Warm, creamy loaves

Warm, creamy loaves...

steamy creamy oh so dreamy

can anyone break me off a piece of that...


I always make sure to shave so no prickly stubble irritates the puckered love tunnel that delivers those delicious warm logs into my hungry mouth. Gotta show gratitude.


London right now.

can someone give me a quick logdown of this meme?


top fucking log
my sides launched into logbit

Sometimes I get a Twofer special from the ol' Six man and save the second one in my freezer. Later, once its nice and frozen, I reserve a few hours of time and sit back in a comfortable chair with that frozen treat perched in my mouth. I enjoy every moment as it slowly melts and trickles down my throat.

-Rothschilds and Bogdanoffs bow down to Andy Sixx
-His anus is In contact with your lips
-Possesses psychic-like abilities to brew you a unique log specific to your favorite tastes and textures
-Controls your throat with an iron but fair sphincter
-Direct descendant of the ancient royal log-line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Logdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of shit-log research facilities on Earth
-said to have 215+ LQ, such bowel movements on Earth have only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented log-sharing capabilities
-They own Nano-log R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Logdabots inside you right now
-He learned fluent French in under a week, and then ordered everything off of the menu to create new European flavors of shit
-Nation states entrust their log reserves with him.
-In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. Eternal log slidding down your throat

Fuck, user... How can something that's so fucking hot be so cold at the same time?


It's log. Fuck. If you're going to force a meme at least do it right.

Thanks for triggering my autism.

>angery his filtering doesn't work anymore


Loaf or log or ambrosia, we can all agree Andy provides for us...



slidde one over here



Log to the skies.



The cream...

check out


Kek, nice user. Contributed.

The steam....

Logging on

Where to next?

we should fuck up a fb/ig fap thread

Which one? I'll come help

Pathetic new fags and normies.

Grow up, kid.

This site is 18+, kid

The dream...