Dear Sup Forums

Dear Sup Forums,
>Invited to House Party by some chad who bullied me in middle school
>Wanna fuck something up lowkey
Wat do?

Take a shit underneath bed mattress

Hotsauce in the jungle juice

Liquids + electronics = fun

Piss. Piss everywhere you can without getting caught. In the bathroom cabinets, behind couches in the basement, into shampoo bottles. Won't even be noticed for a week or so when it starts to reek, much easier to sneak that pinching off a logg

sounds gd, what else? keep them rolling

Sneak in to his folks room with a bottle of tommy K and spray that sauce floor to ceiling. Seen it done at a party and the guy was fuming with anger when he found it, last party he ever threw lol. And I know who did it

Open tuna can and drop in air vent or ducted heating.

Classic upper decker, take a shit in the toilet resrvoir.

You could attend

You might find out he's trying to make up for the past bullying. Maybe see if that's the case before being a dick.

>fucking gold
>need more bringing full squad as +1's

Upper Decker, Bud.

Hide eggs to rot in drawers,wardrobes etc. In places where they wont find it quick


I don't know the English term for that but put some fish inside of curtain sliders, the big wooden ones that have holes at both ends. They usually have wooden caps on them to prevent stuff from getting in, remove it and when the fish is in there put it back. No one will ever find out, and the stench will be unsustainable. Bonus points if they move out and take their curtain sliders with them.

If he has cable order everything thats over 50 dollars. Make his cable bill in the thousands. Then find his laundry machine and dump a whole container of detergent and set it on high

Fuck something up lowkey? I like the pissing idea, you could also do some subtle fuckery and place a disturbing note hidden in his room.

sick 1 famalam
>Was looking for the kind of embarrass him not make his family move out vibe

Buy lubricant, smear in all tubs, tape raw meat under tables and under trashcan, glue nails at the bottom of a staircase NOT sticking up but sticking out of the wall closest to the floor, take milk and pour on lawn, pool, or anything that will be in the sun in morning, buy $1 packs of tacks and toss the EVERYWHERE, vehicle seats, under blankets, chairs, stairs, anywhere, wood floors require the cheapest syrup poured on them for the best slipage

Whens the party?

Whatever it is you're thinking of doing, youre:
1- going to fuck it up, get caught and beaten
2- go and get beaten up for being you
3- go, be your retard self, chicken out and stand in the corner awkwardly, imagening the things you could do, but won't .. ever.
4- sit at home and jerk your pecker while thinking of chad

get some bottles of apple juice and empty out half of each one then hide them around the house. Eventually they will all explode.

go to the toilet and quickly clog it up then get out and say
ayylmao someone clogged up the toilet

or if you dont go to the party buy a fuckload of pizza and other shit to his place


Do his tax returns so he's fucked by the irs

30th june

that's what makes it more fun

you're a pathetic resentful virgin. kids are all fucks in junior high. he probably wasn't even bullying you, you're just a sensitive faggot who doesn't know how to banter.

Take as many laxatives as you can and eat only liquid Indian food before the party, release the toxic sewage into a bottle/container and bring a paint brush. Paint your liquid shit onto places that nobody ever looks.
Door hinges, behind radiators, behind door handles, on the top of fridges, air con / vents.
If you do this properly they will never find the source of your shit smell.

beat me up on multiple occasions but kek

Invite Sup Forums to the party

This, but use shrimp.

You made this thread earlier

OP all these revenge ideas are fun and if you need to do them dont get caught. dint let some pettyness over the past turn you into a hated autist. try to actually have fun at the party as well

Virgin Mama's scared little boy detected.

like serious beatings? or typical rough housing shit that we all did? he's inviting you to a party, if he hated you he wouldn't do that.

Went out and 404'd before i saw

In 8th grade, he punched me and my nose broke.

>pretending to be tough on Sup Forums in a thread full of Sup Forumsetas
u go gurl

that happens sometimes. go to the party and have a good time. if he fucks with you, punch him and he'll think you're cool and teach you how to do keg stands. just like in the movies.


Had been to a party where some fella placed an armchair atop the toilet and took a dump on the armchair. You can clearly see it was a great party.

Steal all TV remotes and put them in his bin

this is the obvious final solution