ITT: share some fucked up story from your country

ITT: share some fucked up story from your country

Vienna (Austria)
>There were these old ladies called "Engelmacherin"
>which literally means "angel maker"
>Old women who helped abort youg girls unwanted children for cheap
>They used cloth hangers, knitting needles and chemicals (soap, herbs) to abort the child
>alternatively, they'd let a born child starve
>Some of these Engelmacher would do this and steal child support
>They'd be responsible for some 50 to 100 child deaths on average

a guy got bitten on his dick by a red backed spider twice

At least he finished fucking what he started right?

That's pretty fucked up, Austrianon

twice? did he get necrosis?

Domincan republic
>be 8 year old troubled child
>parents leave me with aunts and cousins
>aunts and cousins are rich
>live in a penthouse suite for a month
>but still go to a thirdworld school
>I speak broken spanish but get by
>take the bus every morning,the schools like 13 miles away
>beautiful country,lush forest and mountains
>fucking watch multiple murders from police to just straight up banditry
>last day in DR saw a guy get his arm cut off for sneaking into the boys bathroom

Nah the second cancels the first.

nah each bitten was months apart

This one time my people used steam engines as battering rams to kill millions of grazing buffalo

No it's kinda like the guys working at abortion clinics... just that they got narcotics now. Poor babies.

Our leader had an affair, lied about it and was acquitted

OP here: holy crap, mate.

what part of the DR did you live in? I lived in Santiago and never saw anything like that.

that's got to be a hell of a mess

Ohhh you poor thing. How do you cope?

The good ol' days

I moved between santiago and puerto plata
my uncle owns 2 hospital clinics
and my other cousins own farms
my favorite part were the corrupt ass police
my grandfather was an officer in Rafael Trujillo's army
so yeah theres that

Wouldn't know it was over a hundred years ago

United States of America

>We used to own black people like property and even called them NIGGERS

Don't forget about all those Japanese we held in camps for the second world War

yeah I only learned about that accidentally when George Carlin mentioned it. Not something US seem to be too proud of.

I think you have worse cases of starving kids and killing babies in your history, Klaus.

They had a paragraph about it in history books when I went to school 5 years ago

You should take a look at China or Russia for that

don't forget the Vortigaunt Holocaust in ancient Half Life 2

this guy