I got this for free. You'll never guess how

I got this for free. You'll never guess how.

Winning a triple cheeseburger eating contest?

It never came off your arm.

It was a prize in a trash bag of Cracker Jack.

You have eaten someone and there shitty apple watch is the only thing you couldn't consume..?

What's with Sup Forums and all these weird hands @-@

You won a grand prize in some kind of contest, you normal human you?

Bad insulin lawsuit?

This one's good..

Pie eating contest.

What did you get ? fatness ?

overused b8/10

You ate the original owner ?

You ate the original owner?

Is this diabetes?


you are so fat the hospital gave you this so you xan do exercises

Did you chew it off of someone

You couldn't pay me to take one of those.

Who the fuck would want a fat chick's hand?

Should have got a fit bit!

the picture ?
-we've seen the pic like 123 times in a month
