Would you like to eat meat form young women if it was available in stores?

Would you like to eat meat form young women if it was available in stores?
Also would you work in woman meat processing facility?



All the normies getting weirded out lmao.

I'd like to eat somebody before I die. Definitely not a dude though- pretty sure I'm not gay.

I am blood fetishist with an oral fixation so it makes sense I guess.

TL;DR: Yes, and yes.


ah fuck you, you fucking creep

sauce please

Would eat ass

I'd eat her ass if you catch my drift


>eating your breeding stock
OP has no understanding of farming...

Of course no, human meat tastes awful

And no, because even if it would be interesting, it's not really my thing, I like office stuff

fuck off normie

I'd do both, knead the pussy in the morn and lick em clean for the arvo. Stupid bitch.

this fucking retarded vegan autist makes this thread every fucking day


also kill yourself op

Ur a fucking pyschopath. pls kill urself.

nice shop , not even needed

Assuming they were butchered properly (don't want to catch a prion disease) and it wasn't culturally stigmatized? Sure why not.

human meat tastes awful fucking kys just from that comment i can tell you haven't eaten human

This isn't a place for a little kid like you

zombies pls, get out.

I don't even care. All I see is porn pic. Moar.

dunno about eating but I'd love to chop women into small chunks

bumpin and eatin

I don't wanna eat a human but if I had to I'd want to eat someone considerably fatter than the girls posted here. There's a reason why farmers don't like animals getting too much exercise

is it cheap? Is it nutritious?

it depends on demand/supply but i think cheaper than beef
ofc it is nutritious

Who needs a store?

to easy buying

is it as cheap as chicken? Is it tasty?



I'd eat fried pussy lips



you're a faggot
the fact that you think that it's even relatively normie behavior to not be sexually attracted to the idea of eating women proves you're fucked more in the mind than most of Sup Forums, and have no right to call other normies

tl;dr kys nigger


I only eat free range whenever women

all of the would be free range

>eat a woman
Just because you're turned on by them doesn't mean it will taste good. Most women eat fucking trash. Wouldn't be very good. We eat the muscle of animals. An ass would taste just like the fat off a steak. Those sweet looking cheeks may look good to dump a load of hot cum on but not so good to eat.
>the ass is a muscle
The glutes are. Her ass is just fat. Beautiful genetics working in the place it matters most

Sup Forums is a place for testing out ones sexual kinks and fantasies...
Well, that's how it seem.

