Who killed Jeff K Sup Forums?

Who killed Jeff K Sup Forums?

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A nigger

Jenko killed *Jeff*

aw sheol nergal

>Jeff K

Ted Cruz's father. It came from Trump so that can't be fake news.

The driver and I think it's fairly obvious

He also killed Jim Morrison and Ozzy.

Gong to need a source on that one..

is he fine ?

He went back in time and shot himself from the grassy knoll because 4 people from the future told him to

I don't know who killed Jeff K, but I do know the (((CIA))) killed JFK.

Lee Harvey Oswald

Otherwise known as El Ho

President's bullet-ridden body in the street, Ride Johnny, ride!
President's shattered head hits concrete, ride Johnny, ride!

Kennedy's shattered head hits concrete you nigger

you gotta suck suck Jackie suck!

The guy who fired the head shot

Red Dwarf?

currently fuck knows , for sure it was work of usa goverment but theyve also killed the fake suspect and witness who saw the real shooter

Jack Ruby he shot him on live TV.

Let´s first find out who killed Jeff k /a


>Who killed Jeff K

Jeff K is doing fine. He lives above me. He's a decent neighbor although sometimes he plays his 80s metal a little loud.

Rouge elements in the United States government.

To know the answer you must first answer the JQ


Less grizwald

Patton Oswald


John Wilkes Booth

Who promptly joined the witness prevention program under the assumed name of Meteorite.



L'Arvey Oswald

Hugh Hefner in retaliation for killing Marylin Monroe

Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst who prepared the president's morning briefing, has come out in support of the theory that it was the CIA. Most people who think it was the CIA believe that the Dulles brothers had a feud with JFK after Kennedy sacked him over the Bay of Pigs.

The deep state.

And they'd do it again.
>Obama has abandoned progressive principles, such as stopping drone attacks and shutting down Guantanamo, because he is afraid of being assassinated, telling friends, “Don’t you remember what happened to Martin Luther King Jr.?” retired CIA analyst Ray McGovern said today. He’s afraid of what happened to Martin Luther King Jr. And I know from a good friend who was there when it happened, that at a small dinner with progressive supporters – after these progressive supporters were banging on Obama before the election, Why don’t you do the things we thought you stood for? Obama turned sharply and said, “Don’t you remember what happened to Martin Luther King Jr.?” That’s a quote, and that’s a very revealing quote. - See more at: mondoweiss.net/2013/06/reneged-progressive-promises/#sthash.kxsL0Pob.dpuf


his wife actually killed him

if you look at the infamous frame where his head explodes, jackie holds his head and recites demonic incantations