









Hey guys add me on Skype! live:littledesertfox

Not getting shit in the other one. Can I get some chubby butts?

shitty thread

This is a good thread, just needs more people and more porn.

And more diapers

gtfo with this shit it's fucking bad, everybody hates it apart from 2 or 3 people like you, make your own thread you're just ruining fur threads

You're my hero

Why don't you post?

ok so my new goal in life is to become a Sup Forums mdo so i can delete your fucking degenerate pics


An arch nemesis, neat.

Good luck



There needs to be more skirts and diapers in my life

I need to get a new skirt at some point

I got two new simple ones recently myself, white and pink

Cute! I've got some plastic pants that'd go nicely with a pink-ish skirt.

Never used plastic pants, send it over

They're nice - I don't wear them much anymore but they're definitely cute to wear

If they ever make one with pandas on it, I'll have to buy one.

What is appealing about diapers?

I bet there are some with pandas on them. I'll let you know if I come across any!

Well this was a good thread.
Are diaperfags the new futafags? Just always absolutely needing to push their fetish into every possible corner all over the place and calling anybody who doesn't like it a fag or else they feel discriminated against?

They are cute to me. I love cute.


I prefer to think of myself as a trendsetter

The cute aspect is one appeal for me. Also the general idea of loss of control or submitting to someone else, including bathroom privileges.

the world needs more diaperfags.

I need more diapers


I need to get more, actually

Hah FNAF. What do you typically wear?

I knew a diaperguy who liked to wear hoodies. I miss talking to him...

Dry 24/7s are my usual ones. Easy to order from amazon, I get them in 2 days because of prime. Really wanting some ABUs lately though


It's because they're fucking pedos. It's worse than loli or trap threads.


I ordered a skirt, dress, and some cute thigh high socks recently. They come in the mail tomorrow, can't wait to try dressing up fem for the first time!

Oooh, sounds like a fun time!

First time? I hope it meets your expectations. I remember my first time, just had a skirt. Enjoyed moving about in it all night.



Chubby traps are a best. Maybe I'm just biased though...
>tfw minimal good art of chubby traps I can self-insert when fapping


You guys are getting me excited just thinking about it~


Soon you'll be wearing dresses like this








Cute! I sooo wanna be a padded sissy in a frilly dress like that. I just got something cheap and modest to start with though.






I only got my second dress last week, a maid dress.





how do you like it so far?


less diapers more gfur


Why not both?


why so many diaperfags?

Diaperfags fuck off.

I don't get the diaper thing. I like watersports but the diaper fascination seems to come with the whole adult baby thing and it creeps me out.

Especially with some of these cub pics. Like is that part of it sexual?

At least diaperfag is being nice today, can't be too upset


So how many layers of degeneracy are you guys on





It's the patrician fetish



What the fuck is even going on here ?

Got no clue

Autism: The Picture

>mfw my name is Andrew

No more diapers, please.


