Normie lurker here

>Normie lurker here
>Just graduated after 4 months of being a newfag.
>Just wanted to remind you guys how great my life is.
>I good future prospects and a lot to look forward to.
>I'm pretty good looking Spanish-American who's currently fucking a Japanese-American chick.
>You mad white bwahs?

Don't worry, you'll fuck up at some point

It's not...

Op here

4 months and you consider yourself not being a newfag? I'm here for almost 7 years and I'm still a newfag like the rest of us

If you have to have the worlds biggest tards tell you congrats your life is not actually great

Here's a free (you) normalfag now get off muh Sup Forums

>OP here, nice trips faggot.
ha ha see? I'm appropriated.

also lmaoo I hadn't thought of it that way

newfags were 8 yeas ago you are death

>those fucking filenames

If you were not in the tiniest bit miserable you wouldn't be trying to drag other people down.

fag and sage

7 years still a chanlet

Oh no I'm miserable don't get me wrong
Just in other ways.

>I wake up at 6 am everyday to do work before class
>Then I go to class
>Then I study until 10

This attention mongering is validation for my hard work to keep me going

I'm a normie fag sorry


Please don't bump


Wow. go back to spending your parents money on a bullshit degree for your bullshit life and stop wasting your time on frills and places like this.

You are a fucking disappointment and cant even get your head together to put your all into whats in front of you.

Gonna end up in landscaping regardless tho.
But god, you could TRY for some dignity.

woah! That's the spirit that beat the Japanese

>dual major in Economics and Finance isn't bullshit.

also what is frills

>can't tell if filename is bait or faggotry

>10/10 bait, am stealing it

Mostly bait bro

Sadly this.