Any muhreens here? Particularly 0300's? Can you redpill me on the corps? All my friends tell me to go army...

Any muhreens here? Particularly 0300's? Can you redpill me on the corps? All my friends tell me to go army, but I just don't feel 11b or 11c.

I'm east coast, so I'd be going to parris island.


Last try

Finish college first and come in on top

I don't have the money for that, unfortunately. The reason I'd like to join is because I'm at the bottom of the pit.

Try /k/ if you can't find a muhreen here, there's a bunch of military guys there.

Former 0311 here, go Marines. You'll feel better about yourself if you make it and survive. Becoming an officer is the way to go, but the fun side is enlisted.

0844 you are never going to regret taking the more difficult route after the fact. that makes the choice pretty easy

I'm only interested in enlisted. I'm really joining for the main reason I have nothing better to do, and have nothing going for me right now.

Have you see combat?if you don't mind me asking. I won't ask anymore than that.

Also, what advice would you give an out of shape person to work on before hitting up a recruiter?

I joined having a death wish in 2005, which is another reason I went 0300. I've got two combat tours under my belt and have seen my share of things to make me want to live a better life after getting out. I've lost more friends now to suicide than those lost in combat. Be sure if/when you get out to utilize the Post 9/11 GI Bill and the VA Home Loan. Those are fucking sweet. As for the recruiter, they'll help you for a bit to ensure you can join, down at MCRD PI, SC, you'll get into shape. It'll be ok if you have some strength and cardio, plus the mentality - but boot camp was a cake walk.

Don't go Infantry or other combat arms. Go for a technical classification. Your training will give you a few college credits, and will make you more useful to future employers.

Boot camp is a mind game. It is high stress intentionally to help weed out the ones that cannot take it. Remember to pay attention to everything, in detail. It is the details that will get you in trouble.

just go to fucking college bro

Yea, very few credits. I knew Corpsman that got out with three credits of basic health. Technical is the way to go if you want to find the similar job, but only there can you do something combative ( which the Marines are known for). I'm glad I went 0300 and i used my GI Bill to earn my degree. Do what you want, if you don't - you'll reflect and possibly regret.

I'm pretty much starting from zero in the fitness department. I'm a tad overweight, and lack just about everything. Pretty much your stereotypical neckbeard. Today i was planning on doing a jog / walk / run for a few miles, and just doing various other calisthenics through the day until I'm in shape. Obviously it's not an overnight deal, but i plan on sticking with it. As far as the mental part of it, I'm not worried about it too much. I'm 24, grew up in an abusive home, so I have an idea what to expect.

What happenes if though I go to do the confidence course or one of the obstacle courses and can't do one or more of the things?

Not trying to sound like a smart ass or bad ass or anything when it comes to dealing the with "mental games" aspect btw. I have an idea what to expect, as my grandpa told me stories from when he was in back in the 50's.

the confidence course is not a pass/fail, it is training. pass/fail comes if you cannot get the minimum scores on the physical fitness test or if you cannot get minimum score with your weapon.

The military has changed a lot in 60 years. One of the things that can help you is taking the time to learn your rights under the UCMJ. For example, whatever your religion is, they have to allow you time to observe it. Even if you have only gone to church when your grandmother insisted you be baptized or whatever, read up a little about your religion. Taking that hour or so off once a week for services can give you a much needed break.

Idk about starting from zero, I played football for many years and joined after some college at the age of 21. Boot camp is meant to break you down and your school rebuilds you and then the fleet fine tunes your skills. Don't worry about boot camp. It is meant to weed the weak out, but I came from a very physically abusive household and found it to be a cake walk. The fuck fuck games don't fuck like they should. Don't fly too high or too low and you'll be good. Attention to detail is boot camp, just have a sense of awareness and the will to pull through and you'll be fine. It's sad seeing some people graduate when you know they shouldn't. But they put their time in.

The 13 weeks of boot camp, I was in church every weekend - I'm no where near religious, but the song and 'dance' gives comfort. Aside from that, don't fly too high or too low - you'll be gravy.

holy shit my grandma gave me a book with that same exact pic in it. rip gramma

It was way rougher back then. Care to share a story?

It's not as hard as you think. It sucks, but it's not as bad as the movies and stuff make it out to be. Just don't quit and you'll be fine.

True words user, don't EVER look to movies for anything truth. That's our current problem. I like this saying - America isn't at war, the military is - Americas at the mall.

i was a hospital corpsman in the navy, served about equal time with navy and marine corps units

all i will say, is if you aren't a complete moron, you will have trouble in the marines. it is not the kind of thing people are likely to tell you, or the kind of thing you'd really even think about, but virtually every young marine i ever met was functionally retarded. older guys, gunnery sergeants and stuff, some of them were halfway intelligent, but if you got anything going on upstairs whatsoever, you will be unlike everyone else 90% of the time.

the fact that you know how to operate a web browser tells me you are likely too intelligent to really fit in in the marine corps

Wow, fuck off blue side Doc. You obviously served for a POg unit or some other shit. Green side docs know what 03's go through and will NEVER talk shit about their Marine counterparts. Unless you're a shitbag corpsman, you love Marines.

You must be a shitbag or never did anything of importance. Move along 'Doc' this thread isn't for you.

Well, one that has me kinda scared to fuck up is what they did to one guy.

>one guy is a nasty fuck and doesn't know how to take care of himself and keeps fucking up
>sgt keeps giving them shit because of this one guy
>sgt pulls a few guys aside one day "I can't tell you to actually do this... but here's what we would have done back in my day to straighten this guy out...."
>everyone is sleeping
>a few guys drag this guy into the shower
>strip him naked
>run the water and scrub him with a hard bristle floor brush
>guy starts to straighten out

I'm not a nasty ass, but I'm worried I'll fuck something up and get everyone in trouble.

I was there for something similar, but it involves bleach

whatever 'fag' just trying to give some honest advice.

you are the shitbag who took it like a fucking bitch
being the one guy with

if your friends are trying to get you to go 11B, you should listen to them. once you get to your unit you have a much higher chance of advancing your career the way you want to due to how much funding the army gets, meaning you can attend all the badass schools you want. get airborne on your contract if you can, air assault is pretty easy to get later on. you'll never get as many opportunities in the marine corps, trust me. less people, less funding, and a lack of advanced combat schools.


You can breathe in the Army and be commended and promoted at the same time

And the Marines are always doing better than the Army. Explain user..

Glad you could counter my points to prove me wrong. Now go play Doctor with your trap navy fag

not sure what you mean by "always doing better". in what way?

My friends are all pogs. However, in the work I do, I often get to talk to some 11x guys. For every 1 Marine regardless of mos, I meet at least 10 army guys. I know almost nothing of the corps other than what my gramps told me, and the one 0311 guy that all he did was talk she about the Army

12yr Former Active Duty Marine here,

I have a very strong feeling your that kid I just met yesterday with the 0311 and Marine Corps stickers on his truck. Maybe not....

Anyways, go to the Corps. It'll be rougher than the Army by a long shot. But you will be fine as long as you stick it out.

I was 3531 Motor T and enjoyed it everyday as I met many other Marines thoughout my career.

Also "anyone" can join and be in the Army, up to the age of 45. The Corps only allows up to 30 with waiver.

Yor friends don't Want to be lonely and want you to tag along. Fuck them, go live your life and have a blast.

that's not true and you know it. at least for infantry. if you're referring to army pog's, youre probably right

dude this is just a job once did, but you're apparently one of those "nothing going on" fags that is entirely wrapped up in the 2 years of service he did 8 years ago before returning to live in his mom's basement

after hearing you talk a bit more i'd be surprised if you were ever an actually a marine at all. you sound more like someone who once played one in a video game

that said, you are also a perfect illustration of the dullness of the average marine that my original post referenced


Go Marines and most definitely go 03. Any person who tries telling you that you have to be a retard to join the Marines has no idea what they are even talking about and I doubt them when they claimed to have served. Anyone who has served knows you must have some kind of intelligence to even pass a basic infantry school. While it is true that Marines have less funding than other branches we also do more with less. Reading anything in American history will show you that. If you go 03 you'll never regret it and you won't feel like a bitch like you would choosing some other MOS. Why join a gun club if you don't want to play with guns?

Everyone is going to fuck up. There's no way around it. Even if you do it perfect, it's never going to be good enough. Shit, they'll fuck something up right in front of you and then ask you why it's fucked up. That's part of the mental game.

Just make sure you don't stink or have dirty cloths and you'll be all set. Have anymore?

Lack of advanced schools......

Be aware the Marine Corps, SOI East Camp Gieger in North Carolina had MANY schools for infantry and Army 70% of the time gets washed out.

They adjust to standard not the other way around.

For the people I have "met", it's 100% true.

I'm sure there are good people out there just haven't had the pleasure of speaking with them.

Hey im in the dep right now is bootcamp nonstop physical hell what is the average day like in boot camp?

>I have a very strong feeling your that kid I just met yesterday with the 0311 and Marine Corps stickers on his truck. Maybe not....

It wasn't me. I don't even own a vehicle. Poorfag problems.

Navy here. Go Air Force. They don't do anything. Marines eat eggs and steak all day then go work out. Army is for retards.

son you're going to go in, get sent to a hellhole, get out, and work a 2-bit job the rest of your life while the VA shits on you.

Those recruiters sure talk a good game though, don't they. I just hope you make it back from Fuckistan alive.

You want to be a fucking badass? Be a Marine.

You've got to be at least a little tough tho or you just won't make it.

Sweet, I'm glad my 90k a year job shows how dumb I am. Plus, being an infantry Marine is the best four years I can say, because of the people though. Maybe if you weren't an armchair fag warrior, you'd have the same sense of pride other 03 Marines feel, nah - you rather shit talk and start your presence in this thread bashing Marines.

Again, I hear your trap calling - gonfuck that boypucci navy fag.

the basic level of commitment required of a marine is i'd say quite a bit higher than the other services. they ask more of you, and give less in exchange for it. that getting less is in terms of everything, from uniform allowances to free time to housing, even chances of promotion are always more limited within smaller pools.

the food is better. and you get to be a marine. the advantages of going army, or any other branch, are more concrete... things like opportunity and advancement

missed opportunities also count for something. chances are, if you don;t go marines, you won;t have to pull live ticks off of your friend's assholes and ballsacks in the shower, immediately after pulling a few dozen live ticks off your own body

if you aren't dead-set on being a marine, chances are you'll be significantly happier in 1-2-3 years time having gone into the Army.

seriously though... go marines if you have your heart set on being a marine. if that isn't the case, you have a much easier time with any other option

if you really want to be some kind of G.I. Joe style commando, your best chances for that are in the marines, no doubt. if you want to try for special forces, marines have the highest ratio of recon to the rest of their enlisted than any other branch has of their elite force versus general enlisted, etc

it all depends what you really want, but the army is the catch-all answer for those who don't want the very specific experience the marines is likely to provide

dude you are a literal fucking idiot for thinking i was talking shit in the first place, and not simply stating a fact that anybody who had any experience in the Marines would know was a FACT

and fuck off with your "90K a year job" posting on Sup Forums at 8am

OP... my opinion is don't join. You're 24 now which means by the time you're ready to go to boot you'll be 25. Four in gets you to 29, then four in college gets you to 33. Basically you'll be starting your career in your mid 30's.

If you insist on joining, go for a career related MOS so you have experience coming out.

Also remember... your main objective in the military is to kill (and possibly be killed). No amount of technical training they promise negates that fact.

t. gold star father

>son you're going to go in, get sent to a hellhole, get out, and work a 2-bit job the rest of your life while the VA shits on you.

this is the reason I chose army over marine corps, every marine i talked to was some egotistical faggot who never gave a good reason for joining besides "being a badass".

>OP... my opinion is don't join. You're 24 now which means by the time you're ready to go to boot you'll be 25. Four in gets you to 29, then four in college gets you to 33. Basically you'll be starting your career in your mid 30's.
The thing is, you're right. I've tried to deny and justify myself of that reality. My main thing is, id feel like I'd be cheating myself if I did something other than infantry. I know support jobs are important, but it seems counter productive to join a fighting force and not fight.

Read the book "Keeping Faith: A Father-Son Story About Love and the United States Marine Corps" before you decide to enlist.

The joys of working IT and you did start by calling all Marines retards

Settle down Army bro. We've got a great esprit de corps. Marines love their corps because it's not giant like the Army is. There's a lot of pride because we train hard & that ends up reflecting in the rest of the things we do for the rest of our lives. I got up at 4AM worked out & ran. Now I'm at work kicking ass & fucking around on Sup Forums I probably wouldn't be like this if it weren't for the corps. Semper Fi

I'm just fucking with you man. I understand the whole few and proud bullshit. its just the amount of god damn heavy equipment operator mos muhreens that tell me that the army is soft pisses me off rofl. shoot an m4/m16 for your job and maybe ill listen to you then

No, you weren't serious at all and we can't all see you trying to back out of it like the pussy you are.

Every marine is a rifleman. Even the female marines, even the cooks, even supply. Every single devil dog is a rifleman.

>Now I'm at work kicking ass & fucking around on Sup Forums

That's facebook.

Would they still take a guy about to turn 30? I'm not fit, but I'm not a fat ass, either.