Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
So I'm a full-time babysitter, and I have this problem that I get very emotional attached to the babies I babysit. However a few months ago I thought of a way to keep my memories with these boys and girls with me forever. When I have put the babies to sleep I poke them with a very thin surgical needle and extract a drop of blood between two glass slides so they will always be with me.

So my question is would this be considered illegal in any ways? I'm a bit scared that my box of slides will be found and questions will be asked.

Sorry didn't have any paper so hope it's okay I used my watch.

This is Ashley I babysat 5 days ago.

Always remember to follow Harry's code

Stop watching Dexter and get a life.

Wait, you're a girl? Woah, I find what you do very attractive... Lol

Holy fuck, that is DEFINITELY illegal, but i can't decide whether it is some weird-ass kind of pedophilia or just violence.

I am sure that this is illegal. After all you wound those babies even though it's just a little wound they probably barely feel. I mean it's bleeding.

>hurr durr watching dexter
>le epic bait idea
>le fame on Sup Forums
>trolled hard
>never forget

Go back to /rk9/

Ehhh, what...the...fuck. and yes NORMIE here

It's true I got the idea from Dexter, however it's still a very smart way to keep my memories of the time I had with the little ones.


how can you tell whos who??

Im no scientist, but maybye adding a little acid would make it harder to recognise DNA so you can just say it's your blood

Jesus Christ you can actually tell that one of the slides are more fresh than the other one confirming OP's story. That's fucked up man.

I remember them by the numbers on my slide box

Alright so whatever. But how does this help you "keep memories"? This does nothing except make you look autistic. There arn't even any names or anything.

that's pretty fucked up to replicate.

im positive its illegal.

In other news: More shit that didn't happen

It does. Number 7, Ashley, number 6, Josh, number 5 Maria etc.

Ever seen/read The Help? Both the movie and the novel touch on this.

you could take some of their hair instead of poking them with a needle

When will you start strangling these babies to death?

why didnt you take pics or vids with the babbys you returd

and buy a large smelting pot and dip them in bronze after strangling them

Why couldnt you just take pictures?

Show tits

Do i have to be the one to ask for tits from the dexter apprentice .

Whoa dude


I actually thought about that as well. But I wanted something from them that was within their beautiful bodies. And how can something not be so perfect as the pure blood of the babies? Besides some of the babies I've babysat didn't have hair yet.


if you eat their shit, they will always be a part of you

Good man

Show us your tits OP

hey dexter

Post names with slides

How rusty and jagged is the needle?
Do you shove the needle up your ass first? I mean that way a little part of you could always be with them too.
Do you use the same needle?

For about 5 years but ok

I also like to examine their urine and feces, so when I start the day I'll disable the flush so it all piles up after the the few hours I have with them.

wow. There is nothing about this habit that is sane, healthy, or legal. I'm pretty sure this thread is going to show up in a news piece detailing your arrest.

get ready for your 15 minutes of really fucked up fame

Sorry gonna have to disappoint by saying I'm not a grill.
Will do when I get home. Currently walking the dog. Sorry for the wrong watch I've got a few

hahahaha. God DAMN

is anyone else archiving this thread?

How do you hide the box?

So what you are trying to say is that this entire thread is bullshit and you made it all up

Show face

Oh god the fucking pink kids piano in the background. You're a sick fuck

Someone fucking screencap this thread

Just on my shelf.
No. I'm just saying I'm a male babysitter

reported this thread. Make sure you enjoy the nice weather outside while you can. I think you might be spending some time indoors for a while.


what about a normal picture. you fucking creep
