Do you know any guys personally who are VERY good with girls

Do you know any guys personally who are VERY good with girls.

Describe them. Looks, height, personality, family, social status, money ...

Let's make this thread a databank on what attracts women.

Height is a big factor, cause girls like to feel safe with their boyfriend.

I'm guessing #1 on that would be "doesn't make databanks on what attracts women"

Confident and relatable

Top kek

I had a great friend in the navy who was basically a fat ugly Mexican. But he scored more than anyone I ever met. When I asked him for advice he told me that it was partly confidence and ability to have a conversation just like everyone says. But he also said that he had a special innate skill that allows him to determine quickly after meeting someone if she was the KIND of girl who would be into him. So he never really had to spend a lot of time on a lost cause. I've never been able to develop that skill but the confidence and the conversation skills I do have. And they work pretty well.


obviously attractive. There's wiggle room with this depending on your personality.


most girls like tall guys. some exceptions, but if you're a manlet, good luck.


This one can sway a girl to your favor if you're lacking in other departments. Arguably one of the more important aspects.


Yeah, sure, why not. Not a big deal.

>social status

Work on that reputation, faggots. Girls gossip.


Obviously an important factor. If you're not dead fucking broke, you should be okay unless she's a gold digging whore.

Ask some questions if you want, I'll lurk. I'm no fuckin' Depp, but I'm alright with the ladies.

Op here, kek.

Anyway. I met like two guys like that and both were kinda manlets. But they had a decent personality. Both were very social and positive. One of them had pretty rich parents, the other one not so much (normal I guess). Both looked decent but not male model tier.


1. huge dick
2. whips it out often because confident


I guess being kinda fearless (not giving a fuck about rejection) and being able to small talk and give off a positive vibe are the most important things.

This sounds like some posh environment you live in, user.

What kind of grills are you trying to attract? What a slut goes for isnt necessarily what a wife material goes for.

In any case however, confidence is key.

Try your best to relax and appear amicable and confident. Be nice, but don't over do it. Don't seem too eager, over-zealousness can really be a deal breaker.

Be a bit forward, and exude sureness in your decisions. Don't be a pushy cunt, but use definitive statements over questions.

Instead of "W-wanna hang out some time?" try something like "We should hang out."

Speech patterns and body language are super important.


The best thing you can do is let a woman talk about herself. Women fucking love that shit. Try to pay attention, the shit is boring, but it's a sure way to keep a woman's attention.


How is living in this black-and-white world? Is it easier than the normal world?

Be decisive.

Cuck detected

5'6, Side swoop, little bit of grizzle. Muscular, but chubby. Like 5-10kgs overweight. Very outgoing, friendly. Bit dismissive and non chalant of plans and shit. Lots of tats. 60-75k a year job.

You gotta be 6'0+, not on your way to becoming fat, have facial hair, play acoustic guitar, have a easy job (but complain about how hard it is constantly), not sit at home during your free time and follow interests on facebook that fall under unisex category for that easy mode.

never seen a slut who turned down their huge penis

Seriously. What world do you live in, where guys whip out their cocks to impress women and women react positively to that?

Do people listen to a lot of rap music in your social circle?

Fuck, is 5'11" good? I'm like 6' with shoes on fam

Thats fine

Height means literally nothing. Biggest poonslayer i know, 100+ bitches, is 5'6.

OP here, I'm 6'2''
and honestly this

I'm pretty awkward with women. Height is like a bonus, but no bitch will fuck you just because you are tall.

Being tall for men is like having big boobs for women. Sure, it's nice, but there are few men who wouldn't fuck a nice attractive lady who is into them because she has small tits.

looks like the karate kid
extroverted; a little annoying; smart
divorced parents
probably sells drugs idk

nope it's just a fact that whipping it out makes em wet

hot as fuck. can pull chicks with a smile. ice cold eyes, good jaw and chin, aggressive look.
182cm or almost 6 foot
really friendly, will help in need, but aggressive as fuck when you try to fuck with his girl/family/stuff
>social status
the alpha I guess, he was in army for 9 months and they named him "beast"
he's a farmer in a way, money is not a problem.

In my years on this earth, I've found 1-2 tricks that work like a charm, all the time, every time, mostly depending on the female you're pursuing.

1. Be full of yourself. Talk big, walk big, act big, even if you're a massive pussy, just do it. Grow an ego.

2. Badmouth other women, especially their friends. Women (almost) exclusively hate other women by default so doing this will always earn you good points.

3. Bitches are complicated. There are numerous similar ways to woo your girl (flowers, picnics, and other dumb shit) but every girl has a specific set of desires and turn ons. Study your girl a bit (don't be a creepy stalker), figure her out, use the rest of this list, and you should be good

hes also make believe.

The uniform... when worn properly makes anyone look alpha... it's like catnip for bitches.


doesn't really matter when you have everything
(his girlfriend is cheating on him, so eeeh)

Wiggle room, as previously stated. Being fit helps a fuckload though (Weightlifting, Running, etc.) Keeping a diet and just staying skinny isn't bad either though. Be comfy in your own skin ig

6 feet or taller, although it doesn't really matter more of a bonus. If she's shorter than you than you're good

GOAT. Need to have good personality. Be confident in yourself and who you are. If you aren't go and do something that you'll be proud of bc it boosts your self esteem. Don't try to be anything you aren't, people can smell bullshit from a mile away

??? Wat. I honestly don't know why this matters. If you're looking to straight fuck side chicks, I wouldn't want them meeting fam

>Social status
Careful who you fuck, don't want to end up looking like a whore.

Enough to take them out on dates and fuck them after, pay for hotel n' shit. IDK just enough to be comfortable to take them out and shit ig

I'm 6,1
I really dont give a fuck what girls think about me, cause they're stupid womenz.
>and mummie issues nigger, mummie was a cunt kek
They always start the sexuality, if a girl is touching you, not by accident trust.
Dont give that sloot your number make her put it in your phone, i ain't typing that shit nigger, you do it bitch.
Dont text that bitch back until you've slept, dont call that bitch first thing.
Call the sloot and tell her you going *insert location* tonight whatshe doing.
Done nigger if that bitch keen she'll turn up and you can take that bitch home. You know she been flicking her bean thinking about you all night.
Peace beta nigger, hope you can follow the game plan nigger i have a 90 percent success rate.
10 percent failure due to drug addictions.


Are trying to sound black or something?