Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP in>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


The World that Never Was?
Yee, that one looks great and so does the nobody fortress thing in it. This cinematic used to have such futuristic graphics back when it was published for the first time in KH final mix.


Fair enough, I've had fun with them when I get them prescribed but I'd never actively seek them out.


You know it
What can I say? Cheap, easy to get, feelsgud

Amatsu is for bully though
Plus he reverse heresy'd like me so I'm allowed to
Ah I see. Now you've gone to full avatarfag now
I'm sure it'll have multiplayer when it comes out but Ace Combat games are known mostly for the stories
>Look up AC Belkan War, AC4 and AC5, to learn the main story
No you're why bad things happen

Still here


It does look great yeah. I did get the PS4 remake so I've been playing through the kingdom hearts game slowly again and the cutscenes are nice

But she's all yours to fuck~

Claiming best girl.

Nargacuga, Barioth and Gigginox are the best.

Probably in 4+ years now that Namco has Tekken 7 on consoles and on PC.


SC6 on PC please
They've already done their E3 thing, right?

No dicc no fucc

Yeah, I dont normally get high at all. Drunk, yes.
You literally cannot bully though.
Love to bully the Giggi by going in Wroggi armor.

Yee. I've gone full avatarfag for a couple of months now. Rate my latest avatar tho. Here's some official art for that.

I didn't like the remakes that much since I could already have a slight revamp on the graphics by playing on emulators and they have their downsides too with longer loading screens and a couple of glitches here and there.
Replaying the games is a nice way to keep the hype going for the next one.

Yeah, E3 done for this year.

Doesn't really look like a game I'd buy if not on good sale.

It's fun how that poison smoke knocks you down.. and everything else it does knocks you down too. It's pretty fun.

I don't mind the trophy hunting that you can do on them and getting some of the ported ones I didn't play.

But why not
It's not everyone's cup of tea but the story is really really good

Oh, I see. I played KH, CoM, KH2, BbS and 358. Oh well, I'm not so conservative to say that the ports are strictly bad, the revamped graphics are great too.

I'm also happy with 358 being turned into a movie, it has a splendid story but the gameplay was horrid for KH standards, it's bad enough to make you want to drop the game a couple of times.

Nice. I was wondering if you would like her due to her having an armor, sword and shield.
>more official art


Yeah it's a good set
Better than the stereotypical female armor

358 was one of thes ones I played on the ds. It was pretty meh. I forget what other ones I have on the disc but there is like 6 of them

Because heresy


But he's a heretic too
>Obligatory ass comment
Sad bun

"If you African first go back to Africa!"

I love that


Banana boi.

I'd say it doesn't avoid the stereotype that well, there's a bunch of skin showing but whatever.

How is everything going?


Drunk is pretty fun but it's generally pretty mediocre compared to the downsides of it.

Hello, how are you?

World of tanks servers are resetting so I'm sitting

But why
I'm doing well and yourself?
>She's actually really cute where's she from?

Can I play that game on my computer?

I rarely suffer downsides.


I got a job month and half ago and everything else in my life is rather stable so I'd say everything is going better than it ever did ever since you we first met.

Zooey from Granblue Fantasy. Here's a cool description of her.
>The fragments of consciousness all hoping to protect this world enveloped in stars and skies gathered together to give birth to this young girl as the arbitrator of the skies. With a legion of dragons by her side, she brandishes an azure sword ready to destroy any foe who dares to disturb the balance of the world.

A good chunk of her pics are also beach pics due to her having different summer art in game :shrug:

Yeah it's made to run in toasters

hi again Im back

Oh I need to buy a toaster
>pets dog

Wow hello. We need more cheerful people like you. Tomoko seems depressed recently. Cheer him up!

No I mean the game runs on anything silly

All the better then.


Glad to hear! That definitely sounds better than what was going on before. I graduated last month and I'm just taking a break from the stress. Will probably be job hunting sometime around late July or early August.

Beach pics aren't bad

>switching back to your old waifu is reverse-heresy
Nope that's not how it works. Its just regular heresy

I'll be right back.

Tomoko is a Gemini, they're always depressed!
My chihuahua is about to die and I wanna get a new doge, but I don't know which one...
I really need a new computer, though. I'm going to lag like a mother fucker

Says an avatarfag struggling to stay relevant lul

Buy a taco bell Chihuahua
Or a shibe

No idea what you mean lul

Hi again. To respond to your last post, why would 9mm be remotely effective against any bear??

Oh I see. I love horoscopes. I'm aquarius myself.

Hopefully it passes. I was depressed because my potential wasn't realized. I think Tomoko would be an excellent business owner but he doesn't seem to want to do it. Convince him for me so he can reach full potential like I was finally able to.

Probably your internet then

I mean you didn't mention bears
I'm more worried about self defense against persons, so 9mm works for me

9mm would be pretty useless. Youd need something that either opens up a lot of area or something that can penetrate the brain.
Did someone say swimsuit?

Time for sleep

since Rory wants Itami's dick doesn't that make you a cuck?

Night pet

There aren't many people here. Bears are the main issue. You think a 1911 is enough? I can't afford a .50 Desert Eagle.

1911 with hollow points is all I can think of in terms of weight to damage ratio, in my budget.

Rory wants exciting. If she finds me exciting then theres no problem. I can supply her with alcohol because shes a high functioning alcoholic.
Well, it will tear then to shreds. Could be a better option, best to ask the gun nuts ( Misaki, Koume ) or your local gun club.

if you're talking pistols a .45 is pretty much the biggest you can get outside of meme guns. I mean, if you wanna me 30000% sure, you could go for the S&W 500.


Oh no that is definitely a meme gun lol. I hate revolvers' load times. The only good meme gun is .50 Desert Eagle.

I'm not an expert by any means so that's a good idea but those clubs tend to be pretty much closed to outsiders who weren't born/grew up around here. Too redneck for me to join up. I don't have the persona.

Slut pet

just get a speedloader if that's what you don't like
but, yeah, just stick with the 1911

No Rory wants Itami's dick tbh
And if she does want exciting she's not gonna find someone who wastes their day fawning over a cartoon character on the internet to be exciting.


ERP slut

Do you love syndra user

Yeah but a bear charging won't give enough time for a stressed wheel reload. They can easily charge through 7 .45 ACP rounds. Only headshots count and you need a high rate of fire with minimal trigger pressure to increase your odds of survival.

Whatever you feel safe with. I'd certainly trust my life to a 1911 in my hands to be perfectly honest

did i hear ERP

>tfw you realize syndra ERPs the most. with his "Syndra Sex Slaves" which is like shizuru amatsu Alice and others

Why do i find Boku no Pico to be sad?

You seem to know more about guns than I do. Thanks for your insight. I wish I could afford that SW handcannon you mentioned.

Because it isn't Boku no Piccolo

Post your hand pls

They're a hobby of mine.
Yeah..I wish I could afford a handgun used in Louise's anime. But it's a grand new. So, not happening..

Do try to take your gun to the range, though. Practice with it so you can actually hit the bear where you need to when you need to.
why tho
Last time a selfie of mine got posted someone came on it

Piccolo is too busy living in a toilet

because I want to see if your actually a girl

I can assure you I am.

Thank you. I will. The safety of my dogs depends on it.

I might go soon. Time to prepare our breakfast and then a nap maybe. We've been up all night. Im tired out.

Good night / morning


she posted face

Someone leaked it, actually.
If I had to guess I'd say Mizore

Half of her face*
How do I know you're not lying
If you're a girl, post hand

Sleep well

Claiming Nano.
Hello everyone.

That's a man face though.

I don't care if you don't believe me. I know that even if I had hands as manicured and perfect as, say, taylor swift's, someone on the thread would use them as "zomg louise is a guy lookit her hands"
Hiya! How are you?

girl eyes

Taylor swift is a skank tho
I just wanna see the hands omg

who sends face to random people?
her hands are in the pic

A bit worried, but overall cozy and content with being alive. Thanks for asking~.
How are you?

Tbh I wish I looked like her
this idiot right here

Idle curiosity, but it's been happening for a few days now... Why do you even bother responding to the people like that?

Worried's no good, anything I can help with? And that's a very good attitude to have~
I'm doing pretty well. Thinking about bed real soon but I'm pretty drawn in to the game I'm playing

Excellent question
I don't ALWAYS respond..


Attention whores can't help it.

A pic of just her hand facing flat palm down
You wanna be a skank?
Loves the attention