I don't think i'm that big compared to others, post your results

I don't think i'm that big compared to others, post your results. howlongismyschlong.com/

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I think the data used to compare might be a bit off...I mean I knew I was sorta large but not THAT large compared to others

imgur.com/a/3r5sH#0 they took their data from here but they are quite vague as if it was measured bone pressed or non bone pressed


Girth should still be accurate, no?
BTW why are large sized condoms banned in the US? I use a 61 and its already very fucking tight, I guess in the US I couldnt have sex?

>banned condoms
More imaginary shit

Huh? Dude, Im just reading the data from the link, it might be false, but I'm not personally making it up (unless you meant the reasons for banning condoms were imaginary stupid shit, in wich case my apologies for the misundertandment)

i don't think they are banned perhaps hard to find but i guess you can order on amazon, someone recommended me durex xl even though im "only"6.7 in in girth.

my bad 5.7 in. 6.7 would be a really thick cock

If you are 6.7 (maybe you meant 5.7?) durex XL arent gonna fucking fit you, I'm 6.3 and I cant get them farther than the tip, dont waste your money on them

Okay haha, Durex are prety thin in general though, not sure what brands you have in the states but Durex XL might still be a bit to thin for you

What does "bone pressed" mean?

any other balloon dicks here?

im not in the us im a virgin never bought condoms but once i stole one a tried it and it was pretty tight ,one of those average ones.

it means you press the ruler against your pubic bone when measuring, when you go all the way down on a girl the fat layer in the pubic bone gets squishes and you get a little extra dick.

i still cant get over the fact that 5.7 in girth is above average.

wait I thought 2 inches around was good

Admit it, you falsified the length of your schlong to make other guys feel better

girth, not diameter

how do you measure girth?

Are you stupid ?

>tailors tape
>a string and the put it against a normal ruler.

First time I used an average condom it didnt fit in (Im the 6,3 guy) and I thought it was because I was an idiot incapable of correctly using condoms, so I told the girl I couldnt get an erection so I didnt have to admit my inability to use a condom and went back home due to embarassment, damm I was stupid back then...I just had a very thick dick

well thats embarrassing, did you have any other opportunity to fuck her

I'm 27 and have yet to measure my dick... I'd estimate that it's pretty normal

We had oral sex a few times if that counts, but I didnt really figure out that my problem with condoms was my girth till I sent a dickpick to my actual gf, and she was like: "Welp we will need bigger condoms as that is the thickest dick I've ever seen"
I'm glad of her sexual experience, else I will still be a virgin thinking I have an average cock and that I'm unable to use properly condoms


since im a virgin how would you classify my dick Bpne pressed 6.7 in lrnght 17 cm 5.75 in girth 15 cm