Ask a jew anything

ask a jew anything

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are you rich?

Will you convert to islam for 100 million USD?



Why not? With that money you can build something big. Like destroying islam from within

kys chris you giant mangina.

How do you feel knowing that the Bible and Quran are free on google play, but the Torah cost $10

What does your dick look like?

How many aliyot did you do at your bar mitzvah?



Do you find the term oven dodger insulting?
Also.How does it feel to know your race is responsible for ruining mankind?


Why are u disgusting?



are you considering Rhinoplasty? you're nose aint bad but mine was garbage and i did it and I'm slaying now so fuck you hooooeseeee


The more money Islam has, the more suicide bombers. Seems like the problem fixes itself after a while.

Time to fund Islam.

How does it feel to have you dick cut because of a made up story? I'd be mildly irritated if I was cut for that reason. Are you ready to accept the pain and an hero?

How great is being a jew?
You pretty, like to be buttfucked?
You know the true smell of money and can really sense gold with your nose?

Are you a self hater?

Would you convert to Islam for a penny?

Do you even care about religion? Honestly.

you scream in the oven? Or not... like a pizza (?

What's your favorite Chinese food?

r u gay

Do the goyim know?

what's it like being superior to low-IQ stormfaggots who are jealous of you?

ask a failed Nazi what it is like. millions more krauts burned to a krispy krackle than did Jews.

protip: Nazis suffered total defeat and are the most failed group in military history, biggest losers of all time, in other words.

suck harder, faggot goyshit.

how's it feel to have dick cancer and suffer the wrath of God?

You're not full Jewish are you?

why are you jealous?

I would love to suck you crack butthole.

I'm sure you would...

Are you a Jew? have gay porn saved on your computer...

Why do you look white?

so you admit that nazis and stormfaggots are gay?

Not OP but I had psychological issues that got a lot worse when I realized the implications of culturally motivated circumcision. I'm not doing it to my future kids and I'll try to make sure my siblings don't do it to their kids. The psychological risks are beyond what any parent should put their kid through.

circumcision is normal, healthy, and American Pediatric Association approved. Cut dicks enjoy far less cancer and STD risks, don't smell shitty with shmegma, and are vastly preferred by women to uncut.

It's savage uncut dick owners who suffer trauma. Stop being a pathetic, sadsack shill for libturds.

How does it feel when you will never be aryan?
It's kinda sad that some of humans will never experience being aryan white.
It's even better than doritos and mountain dew
Trust me you would love this.

I descend from Sephardic Jews who switched to Catholicism to avoid the Spanish Inquisition. I'm not a religious person and don't intend on converting to Judaism. However, I think I should learn something about it. Should I talk to a Rabbi or something?

Reaction time evidence suggests that the average white in the Victorian era had an IQ 15 points (an entire standard deviation) higher than the average today. This puts them at or higher than the purported Jewish estimate. I guarantee if our culture and popular entertainment didn't push its degenerate, anti intellectual agenda on the poor, working class and uneducated our average IQ would be just as high.
I also find it humorous that these IQ studies typically always distinguish between the different ethnicities of Asian (discerning between north east and south Asians, in particular) and Jews (ashkenazi vs sephardic), yet all gentile whites are pooled into one (Irish with English, northern Italian with southern, everyone else!).

if you walked into a wall with an erection, how long does it take for the pain from your nose to go away?

If I was normal, it would be done in the wild by nature you fuckntard

Jews are better than Aryans, so it'd actually be a letdown.

But...u scream or not?

How do you feel when you are offered free ham?

yes! talk to a rabbi. Jews, unlike Christians, do not proselytize or try to get people to convert. So, it will be a no pressure experience. You can ask him what are the differences between Christianity and Judaism.

I actually converted, of my own volition, without anyone pressuring me. I studied and researched and found that Christianity is a pagan invention of the Hellenistic age. Judaism just makes such clean sense. God gave us a moral code. We obey Him and follow it. My life has never been better or more fulfilling.

I'm not shitting you. I'm completely serious.

I'll take nepotism for $100, Alex.

That chart is bullshit btw. Technically English, French, German and Northern Italian are Aryan, so yeah that's like 80% of all Nobel winners.

Actually, the majority of males on Earth are intact.
>APA approved
If you read carefully you'll see that they don't outright recommend it. They say the benefits exceed the risks. Most medical associations in Europe and Australia oppose the practice of routine circumcision. Some outright call it a human rights violation.
Penis cancer is rarer than male breast cancer, and is usually preceded by HPV, which is preventable.
So you'd rather cut off sensitive tissue from a healthy child than teach him to use protection? The difference in risk between a circumcised man with a condom and an intact man with a condom is tiny and can be eliminated simply by not having sex with multiple partners or simply getting tested.
Btw I've never seen an uncut man get angry for long about his penis, because he can get it cut. A cut man can't change it and has to live with it for the rest of his life. Give kids the choice over their own bodies.

That is word-for-word copypasta. How unoriginal and uninformed are you, anyway?

"reaction times"? are you serious? ha ha ha. What cog.sci experiments were carried in the "victorian age"? OMFG, ha ha ha. Do you have the SLIGHTEST notion of what you are copypasta-ing?

kill yourself, you waste of biomass cuntface.

Jews are superior to you.

Actually white people had built the world you are currently living on. Cities,countries and everything else is work of aryan hands.
Jews should be grateful for letting them live here within our walls.

Why did you kill Jesus? He literally did nothing wrong.

I'll take word-for-word same post from yesterday, Alex.

Hey, kid, I know this is *really* tough for you to grasp, but the chart is comparing proportionate relative differences.

Wow, you are fucking stupid.

(yawn) sure thing, dick cancer. good luck selling your shmegma infested dick to women.


Based on religion, not race you fucking moron.

American names are shit

Jews are fucking repulsive.

Tbh, I have no idea why people believe in something that has little to no proof. I just see it as a way to deny reality and lie to yourself.

How are you, user?

How many goyim have scammed/ bamboozled at ur law firm

Jews have contributed more to intellectual, scientific, mathematical, and moral/philosophical progress, proportionate to their numbers, than any other group.

Be like Newton and recognize that Judaism is best. Stop being a jealous cunt.

if you are referring to the chart, then it is religion not race, you ADHD brain-addled single-wide dwelling toothless hillbilly swamp faggot.

Fucking jew. Stop trying to glorify mutilation. It doesn't do fuck and you fucking know it. Nature intended it for a fucking reason

>fooled me once, shame on me, fooled me twice..JOOOOOOOOOS!

don't you hear how stupid you sound? you are literally proving that Jews are superior

honest question, enough of the pathetic attempts to be edgy and get attention; how do you feel about your religion, christianity, and agnostics?

right. so don't go to the doctor for any procedure ever, right? that'd be "going against nature"! -- same goes for driving, living inside walls, and your fleshlight, you retarded shit-4-brains.

do you live in the Glendale/Mesa area by chance?

There is literally nothing to be jealous of.

Until recent history they were a bunch of unwashed inbred vermin obsessing over their giant book of ancient horseshit.

They contributed virtually nothing to the revival of learning in Europe; by the time jews were even players on the intellectual scene in Europe, calculus had been around for 100 years. We already had the scientific method. Already had invented physics, evidence based medicine and chemistry. The ground work for probability, abstract algebra, and mathematical analysis were also being laid.

There will never be a Jewish Newton, Gauss or Galois. Never a Jew that breaks ground in anything. Even your beloved Einstein relied on Hilbert to create the mathematics for "his" ideas (Gauss and plenty other goys had speculated that the nature of space was non Euclidean). It will always be frontrunning goyish discoveries and more sophistry and exploitation.

Language games and aggregation are all they are good at.

Fail troll

You must be mentally fucking retarded.

Go back and read the post with that chart. Read what was said in that post, and then look at the chart.

I see Christianity as a pagan-corrupted form of Judaism. Literally, it was formed from Hellenists practicing syncretism and adopting Jewish symbology and eschatology.

Most of my friends are Christian. I respect them and vice versa.

Agnostics are actually welcome within Judaism. A Jewish theologian named Marin Buber argued that agnosticism is the best way to be Jewish. You should understand that Judaism is not a set of dogmatic beliefs. It is a way of life. It is a REALLY ancient religion. We value inquisitiveness, debate, challenge, and learning. So, agnosticism really fits right in.

Most Jews I know are decent people, just trying to make a better life for themselves and their families.

Are there assholes among us? Sure.

But, 9 times out of 10, those assholes are self-hating Jews with bigger problems than religion.

I'm sure the same is true in just about every group.

Calm down before you lose your kippah

Show us your jew cock

Since when does being inbred and absolutely riddled with diseases at the genetic level make something superior?

same guy here. don't want to sound like a fag but i really appreciate this insight.

WTF. Are you a copypasta bot? I have seen word-for-word the same post about a dozen times.

I even debated someone the other night posting the exact same post.

Seriously, how intellectually bankrupt are you? You just copy and paste the same boring, false shit over and over on Sup Forums to no one who cares shit about what you say.

Jews have been contributing to European intellectual progress for the entire 2000 years it has existed. You are simply 100% ignorant of history.

Run this experiment. What was Europe 2000 years ago before Jews came into the picture?

Answer: shitty boggy backwater fighting for crumbs off the table off the southern mediterranean and middle-east which shined as center stage for intellectual progress....AND WHERE THE JEWS WERE ENMASSED.

Then comes the diaspora. Most Jews flee towards Europe. And, what happens? Why.... suddenly, Europe becomes center stage for intellectual progress. That's right! The very place where JEWS ARE ENMASSED!

Now comes WW2 and the Nazis. Most Jews in Europe either flee or are murdered by faggoty nazis faggots. Europe is quite nearly bereft of all of its Jewish populations. Many of these Jews end up in America.

Then..... guess what?? GUESS!!!

That's right! Suddenly, America becomes the superstar of intellectual progress and Europe goes back to being a boggy, shitty backwater, fighting for crumbs from North America.

The very place where JEWS ARE ENMASSED is now the new place where all the intellectual action and superstar science is happening.

See the trendline here, dumbshit faggot?

Where Jews go, intellectual progress happens.

Hey, just for shits and giggles, look up how the Greek classics were transmitted (and translated) to Europe. Go on, sadsack faggot.

Finally, if all you are doing with your pathetic life is copypasta, then kill yourself.

since you are wrong and your sad, outdated memes don't hold water anymore.

You think Eurotrash cunts are without genetic diseases?

ha ha ha ha ha

Kek you are full of shit. The Jewish intellectual revolution didn't occur until like the 1800s. Let's not kid ourselves Shlomo.

thanks, pal. I mistyped the name, btw:

It's Martin Buber (the theologian)

good luck on your spiritual journey, friendo

Hey, Cletus, just because vanguard videos you youtube don't cover the full breadth of history, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Like I said, proven-wrong retarded cumlips, look up how the Greek classics were transmitted to Europe. It's what kicked off the entire Renaissance, the end of the dark ages, and the rise of modern science.

Evolution has never stopped. While you eurotrash cunts were counting rosary beads and killing each other, Jews were selectively breeding only the most intelligent among our kind.

You are yesterday's news, pal. Without Jews to parasitize from, Europe will continue to fade and disappear, until it is nothing but a satellite state of the New Islamic Caliphate.

>Without Jews to parasitize from
the jew is the ultimate parasite

And again, you are wrong about jewish influence on scholarship. Absolutely dead wrong.

Do you celebrate 4/20?

Christian nations would invite Jews to come in, would wait while Jews built up cities, improved conditions for all, supercharged the economy and the academy, and until the said Christian nation had accumulated massive debt from said Jews.

At that point, the Christian nation would betray their promises, murder whole populations of Jews, and drive them out, alleviating themselves of the moral duty to repay the debts and reaping the harvest of the hard work of the Jews.

This literally happened over and over and over.

That is the action of a parasite.

Secondly, HOW FUCKING STUPID ARE YOU? Seriously? Your "evidence" that Jews contributed nothing to European intellectual progress is that Jews had their own enlightenment? How does this preclude earlier intellectual contributions????

OMFG, you are really as dumb as stormfag memes make you out to be. You literally fit the stereotype of a toothless neckbeard with no degrees and lots of misdirected anger.

I'm cut and Jewish you putz

>Christian nations would invite Jews to come in, would wait while Jews built up cities, improved conditions for all, supercharged the economy and the academy, and until the said Christian nation had accumulated massive debt from said Jews.
>At that point, the Christian nation would betray their promises, murder whole populations of Jews, and drive them out, alleviating themselves of the moral duty to repay the debts and reaping the harvest of the hard work of the Jews.
>This literally happened over and over and over.
Lies lies lies. Come on Shlomo, you can do better than this.

Kek. Jews infiltrate economies only to drive them into the ground and then lend at exorbinent rates to those they put into debt. Extreme cockroaches.

yeah, whatevs.

spread your libtard self-hating propaganda on Tumblr, not here.

Their enlightenment happened 100 years AFTER calculus had been invented.

I.e. after an immense amount of STEM endeavors had already been established.

history, history, history.

C'mon Cletus, your Slav education must have served you better than this, seriously! Is your daddy's dick really so deep down your throat that you can't read a book every so often?

The "hard work of the Jews".


Franz Kafka-ish. Remember to chew your food extra carefully and always wear the same light coat regardless of whether it's hot or cold outside and finally rationalize why tuberculosis is what you needed.

are you a communist libtard? you sound like one.

Christian nations made a free choice to incur debt and made a moral choice to murder and not pay back. Interest rates almost never exceeded 20%, and were typically lower than non-Jewish lenders.

It's just that Jews were an easy target, so Jewish lenders were preferred by parasitic Christian nations.

THIS but only the last part with tuberculosis

I'm actually Ashkenazi. I'm just not an ethnocentric cunt that tries to rewrite history and unjustly take credit for the accomplishments of others.