Friday bitches!

Friday bitches!

I like black cock

I love browsing Sup Forums!

Your sister is hot

Ain't gonna suck itself


Mother die in sleep

niggers tongue my anus

Is it true?
Watches at 0 $?

you look like mom

Do you like meems?

>not 4 words nigger

Your Mum does that


I want to die


You've got a booger.

The holocaust didn't happen.

Let me sex you

Hitler did nothing wrong.

u want sum fuk?

Let's fuck a dog!

I vote liberal derp

Feminism is a meme.

is that gluten free?

I fucked your father

I fucked your father

I put the sex in dyslexia

Ready for your assraping?

I like furry porn

4 words retard

I'm gonna cum now

Eat a salad cunt

Can't you count dumbass?
That's 4

I only date fatties

I seriously hope that was sarcasm. Or you just didn't get the joke

The joke doesn't work
it's 6 words

Take a seat user

maybe if the joke was funny It'd warrant breaking the rules

fukken saved

Do you like rape?

Literally the only valid post.

>"Hey" doesn't count