I'm going to a military funeral for someone who died in the pearl harbor attack. What should I wear?

I'm going to a military funeral for someone who died in the pearl harbor attack. What should I wear?

Bring crackers

Nice clothes, don't go in a pair of ripped up jeans and a band tee. Wear a dress shirt and some nice khakis or blue jeans also, a tie wouldn't hurt


A fursuit



Dpn't forget the banjo.


You're a time traveler.. you don't need us to tell you.


>funeral for someone who died in the pearl harbor attack
>checks calendar


birthday suit




Beat me to it user top Kek

geez they left that a bit late didn't they

wear a latex dildo suit

Dat shit gonna stink this many years later.

that's bullshit. black suit, black dress shoes, black belt, black socks, white long sleeve shirt, dark tie. no fedora pls