You ask questions
I give answers

I'll post my credentials if anyone is interested

Other urls found in this thread:

Credential plus pic and stamp or gtf

cum on your credentials
and i will take any advice you can give me

I am not a psychologist or psychiatrist
I'm a very mentally ill sick fuck
I have been hospitalized
I've been prescribed dozens of meds
I've been to studies
I've seen shrinks, social workers, therapists, quacks, psychologists, psychiatrists, forensic psychiatrists, military doctors and everything inbetween.

I am not a professional but I do have more experience than any doctor would have with how this shit actually effects us.

go back to 9gag

no fuck you I want to help people

how do i fix me and my friend

What's wrong with you and your friend? Please give me as many details as you can.

or just fuck each other

we're broken
we almost fucked once though it was awkward
i want to die and he does too

So there are a lot of mini stories to my fucked up mental illness this but main reason for posting tonight is 'cos I'm tired Sup Forums

Trying to make myself feel better has its limits and after a long day I just want some companionship and support.

Naturally my boyfriend is my first point of contact but I've almost lost complete faith in getting help from him and I just really wanna find a good friend that'll chat with me, keep things friendly, be open and non-judgmental.

How hard is it to find a decent person that isn't a loner, NEET or psycho?

Probably a fucking moron for coming to Sup Forums for this but fuck it, I'll take it. Whatever pulls me out of this hole.

I'm 25 and I have no idea what I want out of life. I don't know what career path I want to take, I don't really know what I enjoy, and I can hardly read my own emotions, let alone the emotions of others. To clarify, I feel emotion very strongly, I just can't identify the emotions that I'm feeling. It's just a general strong feeling of 'something'.

I have been depressed since I was 13, diagnosed at 16. Was on antidepressants for a while, but they didn't help.

What do I do?

I'm going to reply to one post per post to keep the thread alive and not get confused since I'm a little drunk
Being suicidal and having someone else close to you that's suicidal is a recipe for disaster. please seek out a therapist, a positive figure, a role model, anyone positive in your life that can help guide you towards a more positive path. A psychologist is ideal but I know it can be very hard to try and get professional help. At any rate, you need to speak to someone at length about your issues, much longer than any thread on Sup Forums can.

This is COMPLETELY relevant to my question so please do not take this the wrong way. I'm not asking for tits. Are you a man or a woman?

How old are you?

>I'm 25

im his therapist and positive figure. there's a third one of us who is slightly less suicidal who is my role model. we've done this for 4 years now. there's no one on earth that any of us can talk to about our issues besides each other. there's no such thing as therapy for us.

A woman.

I've felt depressed for as long as I remember but was probably "officially" diagnosed 4 years ago when I was referred to hospital for further therapy.

Also; therapy doesn't do this, antidepressants just make you feel like part of you is numb / suppressed.

Mental illness is a fucking terminal thing that can only be "soothed" by these stupid management options.

Christ. I apologize. As I said before I'm drunk. Let me try and explain.

For a young adult, these feelings are normal. Reasonable. A question that any developing human needs to ask themselves.
A severe lack of an ability to read your own emotions and identify them in others is a symptom of autism. I'm not telling you you have autism, I'm simply stating that your symptoms correlate strongly with a condition. I recommend speaking to a psychologist about your symptoms in detail and determining if you have a condition that cannot be helped or if it's a lack of understanding yourself. I predict it's more of a lack of self-understanding.

I am extraordinarily curious about your trio of suicidal friends to the extend that I want to give you some outside contact info and discuss this over the weekend when I have no work and can speak as long as necessary. Could any of you post a discord?


Man this just makes me fucking sad.

I had 1 person to talk to that got it, the only person in the world I think who I'll ever find that does aaaand our friendship is fucked now.

no. its unsafe to talk about these things. i want to die but i dont want to get rekt.

Please understand that there are so many options now for treating depression that typical antidepressants are laughed out of respectable circles. I am genuinely, horribly sorry for any "treatment" you've been put through up until this point and I pray that you can get better help.

Wanting a healthy and supportive relationship is integral to basic human functioning. You are not needy or desperate for wanting these things. This is normal.

However, turning to relationships for support when you are suffering from mental illness is not the route to go. When you are in a relationship, you are supposed to be there to support your partner. It's a partnership. Not a "you help me with my mental problems and I take you out to dinner"ship.

I recommend you find a good psychiatrist that can find a solid antidepressant for you. A stimulant like Wellbutrin or something alternative like Lamictal, ANYTHING but an SSRI.

Good luck man. Please keep asking questions ITT if you have any.

i'm sorry your friendship is fucked. friends is the only thing that keeps me going. is it unfuckable?

I''ll post my discord at the risk of being spammed by Sup Forumstards forever. I hope this can show you how serious I am about wanting to help you.

Just to clarify, OP here, My tag is necrofag#5349

ANYONE that wants to talk any further, please feel free to message me.


i'm afraid i wouldn't know what to do with that information

discord is an service that provides instant messaging, game overlays, etc. over a secure server.

the code I gave was my username plus its unique identifier. No one else can have that name.

I'm giving that so you can talk to me on discord whenever you want.

I could give an email or something if that's easier but I like IMs much more because instant shit is way more fluid.

forgot this. sorry if I sound like a shill but I hate skype, snapchat, facebook and all that shit.

You sound like a shrink. As someone who's been desperately reaching out for help since they were 14 years old I'm pretty fucking sure I've got no options left.

I don't want to be drugged up and have therapists try to talk at me to fix it 'cos they fucking can't.

And sure I agree that's not what a relationship is for but look at this way. I would do anything for him, he's cried a few times and I've been there, I drive over to his place multiple times a week to spend time together, come up with cute ideas etc. and all I want back is someone to be there when I'm stuck in this miserable hole and comfort me while I climb out.

I'll give you the story...

>met on Rust, he was an admin on a server
>we hated each other, he thought I was an attention seeking annoying girl, fair enough
>any way, spent enough time arguing we played together a bit
>turns out we're just cynical, grumpy and sarcastic so we got on like a house on fire
>spoke a lot over Discord for months and got super close (friendship-wise)
>met IRL and that was WEIRD, no need to go in depth
>met more and more, met his mum, was nice and we were bestest friends
>he started to like me more than a friend (ofc it always goes there), I wasn't sure but went along with it
>fuck knows why, I guess I was confused and thought since we were close this was the right thing to do
>have this kinky-fuckery going on for a couple of months until I confront him about it
>tell him I hate it I hate it and I think I screwed up the friendship we had and I should've stopped us doing it
>we barely talk now and it's hard because I know he feels like he loves me (close bond) and understands I just want to go back in time

Sorry I feel pretty shit so I've got barely any motivation, that's a really shitty summary for you.

discord isn't any better. its software as a service again. and theres no way to know how "secure" its servers are. also they ban things i like, so i generally avoid it. you can't really help me anyway though. i'm just kind of here to vent and make myself feel worse.

if you're looking for a group to discuss suicide plans with, even guerilla mail is not safe. I worked for an intelligence agency for a few years. Literally everything is recorded. Modern companies can't develop themselves without agreeing to having their chat logs recorded.

I'm not saying this to scare you. I'm trying to wake you up.

No one is going to listen to your conversations unless you give them reason to. No one is going to monitor your chats. No one is going to eavesdrop on your logs. The ONLY reason ANYONE is going to look at your shit online is if you make a threat or actually kill someone and there is an investigation.

I'm not trying to scare you or try and discourage you from posting. I'm trying to encourage you to talk about your issues, because talking about your feelings is not a crime. Talking about feeling suicidal is not a crime. Talking about plans for killing yourself is not a crime. Talking about places to meet up for killing yourself is not a crime. KILLING YOURSELF IS NOT A CRIME.

Killing someone else is a crime but that's a story for a different time. Please change your tune user. I want to talk to you.

I am the opposite of a shrink. I am an alcoholic criminal necrophiliac with OCD, bipolar type 1 and a long track record of horrible decisions.

i am not preaching getting drugged up
I am not preaching listening to a psych's every word
I am not preaching what you should look for in a relationship

I am trying to give you sound, standard advice. There's very little information we can exchange in a single post so it's very hard to give very sound advice based on that. You sound like you're in pain. Pain makes me think that you need someone who REALLY knows what they're talking about, unlike me, the lunatic talking to Sup Forums on a thursday night, so I recommend you to a therapist. I want you to feel better. I want you to get help.

>So there are a lot of mini stories to my fucked up mental illness this but main reason for posting tonight is 'cos I'm tired Sup Forums
We'll figure out why your really here soon enough
>Trying to make myself feel better has its limits and after a long day I just want some
dick you just want some dick
>Naturally my boyfriend is my first point of contact but I've almost lost complete faith in getting help from him
Then why do you have one?
>How hard is it to find a decent person that isn't a loner, NEET or psycho?
Pretty hard actually but your on b welcome to hell
>Probably a fucking moron for coming to Sup Forums

thats kind of sad.

my hetero friend went into a weird downward spiral where he became sexually attracted to me for like a week. emotional dependence is a hellova drug, turns a straight man gay.

you and i probably don't have anything in common besides being grumpy cynics else i'd put myself out there, although tonight would be a bad place to start because im in a really bad place.

i commit greater thought crimes than thinking of killing myself, friend. and i never really considered guerilla mail safe unless done over tor or something. i think i have a generally good grasp over what is secure and what isn't and what is safe to discuss on unsecure channels and what is not. i know you want to talk to me.

i've wanted to talk to other anons here too, and i'm sure i could have helped them, but they never took the bait. probably because they feel the way i feel right now, its not conducive to listening to others or trying new things in order to communicate

Just want to point out the differences between the memes in this post

and the legitimate advice I'm trying to give in these posts


Go and see a few therapists when you have high functioning depression and see how that goes down. They have no idea how to fucking handle it.

Yes it's fucking depressing and I regret it every day, knowing there is nothing I can do to change it. Some might find it hard to believe but... I could be his friend and our relationship could be what it was before all that happened, I could do that. But he can't, that's the saddest part. In however many years I've felt like this I've only met one person that got it and who said / did the right things. Doubt I'll find another one.

I think everyone in this thread is in a bad place user.

How do you make living on your own less cripplingly depressing? The novelty's almost worn off

Hello i want to visit the doctor with the chill couch regarding my anger issues my hatred against women and my desire to seriously harm a person physically if there werent legal consequences. I dont have to mention loneliness and not being able to socialize with people.
I am just scared that he might classify me in a way that I have to look for something else to study (medschool)

I don't fucking know. I've managed to do it so far but I've been in more relationships than I can handle, clinging on for companionship.

I guess I'm not depressed often enough to kill myself and also my life objectively isn't bad enough to warrant that so I... push on, feeling shit and alone in the process, hoping I'll meet a best friend to get me and I can be there for them too.

What services do you use?

not going to give you my irc handle
anything else is too personally identifying or too obscure to make you try to use

>Go and see a few therapists when you have high functioning depression and see how that goes down. They have no idea how to fucking handle it.
Go and see a few therapists when you have low-functioning bipolar mania
with crippling OCD
based around homicidal necrophilia
with actual physical consequences
for months
and they do nothing
for years
see how they handle it
I know the shit
you don't even understand how much garbage psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, therapists, forensic psychiatrists, everything, that I've been through. I know how incompetent they are. I'm not preaching because I think they're invincible. I know the majority, the vast majority, are shit.

What about a throwaway email?

It's so depressing how true this is for the majority of people with mental illness like this.

Honestly I've just started classing it as a terminal illness, but it's mental not physical. (Well it fucking feels physical considering the pain sometimes).

Sorry user that sounds frustrating and terrible.

[email protected]


i've never encountered a necrophiliac who professed to have homocidal desires, user. that must be quite difficult to find anyone to talk to about. i'm in a similar boat. i don't know if we actually have much in common but i can only tell you i'm not judgemental

I want to appreciate you sympathy but I'm sure you've gone through just as much if not worse.
It's not a pissing contest. I just want to help.

Please tell me what you're currently dealing with. Let's try to work it out.

My dude you have no
no fucking idea how hard it is to talk about
I'm stinking drunk and still so hesitant
it's hard
and I'm glad you're not judgemental, thank you.
could you tell me a little bit about your necrophilia? mine is only for very decomposed bodies so it's.... it's extremely hard to talk about.

quick bump to keep the thread alive

Text is very bad in regards to coming across the right way.

It's simple. I've given up trying traditional methods, I met someone who stopped me being depressed and I fucked our friendship (quite literally). So now I just want someone who can do that.

But it feels impossible, so I keep struggling on to take care of myself even though it's close to impossible sometimes.

Oh and my partner doesn't seem capable of helping, I have to point everything out and be super step-by-step to get him to understand.

I just feel utterly demotivated and there's just no point in trying right now I just... feel empty.

i'm really sorry, im not a necrophile. i'm a different kind of phile. we're in a similar boat because we can't really talk to anybody about it without getting rekt.

but i am definitely curious to hear more about your attractions. i don't bump into necrophiles often.

Hey is Op still a faggot

now the real question: Do therapists really work?

this is me

let me tell you a story.

>talked to a hyper masochist on /r9k/ during its first year
>brushed it off, didn't think anything of the exchange
>we meet over 5 years later in another thread and somehow hit it off
>she's amazing
>we talk every day
>she understands my issues
>I have talked to hundreds of people from chans and IRL before and none of them fucking get it but she fucking does
>we travel across the country to meet each other after nearly a year of hesitation
>she's gorgeous
>we meet again a few weeks later
>I eventually meet her family
>I move halfway across the country for us to live together
>we have now lived together for three years
>she's supported me through all of my therapy, put up with insane bouts of psychosis, of alcohol abuse, of extremely horrible shit and she still loves me
>I love her
>I want to be with her for the rest of my life
>thanks to Sup Forums
it's possible
please hang in there

This is me
so no, they do not work for some people inc. myself and many others in this thread

a mental health professional once told me that 90% of the benefit that a person gets from therapy comes purely from having another human being to talk about stuff with.

Yeah that's nice and all but my current boyfriend wants kids, I do not.

We're in love, like crazy so, but he just DOESN'T GET IT. I have tried and tried but he constantly shifts it onto me like "you need to do X" well fuck you I have needs too, i can't fucking do X when I'm so miserable I want to do 0.

It's so depressing I feel very alone I can't even talk to the person I'm in love with, because I know they'll just reply with

"lol ok I dunno" then go off-line when I go away to cry for 20mins, and leave me alone. (WHO DOES THAT??)

if you're certain
my attraction is exclusively towards very decomposed corpses, almost entirely in the bloat stage of decomposition. they need to have absolutely no resemblance towards a living human. the peeling skin, the smell, the receding hair and nails, the blisters, the rot, that
that is what I need
it's very hard to explain coherently. it's hard to compare anything to.
pic related, good example of what I'm attracted to. I know it's not right but I can't help it.

why don't you want kids? is this important and related to your depression or just an example of how you don't feel you can communicate with your boy toy?

Your boyfriend sounds like a normie asshole. Don't waste your time with normie assholes. The entire point of my story was that you need to find people you can relate to. People who can understand you. People coming from a similar place of suffering. Places like Sup Forums, places like /r9k/, places like other imageboards, places like support groups, ANYWHERE BUT PLACES INFESTED WITH NORMIES

I dont need anybody in my life that is at least what I was thinking
Stupid brainsies and social consciousness

ic. so do other necrophiles have pretty clear cut differences in the types of corpses they desire?

not that user but typically, people with severe mental issues don't want to pass on those traits to their children.


ECT, should I?

I'm being harsh tbh because I'm sure he's trying, he's just failing.

And yeah I told him that, and I told him what I need, he just doesn't get it. Like "why can't we just type, why do you need to call me?" or "hang in there, you can drive over tomorrow" oh yeah sure I fucking can.

We're supposed to meet tomo but I just wanna sit here alone.

I feel like in some ways I isolated myself but it's not just me, because I *amazingly* have the strength to keep reaching out. Like to all of you peeps here.

Sorry please see the above, ofc I am making him out to look worse than he is. I don't think he's a normie but he's definitely not... on my level? lel

Uhhh it's kind of complicated actually but essentially I dislike them, I want a career, I want control of my life, I want to travel and be free and adventurous and do what I want.

But yeah also I'm terrified of the idea and can't imagine giving up my life for them / the affects on my body if I gave birth.

Maybe it is linked to my depression, I did get sexually assaulted when I was younger and I've been depressed a long time so I suppose kids stop me from having the minimum freedom and hope I have right now.

Maybe when I'm in my late 30s or even 40s.

do gays really have a body type they desire?


Yes. The vast, vast majority only want very fresh corpses because they fear intimacy with living women. The next group want intimacy with fresh corpse because they have lost someone close to them. And the next group want intimacy with fresh corpses because of opportunity. and so on, and so forth

you get down to the group that I'm in that wants the decomposed ones and you're left with serial killers and sergeant bertrand (one of my favorite historical figures for obvious reasons)

to say it's depressing is a massive understatement

only if you want massive, irretrievable memory loss at the cost of whatever benefits you may gain.


Do you enjoy what you do? And what do you think about cheating in a marriage if it means it keeps one of the spouses hap[y?

I was in a relationship like you were, once
I was fresh out of a mental hospital and TERRIFIED of being undesirable and alone
now please listen, don't be disheartened
I met a boy (not a man, a boy, he was 19) who loved me, genuinely
he did everything he could to please me
but after months of him inadvertently hurting me, not meeting my needs, ignoring what I actually wanted, being physically, emotionally and mentally incapable of rising to my experience and challenges
I hurt him
and left him
it is one of the worst mistakes of my life
if you are in a relationship with someone ill-suited to you, for BOTH of your sakes, leave him. he is not benefiting either.

there was one i remember reading posts from who was big into like, ghosts and spirits. he felt sexually and emotionally drawn to graveyards and shit. he felt some things towards skeletons and stuff too, but mostly towards more spiritual stuff

hello horrible foul
I detest the thought of cheating in a marriage. a marriage is an agreement to fathfulness. you are swearing for the rest of your lives to remain faithful to one another. to betray that is to betray the foundation of your relationship. if you have been together 30 years and are miserable and catholic and can't divorce for whatever reason or SOME shit like that, of course I can understand. but on principle I reject it.

oh boy if i think about it when there is opportunity i might go for it

I think I have a drinking problem and I can't decide whether or not I want to drink this weekend. Also my anti depression medication is keeping me up, when does the not depression start?

I worked mental health for a bit. Shit was dumb. Aside from the few people that had an actual problem most of the cucks ruined their own lives and blamed everyone and everything else for their problems. I hated most of the and the job itself. Not to mention most of the employees were on the wrong side of the keys it was like the blind leading the blind.

that is not me. I'm the chick that's deeply into very decomposed corpses. very. very. very deeply. the most obsession you can possibly comprehend. it haunts my fucking nightmares and from the moment I wake to the moment I sleep it is fucking there.

My ex and my best friend got together not even a month after we broke up and I was heart broken. I barely functioned for a month. Then along came a new girl who brought happiness and self worth back into my life. She made me feel like I could actually be ok again. But she for back with ex boyfriend dispite telling me she loved me and that I was better than him. Now I'm heart broken even more and I feel like nobody even likes me anymore. I feel like all my friends secretly hate me and that nobody wants me around. Please help me feel better about life

I can't do that because I've been with enough people to know when I've met the person I want to be with in life.

It's just this hurdle we need to get over, and I refuse to give up and end it to just go on to deal with it alone "searching" for someone. He is the one and whilst it may take a long time, and be painful, I'd rather he be there to support me (when he can) even though he's a bit shit at it.

That being said I am always looking for a new friendship that might contribute to my life positively and where that person is also benefiting from me being their friend...

"anti-depressants" (AKA SSRIs) are satan
if you aren't on a stimulant
or an unconventional antidepressant

this is why i dont go with women. i am not an unattractive chap. not to get involved with them or emotionally attached is one fine solution
if they just werent so attractive..

Rejecting on principle is one thing, but what do you think about the health of the individual in their particular marriage? Of course, a marriage is a team, but you cannot expect a duo to exist outside of the rest of humanity. You may rely on other friends for social support, or another friend to lend an ear... how does one draw the line?

this may be very insensitive
but how are you meeting these girls? what is your selection process? if two women in a row betrayed your trust, the way you're filtering them may be a factor

Also I really want to post this for anyone that's replied to my posts because this really hits my heart.

This is the song my... ex best friend (story here ) sent me recently saying it describes us. Breaks my heart.

What are my options? What are the downsides to this? This is the second time in my life I've been on medication.

I believe that if you are married and need to rely on a person outside of that marriage for support, that marriage needs to be cut off so that new relationship can flourish, without any hangups.

I just smoke weed when I can. Seems to help.

Problem is I never take any home, always do it socially, I'm scared of becoming mentally addicted to feeling like I need it and do it every night all the time...

What medication were you on before, and what is your diagnosis?

hate myself, hate what i look like, hate my hobbies, cut contact with everyone i know because of anxiety and depression, getting older and have no motivation to figure out a career or a way to sustain my life after my grandma dies (i live with her)

all i do is sit around listening to music all day, sometimes i go for walks. anything else is overwhelmingly difficult

i'm not suicidal really because i'm a coward and the pain scares me. not existing sounds nice though

>How hard is it to find a decent person that isn't a loner, NEET
Nice high standards and xondescendence,, enjoy being forever alone.

it's a sad day on Sup Forums when a fake doctor is the only thread with traction

user I can relate to this because, whilst unmarried, I am an incredibly open person. Idk what the limit is but ofc anything beyond friendship isn't ok.

I used to fall asleep in phone calls with randoms as I found it pretty calming, some people think that's too much though. Dunno why, it's online, and it's sleep.

well i'm completely obsessed with little girls, but at least by societies standards they are pretty and not something to be abhorred i guess. when there's only one thing you feel drawn to and the world despises you for it it makes it easy to get obsessed.

I don't remember as I was 11 or 12. I have depression. I'm talking to a counsellor about my issues and I was prescribed citalopram to help.

I met them both through theatre, seeing as how all of us were actors. Ex was super nice to me until we broke up, and then the new girl reached out to me when she saw that I was heart broken. She helped me finish our production, but after that she just started to grow distant, now she won't even look at me and everytime I see her I almost break down

you've got a bad case of situational depression
removing yourself from the burden ( and I know how insensitive it sounds to say that but fuck you this is Sup Forums and you asked for ) the burden of your grandmother will free you
once she is gone you will be able to see whatever you do or don't have to offer this world
try and see it before this happens.
make her proud. make her see that you are something other than some Sup Forumstard.

I'm not even trying to pretend to be a doctor, I'm just some mentally ill faggot trying to help people.