Ask a white guy who works at 7-11 anything

Ask a white guy who works at 7-11 anything

What midwestern town are you from?

How many shamefully obese children do you see on a daily basis?

I'm in the DC metro area. Probably like one of ten in the tristate are (to my knowledge)

Not many to be honest, mostly obese adults. I have an old black cab driver that litteraly gets out of breath carrying a gallon a milk 30 feet to the counter. I pray he just drops dead soon

That's a shame. Fat kids are cute.

Where do you work?

do you like interracial porn?

are you sometimes sad for the guys who worked at the 9-11?

Where do you work?


Mine is better. Dubs decides. Delet thus.

Like, not the state. But the place in which you are employed.

Not specifically I can get down with most shit though. Lot of hot black women walk through these doors.

Yeah, still wouldn't have been funny.

I feel no pity for Jew dogs.

i traded weed to the guy at the local 7/11 that worked the night shift for sandwiches and donuts. Evidently, if a sandwich has a sell by date of wednesday the night guy scans them out and throws them away on Tuesday night. So for a nickle bag the dude would hook me up with like 10 sandwiches and free donuts 3 or 4 nights beer week. Shit was great.
>no question. just props to my local 7/11 fellow stoner

what ever happened to the 8-11?

Dubs says it is.

Shit son, I would've blazed in the back office with you. It pisses the Ethiopians off but they're useless anyway. I'm damn near irreplaceable

It was hit by an airplane

Fake news

I noticed a lot of people in DC jogging everywhere.

My question is this...
Durka durka Muhammad Jihad?

Indians owned this 7/11. Ended up firing my guy because he showed up late too often. We would smoke 5 feet from the front door while customers were lining up at the register. I knew he didnt have a long future there.

Noooo way man customer service is my angel. I get so many hook ups from my customers

Biking is huge out here

Terri mahti puhti

Why is the letter n in the logo lowercased?

Do you work at 7-11?

>Why is the letter n in the logo lowercased?
An upper-case "N" would look blocky; it would look like a solid block at a distance since they've chosen to have their diagonals full thickness.

i also worked at a 7-11 in maryland. germantown to be exact. garbage owners and shitty town.

I'm out in Rockville. It's still a shithole just a rich shithole

Yeah, what he said

>a gallon a milk

Is that how you think English really works?

Are you white

You must be fun at parties

I have a decent credit score
