What is wrong with his head?

What is wrong with his head?

the gaming headphones kappa

p.s. discount code alpha

I got this... He's black.

he was dropped as a kid

I have studied phrenology for 12 years and this man is clearly an attack helicopter


They had to use utensils to pull his head out his momma vagina

Since the baby bones are soft they were squeezed in a bit where the doctor grabbed the head with the foresnips

That makes no fucking sense. The rest of his head is level except for the chunks of meat coming out.

Exactly..they use a tool that looks like tongs...they grab just above ear and pull

That's why he is squeezed in at just above ear level

Then pulling causes the raised area above that

human growth hormone would account for enlarged head miscles and excess acne, don't let these stupid faggots fool you OP

to clarify people take it as a performance enhancing drug to greatly increase muscle gain


its the ez grip model

useful for the guy hes giving head to

That's bone molded like that from the utensil pulling him from his mother's tight vagina

She may have been too young for childbirth and her vaginal cavity would not stretch enough

"Sorry Mario, but the Princess is in another castle"

yo everyone get into this raid twitch: gendrago_gaming


How's the mid 1800's going?

self promotion cuck go suck some niggercock you pathetic fuck

high testosterone / very tall

he's too alpha