Be me, 33yo male

>Be me, 33yo male
>This monday I have to take a plane for a job proposal, 800km away from home.
>If I accept I would have to leave everything behind. Girlfriend, home, friends, family and so on.
>I dont really like the new place and I dont think I'll be able to work 12+ hours per day, tight deadlines and maybe from monday to saturday.
>Everyone tells a job is a job and you have to accept it, specially in "these days"

What would you do? I honestly prefer to earn less money and have a more healthy/happier life

Do what you want to do, not what others want you to do

I wouldn't accept it tbh.

I know this train will only stop once. Its a nice job, for what I studied, and they looked for me so Im guessing Im going to earn a big amount each month. But thats not enough for me.

There are people who dont mind going to another place and start a new life. I did that on my 20s, come back home and thats all. But I dont feel like doing that again once again.

Am I the only one thinking like this? Is it that strange to decline "the dream job" ?

ITT: a faggot who fails to realize his life is 1/3 over and wants to stay in the same shit hole because he's comfy.

stay home nigga
I did the same, no regrets

Go with what will make you happy man money isn't everything google this and have a read, (angus deaton nobel prize winner money happiness), can confirm, adjust for your country or whatever but its pretty spot on. Also 12 hr shifts man, very common where I am from and that is just bad shit, we have had a lot of suicides here over that shit. I know a lot of kids without dads here now.

i have personal experience in this. 6 day weeks at 12 hrs a day will do nothing but age you and pad your bank account while everyone else enjoys their free time.

whats more important to you, leaving your kids a small fortune or living a good life? basically what you're choosing

it may be a dream job but is it a a dream life?

a job is only a small part of your life. how much is your family and gf and friends and leisure time worth it to you?

nobody on their deathbed looks back and wishes that they had worked more hours. they always regret not spending enough time with their loved ones.

OP again
I didnt mention it, but my job is related to creative work/architecture/design and all those things. So you can work and create but some days are absolutely garbage. I would choose a simplier job and going out earlier, rather than destroying myself in the proccess.

Thats one of the main disadvantages. I know I can make it, but 3 months later I dont think I can take it anymore. Besides that, starting a new life in a new place with not a lot of time is an easy way for starting a depression.

One free day per week wont allow me to meet people or other important things to me.

Why would they tell you "a job is a job" if you already have a, albeit lower paying, job? Or are you currently unemployed? In which case, how is it that you can't find ANY job locally that makes a decent living if a company is willing to fly you out to them just for a proposal?

you answered it yourself.

big company in a big city.
where I live there arent such things, so Im currently working as a freelance which is not the greatest way of survive these days.

"these days?"

there are good jobs all over the place. I did exactly this and love it.

Got out from a soul crusher and trust me, when they are flying you for interviews and proposals you get a lot of special treatment stuff. I work from home a lot. Unlimited vacation policy.

FWIW I work in tech, and there's like 5 jobs for every 1 person..

Don't do it man. Fellow 30s dude here. I gave up 2 years of my life to a "better paying job." It was a huge mistake, and I got nothing in return from it, my debt mounted because I was making more money, my free time dwindled to nothing. You will be so tired from working all the time that on your time off you will do nothing. Since you're going to be at your job so much anyways, your time off will be filled with texts, emails, and calls form work, so you'll never truly get away. Case in point, you wont be happy, and really that's all that matters. I'm still trying to mentally recover now after I left my job a year ago.

Go for it. Your gf is going to get fat and expect a ring and baby soon anyways.

take the job retard in few years ur gonna regret it...


Reject the offer. You already know what you want and what will make you happy. You are faced with a choice that you know will make you unhappy. It's your life, you are not married and apparently don't have any dependents. If you want to marry your gf eventually, make sure you are on the same page about finances. Until marriage, do what you want, because you can.

Taking a job means nothing. You can give up your life for work, then get fired in less than a year because your boss doesn't like your face.

If you can, hold out for a job in a location you like. I held out in a similar situation, and I love my current job. It felt like the wait is forever and I am still paying of debt from that choice, but it was worth it in the long run.

Mid-40s year old with a masters degree who has a shit job that doesn't pay enough. My wife out-earns me, and I support her in her career. I own my own home, live in an awesome neighborhood, and recently took up shooting with a 22 for target practice. I've got enough to pay my bills, but I will never be rich. I'm happy. You can be happy if you fall short of where I'm at. It's the things you say "no" to that define you. It takes courage. Say "no."

in few years ur parents are gonna die or go senile bc of old age and u wont have any money to take care of them...ur gf is gonna dump u for a nigger they usually do or gonna cheat ur for a better man who can provide her...ur freind arnt gonna help u when u have nothing to provide them with its give and take and with no money u have nothing to give...

sounds like the usual Neapolitan working as a waiter in Naples and getting an offer as a software engineer in Milan.

It's good to to have a change in life, but not for something like a job. It needs to be something you really care about or you'll waste all your time with stress.

Fuck off faggot.

Id accept and try to meet new people and enjoy myself. But then i don't have a girlfriend and dont really give a shit about family. Just wondering though, no offense, how are you considering leaving your girlfriend for a job? Couldn't really see myself leaving someone i love just to live alone and have a little more money. Money doesnt really buy happiness and whatever it gets you, whats the point if you have no one to share it with.

Spoken like a true faggot who never had real friends or family. Money won't buy you replacement for your dead parents m8, u gotta keep your friends

How many people will do that damn mistake.
The economy doesn't rule our lives until we let it.

John Lennon once told the story of a teacher asking him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He said, "I want to be Happy"

The teacher said "You don't understand the question."

John replied, "You don't understand Life."

Be happy, you'll never regret it.

OP here, thanks for your replies.
This job has some weight to me. A few years ago I started studying this technology. After knowing the basics I was awarded in an international contest. Few months later I went to this congress and met this guy who told he was interested in me as they were in the contest but didnt win.
9 months later I received his call, literally telling I have the job, and if I wouldnt mind to go there and see their facilities, talk about numbers and papers.

And yes, as many of you said, happiness is very important for me. There are people who only want the money, the more the better. No social life, no hobbies, nothing.

Im going there just for seeing what he has to offer, maybe its a good job and I'll be working for just 8 hours, 5 days a week. But I think I already made my choice.

If they want you bad enough, they will be flexible in their demands. Don't be afraid to negotiate. Tell them you need time away from your career t develop new skills and that you need to make sure the schedule is "manageable." If they are flying you out, then you have more leverage than you think.

Depends on the type of person you are.

Most will see don't waste too time at work, dont neglect your passions, blah blah blah

But my passion is work. I love doing well, moving up and making more and more money. I take pride in my work and the way I've worked up from being a poor kid raised by a single mom to having everything I wanted.

So if this job is a huge pay raise for you and sets you up better in your career, I'd go for it. And I have a gf and family. But family will always be there and you can get a gf anywhere.

But I know not everyone is like me. You have just have to set your priorities.

Fake tread, This was posted two days ago


you have to decide the value of your life and weigh that against the extra income you'll be seeing.

that's the real trade-off.

Just turned 30. I graduated from law school five years ago, and my wife and I moved 3-4 hours from home for a "good job" with a six-figure salary. On the one hand, I clear close to $200k annually, I own my own home, I paid off my student loans, and have enough in the bank to pay off my car and mortgage. We purposefully live below our means.

Too many with a high salary buy themselves "golden hancuffs" - 3,000+ sqft house in a swanky zip code, expensive german cars, good clothes, etc.

On the other hand, I am as you imply, a slave to my work. I'm sitting here on a perfect Saturday afternoon feeling guilty because I have work to do this weekend, and I frankly don't want to do it. I need to recharge from last week and spend time with my 2-year old son that I don't see all week.

I can't tell you what is right for you. Only you can do that. What I can do, is to warn you about the golden handcuffs, should you choose to make the leap. Once you acclimate yourself to a different lifestyle supported by a high paying job, you become a true slave and you cannot quit. Sometimes, I think the only thing keeping me sane is the fact that I can quit whenever I want.

Good luck.

dont, be happy with what you got

germany? take the job . otherwise a sandnigger will take it