How hard is it to really lift someone by the throat? Ever seen it done in real life or in a real fight?

How hard is it to really lift someone by the throat? Ever seen it done in real life or in a real fight?

How the fuck are you going to balance?

Used to pick my little brother like that as a kid. Then I'd throw him across the room.

Nothing special.

not very difficult if they are small kids

Well first off it's impossible unless you have a big hand. Second off, you need not only a tremendous amount of bicep strength, but grip strength as well.

So the answer to your question. Too hard for your bitch ass!

If you're fighting someone who can lift you one handed then you've got other issues to worry about.

OP again.
Need quick, authoritative answers 'cause we're in the middle of a D&D session and it's broken down over this argument.

If undertaker has to lift someone with both hands to choke slam, then I don't see how it's possible to do it with one.

naw, it must be fuckin hard
unless small kids kek.
dubs checked and speaks the truth

It's easy. Women do it to men all the time. I know because I've seen in on TV.


Ever tried to hold even 20kg plate on one hand at gym? Then multiply it 4-5 to get average male

How much do you think a person weighs?

Which edition?

I mean, how hard is it to lift a 200 pound object by the anything? If it's in the middle of a fight obviously you'd have to make them do some sort of grapple check before they try to lift them as well.

this lift wouldn't use your biceps at all

shoulders and triceps

Shhhhh - gamers are talking. 1st/2nd ed didn't have grapple rules. Go sit down and you'll learn something.

Grapple check with disadvantage depending on the character

Actually it's Pathfinder, just easier to say D&D.

honestly it depends on the size class comparison and the strength score of the lifter. perhaps any racial or class abilities

Oh, 3/3.5's more mouthy cousin who has rules for everything.
Grapple check - if succeeds, you look at your strength and look at the ecumberance table for your strength. Using 1 hand you get to use half your strength score.
If the grapple succeeds, and you can lift that weight one handed, you're good.
Feats modify it, like monkey grip.

Look like it's not 1st or 2nd edition anything based on . The point of the statement was to make sure that not just the lifting was taken into account anyway. I don't know if you want to roll your THAC0 vs their unarmored AC modified by the size class of their neck or w/e, the point was to make sure they're not just looking at the lifting.

Also THAC0 is needlessly arbitrary and there's nothing you can say to make it not sound retarded.

Thac0 - To Hit Armor Class 0 - it wasn't retarded, as long as you weren't retarded that is, and knew how to count backwards.
Kept the stupid people out of the game - just the way we liked it.

>Need quick, authoritative answers 'cause we're in the middle of a D&D session and it's broken down over this argument.
You need real world answers over lifting someone by a throat, in a game with ghosts and dragons, where people can run around in plate mail carrying 50 pounds on their backs and basically never get tired?

there are plenty of wrestler's that can and have done a choke slam with one arm

Yes, I got lift by the throat, but I was a child

I did it once in a bar fight. I picked the guy up and choke slammed him, I had to do it in one continuous movement though by rushing towards him and springing up.

It'd be impossible to just lift someone up normally without getting your momentum behind it.

Not even some huge bodybuilder guy could lift 150 pounds above his head with one arm.

Why do you need to use half of your score? Shouldn't it just be "X weight can lift a human man, Y weight can lift a car" and shit in between?

You'd need to be strong, very strong. Even then, I give them a 1/3 chance of fucking up the lift and dropping the lift-ee, falling over, stumbling, or some other stupid mistake.

Or if you get tired of Pathfinder's cumbersome annoying grappling rules, just have the GM roll a d20 and decide ahead of time how good of a roll succeeds.

Is the grappler super strong and buff? 6-20 successfully lets him grapple.

Is his opponent heavy and strong himself? 15-20 successfully lets him grapple. and so on.

Have you seen the strongman competition?

No they have not. The other wrestler held onto the arm of the first. Not to mention all wrestling is fake child shit. Shame on you for even bringing it up.

Your neck will dislocate before holding up your weight, and no one can lift someone you like that, pure physics and leverage.

Guess what else kept stupid people out of the game? Not fucking inviting them. Instead lets add a minor annoyance to the game and then gloat about how superior it makes us.

It's like if you didn't want someone driving your car. You just don't let them drive your car. You don't move the ignition to the back seat to annoy people enough that they don't want to drive your car and then brag about how simple it is to just go to the back seat every time you want to start your car.

no grip needed if your coming upward

that poor kid

Yeah but if you look you will see the wrestler being choke slammed actually helps with the lifting by pushing off on the lifters shoulder, the same way that a person being bodyslammed uses the slammers knee and thigh to help with the body slam.

>all wrestling is fake child shit

its not fake
those guys are really hitting each other

One handed, good luck.

Two handed, easier the shorter they are.

>irl dragging them to the ground has a more startling effect

it's true?
Watches at 0 $?

If you're very strong it's doable - I can lift someone by their lapels. But holding people up is fucking hard unless there's a wall to brace them on. Also if you weigh a lot more than your target (i.e. you're fat) you can swing someone up against a wall and pin them there using leverage.

You're asking all these perma virgins how hard it is to lift somebody by the neck? Wtf guy. Of course they are going to say it's hard for their noodle pussy arms.
That's the way I hold my girlfriend every night while I inspect her body for wear and tear before I power fuck her.


This is me again, so I can bench about 275 which I believe gives me ~18/51 strength.