Friend was raped by a cop but is scared to do anything because she has little evidence...

Friend was raped by a cop but is scared to do anything because she has little evidence, small town and cop is friends with her brother in law. How can she get justice?

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Let me rape her and I'll tell you

its a girl saying that some guy raped her, theres no way the guy would get off without punishment. she could lie about the entire thing and he'd still get in trouble

She should have had a rape kit done at the hospital right away.
Best you can do now is file a complaint with the department and turn to social media.

Kill him, kill his parents, his siblings, his wife/girlfriend and any children he has.

true dat

but that shit only works in big lefty cities in gay ass libtard states

down south there ain't shit law, whoever has a gun and a star on their chest gets to do whatever the fuck they want to

Convince me she was actually raped and not any of this "he looked at me so it's rape" and I'll help.

Damn user!

She has knife wounds on her back

rolling for this

It's also what I advocate for fighting back against the unjust Drug War. Except for that I don't limit it to cops. Prosecutors, judges, politicians who support it, and the people who profit off the Drug War. Kill their families to show them that actions have consequences.

Post pics and place and we will take care of it for you op.

Let's deconstruct this

How do you know her?

>was raped
Define "rape". What happened?

>by a cop
Define "cop". Employed by who? On duty or off? What happened?

>but is scared to do anything
Scared of what? Retaliation? Losing?

>because she has little evidence
What evidence does she have? Her opinion?

>small town
Define "small town". What town?

>cop is friends with her brother in law
Define "friends". Why would her brother in law disbelieve her?

>How can she get justice?
What does she want? The cop to go to jail?

PS - fuck you user

When you slash someone with a knife it's rape actually


This. Screw all the doors in his house closed and light it on fire.

You can just torch the place and shoot him as he runs out. No need to expose yourself to geting caught putting screws in.

Stupid samefag

>real men don't rape

Well maybe I'm tired of having to live up to unrealistic stereotypes of what makes a 'real man'
ever think of that?

Oh fuck. It's you again.

>unjust drug war
>kill children to retaliate

Have the courage of your convictions and do it, faggot.

Stop samefagging fag.

She probably deserved in user.

Nah I'll actually do something given the right tools.


nig... get a life.

I agree, let's track op down, get his family records, and then rape his sister.

But imagine the news report. I'd fap to that.

Shut up, nerd.

maximum kek

Heaven forbid that a few cops get what's coming to them. The kids are acceptable casualties.

I like your style user

Especially the prosecutors, judges, and politicians. yes. They are the biggest problem.

Hey autist...learn how to spell and fuck off!

Edgy and 14 at the same time, you won't do shit with the proper recourses, you'll just rot in your squalor eating Cheetos and drinking mountain dew while posting edgy shit on the internet to seem cool and dangerous, when in reality you're not

They are but they are also the least accessible and the most protected. Cops on the other hand are everywhere and their families are very exposed. Since cops are the rank and file who make the Drug War possible it would be most effective to target them and make them unwilling to enforce unjust laws for fear of retaliation.

I ain't OP, but I'll answer these questions for you:

Forcibly penetrated, i.e., against her will
>By a cop
Employed by the gov't. Good call on the off duty thing tho
>Losing, and having her rep destroyed, people coming after her, etc.
>Little evidence
Besides knife scars, probably nothing.
>Small town
A town that isn:'t very big. Also, nice try FBI.

Aaaand the rest are good q's


if you rape someone, you never lived up to the realistic expectation to not rape someone.

>knife scars
how long ago was this?

>not OP

well fuck off then

Kill the fucker and dissolve his body in your bathtub.
As far as the law goes, probably not a damn thing.

you cant tell me how to live my life



Funny how you call old Sup Forums edgy.
I'm here for lulz newfag.
If putting a cop in jail give me a chuckle then I'm on it.
You might be more comfy over on tumblr m8.




go to internal affairs

You need to remove all evidence and just forget it.
Also, lock her in a small room with the police officer. They'll work it out, trust me.


>Not op
>Somehow knows she was forcibly penetrated against her will

well then maybe that OP image ought to be changed to say 'normal people don't rape'
instead of 'real men'

Oh and I prefer Dr. Pepper newfag.


>Define rape
I defined rape

So if she raises her arms in the wrong order she's saying DON'T RAPE REAL MEN ?

Why? Do strong opinions upset you?


Her arms are in the wrong order.



If youre going to samefag at least do a better job

>lulz reddit.
Wow you new.
Try '06 right here muthafuka.

Spot on, Sup Forumsro


Are you 12? And stop samefagging, no one likes it and it doesn't make the stupid shit you say any better, it just makes people hate what you say even more

She should kill herself and leave the good man alone.

Has knife marks but not enough evidence?

Thanks for the support Anons. You make the world go round.


How would you trace it to the cop?

Youre up way past your bedtime

>it just makes people
you a group newfag?

so rape doesn't exist then?

It's not "samefagging" if you are have a conversation.

Keeps saying newfag and this is his second time on the site

"If you are have"
Replying to yourself agreeing with your own opinion while making it seem like you are a different person is samefagging

I found the security camera footage of the rape in progress.. by God


gra/ndxxxa/ enjoy

It's obviously too late now but when the event took place she would have had evidence retard. Even if not for rape, someone slashed her with a fkn knife

everybody loves rape-man


she can't, but at least a valuable lesson about what cops are worth was learned

This is the "victim". I spared my friend most of the details to be kind. But by cop, he works for a small town dept. By rape, it was forced penetration and a brutal assault. And it went unreported because I was scared.

Aww look at you, making yourself the implied actual victim.. So cute, too bad you're a manlet.

Sorry, but the rules.

salt the earth. kill everyone he loves

Hello, welcome to Sup Forums. This is /b are you hurt? Dont you get the answers you want? Do you have feelings?
Get the fuck out of here and let us rape that shitty whore you call friend. Some pics of her would be nice to so I can jerk the shit out of my cock and think about how your filthy whore friend got raped by a cop, faggot

>very little evidence
Guys end up in jail for 20 years on false rape charges with zero real evidence. Little evidence is going above and beyond. The only reason she would be scared to lose is if she is lying to you.

Not at all. Even if he isn't convicted, every woman in the town is going to 100% believe he is a rapist. His wife/girlfriend will leave him and his life will be ruined. Even his cop buddies are going to look at him weird and his career provably won't advance any further.
Being called a rapist in America is actually worse than being convicted of first degree murder.

I've never raped anyone before, but if I knew I could get away with it? I would. Women are fuckmeat anyway. Not like they're good for anything else.

if you aren't willing to press charges and murder him and his family then i don't think i believe you

We get it. You're the edgiest freshman at your high school. Isn't it a little past your bedtime though?

Here you go

lol shoot him in the head or fuck off

Wow, did you really take the time to shop out the you'd? Congrats, you're the biggest fag on Sup Forums.

killing the pig

kill him

Lol when even was the last time you walked outside you disconnected child?