So a white woman tells a guy to kill himself and gets manslaughter. Cosby drugs and rapes almost 50 women and walks...

So a white woman tells a guy to kill himself and gets manslaughter. Cosby drugs and rapes almost 50 women and walks. What the ever loving fuck is wrong with this country?

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He did her a favor?

Blah blah white privilege mumble mumble

Celebrities get away with stuff. Nothing new.

Lack of evidence is a helluva drug.

>It's plain and fucking simple.
If you are white, leave America. This is not your country anymore. You do not belong here

All they needed was one nigger on the jury. To get a conviction it would be like convincing a Christian to kill Christ. If only they were Jews instead.

he didn't "walk" you illiterate retard. A mistrial doesn't mean they just say "well fuck it, looks like you're free". It means that they do a retrial. learn your fucking justice system before you talk.

Neither case was worth going into trial. telling someone kys isnt a fucking crime and if cosby really was guilty of anything he is accused of those stupid women would have gone to court ages ago.

That white girl didn't just tell a guy do kill himself, she manipulated him day in and day out to do it. Don't trivialize what she did if you haven't read the texts she sent yourself. They are fucked. Cosby on the other hand is just a good guy getting gang raped by lying feminist cunts.

not sure I'd call a mistrial 'walking'

The guys rep is forever ruined, doesn't matter if guilty or not. A mistrial only makes it worse imo

It was so much more than just telling someone to "kys." Do some research before you form your opinions you fucking idiot.

Asian Hispanic cop shoots black guy and gets off. White cops also get hung jury or off.

Well that's one

Bitches waited too long. Fuck them.

that's my plan
fuck this place

Yanez is mexican you fucking mong

We have this concept of innocent until proven guilty?

Instead of bitching about fucking cosby the whole of the US should be worrying about the lives of people who live here in which are being destroyed for no good reason over a plant.

cases not related

i don't get how stupid is your arguments

>pothead detected

>trying to get a rich celebrity in trouble at the height of his popularity

are you SURE they would have come forward earlier? are you sure they didn't try?

>The guys rep is forever ruined
>Cosby Show still available on Amazon
>He's so old that his rep doesn't even matter

Like that's even an insult nowdays

Well that depends. If they want to do a retrial but they have to talk to the jury first and see how many and what reasons for the mistrial. That shit ain't free user.

remember rodney king ? niggers gonna destroy another city

That gives me a boner

This shot is just stupid. They're both in the wrong. He shouldn't have drugged her without her consent but she shouldn't have kept going back for more either.

He's mentally ill and she's obviously trying to take advantage of it. I have a feeling it'll just be settled out of court.

I'm afraid of this case causing wild niggers to riot the streets if it came to a guilty sentence

Niggers don't care about Bill Cosby because Bill Cosby hates Niggers. He's ranted against jungle bunnies for years now. Look it up. They won't riot.

Did any of you read the text transcripts between that girl and the guy? That dude was mentally depressed beyond belief and she kept telling him how and when and where to do it and how it was the only option. She didn't just simply say "kill yourself".

Do you even know what brought this all to the surface?

Hannibal Buress called out Cosby because Cosby was ranting about black kids sagging & chimping out.

Idk if the nig nogs are too happy with old father Bill rn

the second you can afford a lawyer like his youll know

Aso, there was a lot more hard evidence than heresay.

Also, a lot more money available for lawyering and such. But, mistrial means 'old puddin sweater has to go another round.

Like it ever was (':

they shouldnt have waited 20 years to come forward

half of them are lying to get in the spotlight anyways

Yes because they're notorious for their strict reasoning for rioting.

There was alot more to that story than telling the kid to kill himself. She worked him for weeks, grooming him to do it. She's literally evil.

Cosby... 40 year old accusations are pretty hard to convict on.

That's a valid arguement. It really is. Because they're stupid and opportunist.

this is America my nigg, you get the amount of justice you can afford. puuriod


at that level, the rep is all that matters though. when you have more money than the Lord Ultron. simple possessions fall behind the legacy you would leave.
>sauce: Am a broke nigga

consensual drugging

consensual raping

Is it true?
Watches at 0 $?

It is now illegal in Canada to call someone by the "wrong gender pronoun"


Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that bitch being found guilty is absolute horseshit. Imagine how many Sup Forumstards would be locked up now if they sent everyone of us to gaol for telling someone to kill themselves. Slut probably wasn't even serious. Was probably just a shitposter IRL.


shouldn't matter even if she was serious! what a bunch of cucks

>So what are you in for?
>I told someone to commit suicide

She shouldnt have been charged for manslaughter but she deserved something. Go read the texts dude. It is really fucking wierd.

Three words,

Freedom of speech

Just because something is wrong, doesn't mean it's illegal, or even that it should be illegal.

Inalienable rights.

For good or bad, it was her right to say those things.

It already was settled out of court.

Cosby.isn't pleading guilty to anything. He's 80 sucking years old. Any sentence could be prison.

Cosby did nothing wrong. The pile-on out of nowhere some 30+ years later is because he's been a very vocal opponent of niggers acting like niggers throughout his life, and especially in the last few years has been the only black voice publicly calling out things like them murdering and raping each other during Katrina. It's very important to the Marxists that niggers remain animals and they needed to protect their destabilizing force in BLM so he had to be taken down and discredited like they tried to do with Assange.

If a psychiatrist talked a child into killing himself, would that be wrong? What if a parent did it? You know why we have laws, dipshit? To stop people from hurting other people. Telling someone you're going to kill them is also illegal, fuckface. How god damn dense do you have to be to not understand that 'freedom of speech' doesn't mean you can say whatever the fuck you want and it's just fine? Oh, I know, as dumb as the average 'murican.

This country is a vile shithole filled with the dumbest fucking apes alive.

Underrated as fuck

First, good bait.
Cosby probably won't ever be convicted but he should.

Cosby is innocent. The girl is guilty. That's how, moron.

Let Cosby rape the bitch, problem solved.

Yeah. Thing is, liberals hate Cosby for telling blacks to stop being dindus. He would have gone down faster than a whore on a dick made of chocolate.

lol yea bud, race politics. It is what it is. Why'd that broad wait so long to put him on blast? Mixed race jury? Jesus. It's the system, and frankly, anytime someone waits years to report a rape the phrase 'reasonable doubt' comes to mind. 79, plenty of time to lay low for a few years and then let the books and interviews fly.

What the fuck is wrong with this country. You came here, presumably looked around before posting, and *still needed* to ask that question? Fuck you.

Because the girl is guilty of manslaughter and Cosby isn't guilty of anything.
You don't convict someone on shit evidence.

Better to be rich and unpopular, then stuck in prison and unpopular.

Cosby's costs just tripled. If they can't convict wealthy darkies, they'll do the next-best thing and bankrupt them. Right, O.J.?

Simpson, who is planning an appeal, will be eligible for parole in 2017.

>O.J might be free in 2017

Different case. OJ was bankrupted by his Dream Team during the (successful) murder defense. He's in jail now on an armed-robbery beef.