Sup Forums, would you fuck an alien?

Sup Forums, would you fuck an alien?

Do i have permission from the Chief Medical Officer?

If she was a green mammal with a pussy and nice tits, then yes.

Looks like pepe's daughter

Granted, user. Fuck at will.

If she looked like that, hell yeah

Looks like SheHulk

if it has a warm wet tight hole then of course



Hell I would fuck a alien plant. I'm sorry lonely guys.

Here ya go !

>not wanting to fuck a draenei

I've had a Hispanic girlfriend, does that count?

I exist for this sole purpose dude


Yeah. I legitimately believe the vast majority of people only want to know if intelligent extra terrestrial life exists so that if they do exists we can have sex with them and steal their technology. I give it 20 years before men don't even wanna fuck women any more and just fuck sex robots. Pretty much already happening in Japan.


As long as she breeds me and makes me carry her eggs, then yes.

Yess same

I would boldly put my penis where no penis has ever been before.

The most important question next to "does their species kill their mates after coitus?"