So did anyone else hire a prostitute whilst they were under age?

So did anyone else hire a prostitute whilst they were under age?

What age were you and what age was the women, and how did she look and act like? did she know you were under age?

How was the sex?

OP here

I was 15, the girl was 30. i was taller than her, she acted sweet and was surprised i was "big" she didn't know i was under age. She rode me and i gave her a fucking good spanking

Well i paid her 200 bucks for 20 min when i was 14. She did knew i was under age but she tried to take all my money. I dont regret it at all, it was the best time of my life. She was the hottest thing i have seen and will ever see in my life.

id never give a women my money for sex, what a fucking waste of your hard earned cash, ive had sex hundred of times i dont need to wave money in thier face . im not a weeb

i had sex with my first gf for 3 years from 13 to 16, but then we broke up because she is a childish dumb whore and since then i like childish dumb whores and i paid for hookers ever since im 16

Yeah. I did when i was 16. Girl said she was 28, but i think she was over 30.
She gave me a blowjob without condom. I think she noticed i was a virgin. I was unable to cum so i asked to fuck her. I fucked her doggy for something like 15 minutes, but i still was unable to cum, ended up masturbating over her ass for something like 5 minutes to be able to cum.
It sucked. Never had sex again, dont even want to.

Virgin detected

as a young hired one & she came to my mom's house while mom was at work, showed me her pussy and said "some people like to lick it" but I was too clueless to do anything so paid her and she left.

such bait. wow.

Do you even know where the clitoral magnum Is?

I don't thibk it's a bad thing to not cum easily
You can fuck women long enough to make them have multiple orgasms
Trust me, that will maje make them do anything you want in bed

Kill yourself you fucking retard

I never knew about escirts till much later in life for me. I always assumed that 'prostitutes' were all addicted to drugs and owned by pimps. I was well into my 20's when i found out that was bullshit and high end escorts were a thing

Shoot yourself for being an illiterate moron

Banging women is a waste time, forget that people actually spend money on that. Never once have I gained anything more from that than I have just beating the meat myself.

The problem is that it was not a very good experience. Not better than just jerking off, so if you conbine it with the effort of getting a woman, its just not worth it.

I did not hire nobody but I was 14 yo and my step sister was 19 yo when she gave me a massage that turn into a bj. She was kind of fat, tan skin, very big tits and her pussy was dark, hair and a mess. I could easily put four finger in her but she was good at the bj

No but I did buy a 1986 Nissan 300ZX Z31 when I was 16. It was the best purchase of my life. If you are not yet convinced, here is more info about the 1986 Nissan 300ZX Z31.

The Z31 chassis designation was first introduced in 1983 as a 1984 Nissan/Datsun 300ZX (the hatch lid had both a Datsun and a Nissan badge) in the U.S. market. The 300ZX, as its predecessors, was known as a Nissan in other parts of the world. This continued in the U.S. until 1985 model year when Nissan standardized their brand name worldwide and dropped the Datsun badge. All publications for the Z31 chassis 300ZX and its predecessors were copyright Nissan North America. Designed by Kazumasu Takagi and his team of developers, the 300ZX improved aerodynamics and increased power when compared to its predecessor, the 280ZX. The newer Z-car had a drag coefficient of 0.30 and was powered by Japan's first mass-produced V6 engine instead of an inline 6. According to Nissan, the V6 engine was supposed to re-create the spirit of the original Fairlady Z.


Nope, but given my developed wizardry skills maybe I should have.

Big brother took me to a whorehouse when I was 16. Pussy smelled so bad We had to stop and let me wash my dick and hand off in a pothole on side of road. Great times.

2/10 bait
Try harder next time

Had sex with a 50 year old escort in the backseat of a Ford Escort when I was 13. Paid her $100. I told her I was 18. I'm not sure she believed me. She told me she would give $50 of my money back if I licked her asshole and I was going to until I saw what it looked and smelled like.

I'm a 16 year old faggot. Should I hire a prostitute? I mean how the fuck would I one even go about that? That would be fucking amazing though.

>So did anyone else hire a prostitute whilst they were under age?
I was 15. Not sure if "underage" since I was on a trip to Paris at the time
>What age were you
>what age was the women
she looked to be in her 40's
>how did she look and act like?
She was decent looking. Let's face it... a horny 15-year old will think any woman in lacy underwear will look good.
>did she know you were under age?
I think so. There were 5 of us from the school who went to her. We all looked like students.
>How was the sex?
First time. It wasn't that great considering I was last to go.

/o is to the left.

If you're even a little bit twinky, you could end up being the one getting paid.

Wait until you're 40+ and married for half that time, kiddo.

Sauce on pic?

personally I rather give a prostitute money as have a wife / gf... I fucked maybe 3 or 4 prostitutes in my life but as I got older I dont want it anymore.. I just want to hang myself.

I meant faggot as in beta male. I'm not gay.


too late faggot, Sup Forums made it's choice.

>i am literally too dumb to click two links on this page and find the sauce myself


18 year old virgin, joined the Navy
went to okinawa
paid beautiful MILF for sex
best sex of my life
she charges by the hour
always cum twice in one hour
was in okinawa for six months, went to japanese MILF hooker several times a week, never spent my money on anything else
cried when i shipped out
i'm in my 40s now and i still think about Michiko
never paid for sex after i left okinawa

Then sell yourself to older women.
You've just received your calling to become a gigolo.


more like

>too dumb to read the sauce on the pic itself





Straighten your legs little soldier


Eating out a hooker's ass...
...poor kid's doomed with a life of face herpes.

Lol all the virgins calling this post bait. They act like it's impossible to get sex without paying for it fucking kek.

It's a fucking cartoon


so if you like whores you're a virgin. makes sense.

and when was the last time you were getting laid?

This. Seriously.
How can people contemplate hookers with a straight face?

you do know 30% of all people are butt ugly, right?

>would rather stay a virgin than have some sex
kek virgin detected

I'm no sexy beast myself, but I make do.

>They act like it's impossible to get sex without paying for it fucking kek.
Fucking kids on Sup Forums

You don't think you're paying for it with a normal girl?

How dumb are you?

You are probably spending more money on 'courting' a girl for a night of sex, than paying straight cash for straight sex. You yourself don't want to 'marry' her. So this is straight up dating, with some NSA/FWB on the side.

$100 is usually the going rate of a BJ from a young looking girl prostitute.

That there is a dinner and movie, and a 50% chance she suck your dick, and another 50% chance she might actually be good at it. *Also have to consider the food at the resturant, and the movie she'll want to see (probably a 2 hour tampon commercial with Anna Kendrick or Amy Schumer talking about 'girl power').

TL;DR: Getting your cock sucked from a pro, right now >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wasting a whole night on shitty food, shitty movie, just so maybe she'll lick your tip for 2 secs on the 10th date.

With a hooker, or a normal're ALWAYS paying for it.

What the fuck are you smoking right now?
I take girls on a walk and then fuck them in my room.
The only cost is the condom, which costs like 30 cents.
Maybe bus fare for like 2 dollars.

nice data point, bro

Stole a carton of cigarettes from my moms bf and traded it to a junior girl for sex when I was 15. That's the closest story I got.

never paid for it but...

> be 8, riding my bike at the school
> redhead lady is parked on an access road behind elementary school
> road is used for deliveries to lunchroom
> ride up to her truck and park my bike
> she sees me and says "What the hell do YOU want?"
> i start complimenting her truck
> tires are 2/3 my size
> she tells me its her boyfriends truck (he's not with her)
> i jump up and rest my elbows on her window so I can talk face to face
> she tells me to get down and come sit in the truck
> i get in the passenger seat and she's wearing a summer dress
> i tell her how pretty she is and tell her the real reason I got in was to get a better look at her boobs
> she takes her tits out of her dress "You like what you see?"
> lean in and suck on a nipple (she doesn't resist)
> she's kinda leaning against her door with me licking her tits like a dog
> i sit back and can see her panties
> reach in and whip up her dress, pull panties aside (STILL NO RESISTANCE)
> start fingerbanging her ginger pussy (she's early thirties) (I'm 8)
> lick her pussy and go whole hog licking and ramming my fist in
> she grabs the back of my head and starts humping my nose while smothering me
> suddenly somebody walks up to her side of the truck
> its a lady (they know eachother?)
> never look up from the hot pussy
> they have awkward conversation (apparently a drug deal)
> other lady leaves, redhead lady tells me to get up
> she leans over and rips my shorts down
> starts sucking my dick and licking my hairless balls
> i tell her I wanna fuck her
> i get on top of her ride like a rabbit for 20 minutes
> when I leave I can't even walk straight
> ride my bike and crash it
> straight to bed when I got home with a smile on my face

Oh the irony

I only need a sample size of one.
You're saying you need to be hot to get laid. I'm not hot. I get laid. Nuff said.

>"alpha af"

Let's assume you're the special outlier here, and not everyone (even real alphas) in the world can get pussy with a snap of their fingers.

Aw he's so cute when he talks about his fantasies like they actually happen.

yeah, that sure happened

>He does something I don't know how to do?
>Must be lying

>Must be lying
not 'must', "is"....

>Was 15
>Friend and I go to this dodgy ass part of town
>Go into dodgy ass council house
>Kid my age in lift start making small talk he thinks I'm a resident
>Stop off at the hooker floor, face changes cuz I'm there to fuck some of his fellow poor people
>Get into dodgy apartment with two Ukrainian girls. One is kinda hot big tits and tall. One has a fucking scar on her face and fat. My friend says he gets first pick cuz he brought me there.
Oh shit gonna pop my cherry with scarface
>Friend takes scarface cuz I realise he's a sick bastard
>Go into room with hottie, Natasha
>Pretend to be 20 and play it cool like ive been around pussy before
>She knows I'm a noob
>Shows me how to fuck properly and all the moves
>Best sex I've had to this day
>Paid her $40

Going on a walk as a date isn't even that crazy.
The fact that you can't believe that speaks volumes about what a boring person you are.


i were devirginized at the age of 20 .... pretty ashamed of it .... but that is in the past ... now goin every 2-4 week to a hooker :3

Holy shit all the butthurt anons who can't get laid without cracking open Thier wallet, keeeek.
No man should pay for pussy. The second you do, your man card goes fluttering away in the wind.
>e-excuse me miss
>will you suck my d-dick I'll p-pay you
>I'm too fucking gross and sad to get laid in real life, or I have a fetish empowering women because ill pay you for an hour but cum in 8 seconds

I like you.

>You're saying you need to be hot to get laid.

i'm saying if you're butt ugly you usually don't get to fuck hot chicks

>Going on a walk as a date isn't even that crazy.
Kid, taking walks is either the "friend-status working towards the dating-status" stage, or you're on your 5th+ date and you're just enjoying each others company, probably working towards marriage.

I'm talking first date here....

Now unless you've met her on tinder, or social media that involves most people's motives for sport-fucking sure......maybe I'd believe that; but that's not dating is it?

But in the realm of pure 'game', no social media handicaps involved, normal girl, hot af, who isn't a social media/texting whore,'s going to take more than a 'walk in the park' to get her naked with you. And it's not going to happen on the first date either.

lol ... this is pretty gold bait
goin on hookers is manly as fuck boi
who would have courage to go there ?
everyone would just jap their mouths that they could do it . but when it comes to it , they pussy out

Some ugly people like you don't want to fuck other ugly people.

People pay to get hotter women. Don't judge. I've been called good looking a number of times. But I paid once. I was depressed and wasn't leaving the house much. The girl even said I should get a girlfriend soon because I guess I didn't really look butt ugly.

But she was so fucking hot. Imagine going to the beach and spotting a great looking asian girl. I got to fuck that. Only 150 too. I ended stealing half of it back because she left it on a counter.

>Lol talking to a hooker is manly
>take courage to talk to a hooker
You know what else takes courage? Talking to actual girls who don't have an hourly charge.
Cowards take to hooker way out.

Not him but you have no game at all. I like to act sweet towards women. It works if you're not some quiet aspie.

>talking to actual girls
all this time i've been paying robots for sex ? my whole life is a lie

>no game at all
Right, cuz i posted enough for you to make that conclusion.

Anyone can 'act sweet' (even those 'with game'), doesn't mean they'll get sex on the first date.

>Talking to actual girls who don't have an hourly charge.
What wrong with hourly, when the other option is commission?

This, there are apps made for the purpose of fucking.

If you need to pay to get laid there is something wrong with you.

Tinder exists.

Shit even whisper exists.

Yellow does also.

Fuck off with your shir.

>Tinder exists.
Not the argument.

Keep up, or fuck off.

if you can't imagine why anyone would fuck a hooker, you're probably a clueless teenager

not saying that's bad, but... you're a clueless teenager.

stop greentexting your fantasies

No. I'm talking first date.
And yes, I have gotten laid on the first date from just going on a walk.
If hearing a possibility that isn't within your reach immediately causes you to accuse the other person of lying, you need to re-examine your life.
And I never, ever fucking use tinder. Fuck online dating.
Of course, you need to show her some fun on the walk. You have to be spontaneous and explore new places or show her something cool, like a view of the city.
Point is, it doesn't cost me a dime.

>Arguing that you have to pay for sex, and that paying for sex is normal.

>Tinder exists so you dont have too.

>Thats not the argument.

Nigga make up your mind.

>is be lying

Hooker aren't girls. They're used up trashbags of cum and latex.
If you can't talk to real, non-sex worker women then the problem is you and your tiny sense of manhood.
There's a reason there's a fetish for prostitutes, because they are dirty, desperate gutter sluts who literally do anything for a dollar. If having sex with prostitutes was nornal, it wouldn't be considered a fetish.

Now, either go fap and cry or wagecuck for some smelly puss. Otherwise, shut the fuck up and grow the fuck up.

Paying girls to pretend they like me would make me feel worse, not better.
I'm no model, but I've had sex with girls that could be.
Think of it this way. I'm going to assume you have friends.
I'm sure you have unattractive friends who are dating girls much hotter than they are.
I'm sure you've seen couples walking down the street where the girl is a bombshell and the guy is fugly.
Just because you haven't done it doesn't mean it's not possible.

underage confirmed.
well, at least mentally immature.
you'll eventually realize such arbitrary idealism is just plain stupid.

>Hooker aren't girls. They're used up trashbags of cum and latex.

lol you should move to a university city

hookers are tight young students and there's new ones every semester

What a child. One day you'll realize all the money you blew of used up puss could got you a car, which could also get you pussy.
I'll never understand why men sink so low as to get an escort. Just don't be a smelly, wierd, autistic fuck and you can get GASP WHAT a girlfriend.

would you prefer it be a Non-Fucking Cartoon?

Oh fuck you're gross enjoy your herpes.

>you're gross
>baww reality offends me

i can't believe what this place has become lol

>mentally immature
>Knows hooker are fucking gross
Nah I think he's good mate.


>gets called out for having herpes
yeah, I'm the one who can't handle reality.

>could got you a car
oh fuck my sides
that's the same shit you tell to a smoker he could own a ferrari , while he asks you where's yours