G/fur pls?

g/fur pls?

Other urls found in this thread:


yiff in hell furfag


I just have these.






























Not much for incest but this comic is very nice otherwise.




You must be new here. Hi newfriend


>tfw when your dad hates the shit out of you and treat you like crap and you go to Sup Forums to forget about it and then ppl rubbing this comic in your face....

Why does your father hate you?

there is no specific reason know if, I just never meant anything to him or had a place in his heart. Except when I was literally like 3 years old I can vaguely remember him singing to me but other than that no love, ever.

Kafka wrote a 100 page letter to his father. Maybe you should do that. Write a letter to your father and reveal all your fears and anxieties you have in regards to him and how all of that has effected your life.




Thats exactly what I just did 6 hours ago... It was a very hateful letter.

Do you feel hatred towards your father?

Bait so poor, Africa looks rich, nigger


Only intense repressed sexual desires.

I can't tell if that's a joke.

yes I very much have hate for him. He made my life miserable in more ways than I can count on both hands

In what way did he make you miserable?

>Beat the shit out of for everything I did starting when I was like 5 till I was like 17. Including but not limited to belting, having my body slammed in door jams repetitively, slapped so hard I went temporarily deaf
>cheated on my mom with a dirty whore and fought in front of me constantly as a kid
>left my mom with 1/2 the amount of imcome to take care of my brother and I
>lifestyle ruined
>always wanted for things because dad needed to get his dick wet
>married ungrateful whore moved her into our house, made a love child proceeded to give her cars and shit he never gave me
>moves out of state with new family and talks to me about once a year on the phone
>visit house and find all my nostalgia thrown away, all pics of me crammed into the bottom of a drawer, like he literally wants to forget I exist
>when confronted about it gets super defensive and calls me a piece of ungrateful shit

boards.Sup Forums.org/b/thread/735982745#bottom

I am moving to the other thread. It is more active and has existed for longer it seems.

Don't blame yeah
I'll be there as well