Theirs a 50 something year old at work

Theirs a 50 something year old at work
>I've been there for 3 years
>We would just make small talk and she jokes a lot
>She smokes
>Now recently on year 3 she's said if she was younger she'd chase me.
>I ask how old she is. She's hesitant but tells.
>I say that's not old
>She breaks eye contact and looks shocked
>Many weeks later we're alone and she touches my hand
>Now its been a few months. I see her at work every now and then but its briefly.
>Yesterday she sees me and I'm busy looking for something.
>As I search she greets me and gently scratches my back
>We talk a little and she laughs at unfunny joke
>We hold eye contact smiling then I leave

She's divorced. She wants the D or just lonely?

she wants the D cause she lonely user.

She used to let me borrow movies. Should I say we should watch a movie at your place some time?

wants the d. give it to her.


What's your intention?

To fuck her lol. Not sure how to seal the deal

How old are you?

How? Lol


Yes, user. Old-40s-fag here. Very likely she wants some action.

Go slowly, at her pace. Next time you see her, make up some excuse to ask her our for a coffee. Away from work, chat with her. Be cool, let her him on you.

I can't give more advice than this, it's something you have to feel in the moment, going along with it.

This last part is really important: you don't tell anyone. If you can keep your immature mouth from telling the whole office, you'll likely be getting no-strings-attached sex for a while. Even long after you both have secure relationships.

Btw, most women that age know who they are. Long term, they want a man closer to their own age.

I am sure she knows it would just be some fun for both of you.

Pic of said woman?

>if she was younger she'd chase me.
Nigger the bitch has been on your dick for 3 years and you're just so much of a pussy you've done nothing about it.
Track her down on facecunt and message her saying
"enough with all this bullshit when are you inviting me round yours for dinner and some drinks?"
Smash the shit out of her.
Stop being a faggot and fuck that 50 year old anus

Thanks man.
She used to let me borrow movies. Should I say we should watch a movie at your place some time?

This: You have to understand from her point of view she wants to feel attractive. Plus she's lonely and wants company. You have a massive advantage. Go get her.

Also, don't lead her on. You might think that because she's older she understands you don't want a relationship but you'd be wrong.

Seal the deal by being cool and slow. She will take care of that. If she doesn't, she'll drop so many obvious hints that only a total white-knight wizard would not pick up on it.

my advice, btw

Go on a few coffee dates, or have a drink with her one night.

No I said she began doing this on year 3. Chill little dick faggot i just want to be sure otherwise it canmake shit awkward.

Don't listen to that faggot!
No slow pace faggotry
No bitch boy day date coffee

Drinks , her place.
Keep it fun and her laughing at your stupid jokes then.
It's in the bag , she's gagging for it and just waiting for you to be a man and make it happen.

I don't want to take her on no date. So can I do what I said or flirt more only?

I disagree with this. If you have a decent place (nice, neat, no roommates, not your parents, etc), invite her over. You don't need to draw her in with coffee, you can skip those steps.

Look at it this way - you could only have one thing in common with this woman - you want to fuck. She knows this. Older people don't waste time playing games.

Also yeah don't open your fucking mouth about it at work. That would be bad for everyone involved.

Oh ok lol, thanks

No, go for a coffee with her and talk about movies. Dude, while she may not see you as her next husband, she sure as hell does not want to be used as a one-night-stand (unless you're horrible in bed and smell).

Also...fuck it...

Just start with a coffee and talk about movies. Don't worry about be shy and nervous, it's likely making her wet.

Slow and easy, let her do the heavy lifting.

Both. nail her

40y femanon here... Sure she wants to fuck. At some age you know what you want and don't need complicated relationship shit. Just pure sex.. Have fun... She sure will make you happy. But don 't go and tell anybody. You will have a lot of fun

I live at home with folks, so that's a no.
I would never tell anyone irl


It goes like this:

>See her at work
>2 of you alone talking
>Getting flirty
>"What are you doing tonight? Drinks? Your place?"

If she rejects this, she is either unsure of what she wants or you read her totally wrong.

Either way, you have your answer.

If you were 50 hitting on a 21 year old and she said drinks at your place, what would you do?

Like I said, you have a massive advantage. If she's game, you cannot lose. You can even nut in her without worrying about it, women at 50 usually are menopausal.


also, most older women take it up the ass

Fuck her faggot

I used to fuck milfs and pretend they were people I knew - parents, teachers, random strangers, shit's cash. Switch up races for increased variety.

Amateurtip: Black milfs are very comfy.

I just went on a date with a lady in her mid 40's
I'm 32. It's obvious we don't match. Take her to a private bar, dark because she'd probably feel self conscious in public. I'm no pro but i knew if this older lady went out with me it's because she just wanted some younger D.

I went for it and Just grabbed her hand and played it off as if i'm just looking at her tiny hands. I gave her a massage and just talked about how soft her hands were. Then i continued with the massage and just runbbing her skin. Eventually i just went for a kiss because i could see lust in her eyes. She went for it. then just rubbed her leg not in a sexual way but firm and just enjoying her body. Eventually she had to go. She made a joke about me not going home with her and I said I wanted to but i'll see her on the next date. Walk her to her car. Kiss some more while doing the passion grabbing. grabbed her hand and let her feel my hard on. She left. After 1 hour i was still at the bar. She texts me her address and tells me to come over. Crazy old lady was too kinky for me but we fucked for hours. first time ever getting with someone older than me.

Im not doing the coffee thing.

You rush that shit and you'll turn her off. This is her game. She's spent three years softening this guy up. Somewhere, a lightbulb went off in his head and he's now getting it. But he needs to play her game, she wants this type of guy.

Any woman can get laid anytime they want. You may find this hard to believe, but it's true. And if user thinks this older girl is cute enough to fuck, you best be sure, she's got a lot of other men who also think the same.

Take you time OP, be that nieve 21-year-old. That's who she wants, not chad thundercock.

It's a game. Play it well.

Niiiice, thanks. Now it's a matter of time before I see her again at work. It can go weeks or if I can see her often but no time to talk.

Yeah, don't take her on a date unless you like her. It looks odd if you're not 100% sure and you'll feel the eyes on you.

>Source: Guy who has taken far older women on a date.

This is a great game plan! Thanks!
>You can even nut in her without worrying about it, women at 50 usually are menopausal.

Should I ask if I get that far? I heard its still possible but simply lower chance

Nope. Don't do this. If she's taken this much time, she's looking for more than a fuck. You can take advantage of this but you'll be hurting an old lonely woman if you do.

Go prepared, but I can almost promise she'll let you. I've never fucked a woman that age that didn't let me paint her old womb with young seed. They like it, as most women do.

I see. More tips?

Fuck yes

take pictures and post them

There's a huge divide between chad thundercock and a little beta naive 21 year old.

Being assertive is attractive to nearly anyone.

I don't mind giving her company and probably even watching a movie too but obviously cant do it forever

Damn got called a beta lol.
Keep the tips coming

And she don 't want to drink a coffee or something else in public. She doesn't want to be seen with you too. How could she explain to her same old neighbour ladys who are still married to their old man?


Well you are kind of a beta cause you live with your parents and you can't pull a woman 30 years older than you but that's not what I'm saying.

To the other anons point, I'm saying that acting like a naive kid will keep you in the friend zone. You have to at least show a little interest. She's more afraid to ask you out. Last thing she needs is to confirm that she's not attractive enough to get young men based on anything more than the idea that they want to cum. Give the old bag some company.

I can't guarantee it soon but maybe by the second or later she might let me.

Jesus christ you sound like a fucking faggot. You should ask her if she's got a brother who wants his dick sucked

Solid argument

Would love to lol

Oh god you wouldn't want to make things awkward, like fucking a 50 year old lady and having to look her in the eye at work.

The irony, you're the one bringing up gay shit lol. Checkmate

No like making a move but mistakening her for flirting and get shot down. I would gladly fuck

Yeah dude, you got me. Calling you a faggot is ironic

why do russians have such small dicks

there's no such thing as a woman who only wants the d. Proceed at your own risk.

Im not russian. 6.5 inches hard


>B-b-b-ut I'm scared :(

You don't deserve to be with her.

Correct fag

Lol chill, damn man

>Slept with a black milf in her mid 40s.
>We fucked 3 times in one night and it was super passionate, just our bodies melt into each other
>Last time I came inside her and I feel on top of her and she kissed my head and said shit like "mommas got you" as i stayed inside her for like 2 minutes
>Woke up the nexr morning and she made a full breakfast and she gave me a blow job
Best night of my life, but we only had the one night

,When you buy your instwatch

Sounds great

I don't get the joke



Thanks everyone, I will update as soon as I can