balls men are sexier


>Does this shit really work?

No. The only thing that will regrow your hair is if you block T, but that will make you into a tranny most likely.

i use viviscal hair filler fibers, i started balding at 18 and it works wonders for now....will efventually go bald but waiting for the 30

if you want with and without pics i can post

Embrace the bald. I'm only 22 but losing hair at an enormous rate. Premature baldness is a real thing.


just let it go.

So is premature enaculation. Feelsbad

i'm majorly depressed about it every since its become impossible to hide anymore. plus i'm single and the more bald i become, the less chance even an ugly or fat girl will want to be with me. I fantasize about suicide daily.

Nah lots of dudes are bald. Some chicks even say it looks manly. Just dont be a fat loser schlub and youll be fine

Is that a side effect of Propecia or Minoxidil too?

I might be balding but still would like to have my dick working...

only propecia

But if you look at the studies it's only about 2% that are effected by this and even there it is debatable if this is just a simple correlation

Nevertheless there have been rumours about it being permanent though but i would take that with a big grain of salt.

also if you read a bit about minoxidil it seems like it does not work at all.

I have not tried it though.

I am on propecia for a few month now and the effect i notice is that i do not seem to lose hair anymore.

There was no regrowth though

But i think my hairline was just gonna stop where it is now anyway when i look at pictures of my dad at my age.
So maybe it will start falling out again in 20 more years regardless of propecia or not

Stay away from hair loss drugs.
They aren't worth it at all.

The risk is that your endocrine fucks up and you become permanently impotent.
Check for people reporting those problems - testicular atrophy, no erections etc.
The drugs are designed to play with your endocrine system, and you have no idea how complex that is.

Shave your head, have head massages, change your diet - stay the fuck away from hormone drugs - they should be illegal.

Stands the chance of turning you into a eunuch.
Can be permanent too, the endocrine system is extremely fragile.

As for "no big deal", imagine having no sexual thoughts or even dreams again.
If you want to roll the dice to neuter yourself, go ahead.
Otherwise, it isn't worth the risk in the slightest.

Shave your head, start exercising every day, eat healthily, have enough sunlight every day.
You'll soon start feeling a lot better.

1/50 chance of turning into a eunuch.

Pretty shit odds really.
Read up on the propecia forum, or other sites with men with the problem.
It absolutely wrecks your life.
If it happens, you might as well cut your dick off.

Nah, just get a decent paying job, be a good guy and grab a hot single mom.

Dude people shave their heads all the time, some to cool down in summer, others do it just because they like the style and no hassle of washing hair.
I wouldn't let it get you down so badly, bro. If anyone asked I'd just tell them I liked the style and to fuck off. After all, it's your life and happiness at stake not theirs.

Take propecia like trump