How does anyone actually believe in any religion really? I mean, what is more likely...

How does anyone actually believe in any religion really? I mean, what is more likely, that a bunch of stars exploded and created us (stars existed far before us) or that a god (Who is symbolized as a humanlike figure) created us? Which is mire far fetched, throwing lightning bolts or turning water into wine (And then his followers saying drinking is a sin)

I mean really, wake up you slave fucktards.

Weird I see this thread as my girlfriend who has a tattoo of that quote plays bioshock in our living room .

retards... religion is folk law

Who cares?

i believe in harry potter

Religion is merely an excuse for people to not give into their desires, be hateful and keep people in check. Nothing more. Save that whole 'faith' shit for the uneducated masses.

my god isn't a human like figure

Well that quote is incredibly true.

Although you don't have a girlfriend.

your GF can suck my bio cock

In that I was refering to Jesus Christ, who in a vast majority of depictions is human-like.

Although, If you think Christ or whoever you worship is a helicopter, I guess that point is invalid

In that I was refering to Jesus Christ, who in a vast majority of depictions is human-like.

Although, If you think Christ or whoever you worship is a helicopter, I guess that point is invalid.

do people really still believe in god?

Gotcha, well Christianity that I follow teaches that there is a God the Father, the son and Holy Spirit. Christ is both God and human, he is kind of the ideal for everyone else to follow so yeah he is human like. But based on my knowledge of the cosmos and astrophysics I find it much more likely that God set the universe in motion that created everything than it happening by circumstance.

Not gonna try any harder

I do.

Would you kindly stop lying on the internet?

Couldn't read past the first sentence.

The last really killed me.

How did you read the last sentence if you couldn't read past the first?

I guess you could say that was a...

I believe there is a god as in a creator but I don't believe we know a damn thing about it. I use to wear a fedora but a drug induced psychedelic trip made me think maybe there is something out there... Meh, who gives a fuck what other people believe ?

Isn't it suppose to be ie when pluralizing if an s follows a y. obeys just doesn't seem grammatically correct.

Meh, I dont have that tattoo so it isnt engraved into my skin

Although acording to google if there is a third person present it is obeys.

*If it is used in third person

Personally i belive in a higer being. I do not belive in some random creature whom created us in a week. I dont belive a word the robe clad, wizards hat pedofile ring gang leader may say. I dont belive in someone talking about 40 virgins in heaven; unless they are talking about other 4 chin's in wich case it would probably be hellish.
My religon is closer to the northern Norwegian belief in the allfather. The one before all the norse gods and all that bull. Where its basicly a higer power that guides and aides those whom help themselves. No more no less.

Well obeies just would look completely wrong but obeys still just doesn't seem right.

well, I was born Christian with a good mother. I can say that its something that we need to treat differently but not get rid of. I don't think people who believe in it are stupid but they simply just want to be a part of a group and just hope there is an afterlife and do their best to be good people. someone who chooses to believe in something higher than them and someone who blindly follows a book are different! for me, I started to choose what I believed when I accepted I was bi and liked guys and that it wasn't wrong (considering the bible has also been rewritten so many times and lost some of its original meaning.) I follow science and I follow what I like to believe. I don't let them get in the way of anything though, just something I let passively swim in my mind I guess so my depression stays a bit lower than normal.