Your last two digits are the odds he fucked her

Your last two digits are the odds he fucked her.

Dubs he fucked Barron.

Now he's fucking us

he fucked you, liberal cucks

That goes without saying.

>being this butthurt this long after the election
Damn, son. I bet your fidget spinner gets a workout, no?

How's your Medicare these days, redneck?

Fuck off faggot

Can you blame him for fucking her man?

snowniggers love their moms and pops
snowniggers gets masturbated by their
orange dad at 3 years old, girl and boy.
snowniggers love incest leader trump

Not just the left. He's fucking all Americans. Only a 100% retard doesn't know this.

fucking parents are the same way as dude above. how the fuck was he able to bamboozle Amerifags like that?

I would've fucked her







leROLL jenkins


>No specifics
>Character attack

Typical. In truth he's hasn't really gotten anything meaningful done since taking office. Hardly fucking us.

Trump wouldn't fuck Barron, Trump is into girls.
Now, he may have let his friends fuck Barron in exchange for money.

lady liberty is a girl too