I do, actually.

I'm more of a skillet man.

But I do, OP.

Cuz the only dick I like is my own

because i rule

But you still like a dick, so you aren't just straight.

Because I am not biphobic and transphobic.

i do

Is autohomosexuality a thing?

Why do you?

Because I am linguistically competent enough to understand the difference between the prefixes "pan-" and "poly-", and thus view myself as polysexual.

Autosexuality is.

Pansexual means to fuck anything.
I'd rather fuck a real human being, not a soda can. You mind explaining why you shave a human in your post?

Did OP say that they do?

I cum all over my dishes, does that count?


The inverse is fairly common, people attracted to the idea of themselves as the opposite sex.

because it is not real, but you should get real and stop being such a FAGGOT OP

Peter Pansexual?

Cause i identify as griddlesexual
Pic related

I have better things to do with my time than to make up pedantic terms for the basic concept that everybody fucks funny to somebody.

i am pansex

also a hipster

Because i'm not bi

Cause i cook with pans, duh. You call yourself ovensexual too?

Because try as i might, pans just dont really do it for me.

I only fuck skillets.

i am.

pick one; there's no such thing as pansexual

not all bisexuals like trans people though

underrated post

That's a preference for appearance rather than sex.


That sounds pretty shallow

fuck you're hot

Why do we still have retards in the LGBT community.

Because I'm not a fucking degenerate

>Because I'm not food.

Like fucking what?
Also, sauce?

i am though

because I say I'm heteroflexible

Because regardless of gender, noone could love me.