What does Sup Forums think of python?

What does Sup Forums think of python?

What are the positives and negatives of it?

Is it good to learn it as a first language? Why?

Yes, is a really easy language to learn, people recommend it a lot to beginners because of its simple syntax.

Pros and Cons can be answered depending on what are you planning to use it for.

Just learn to write pseudo code.

Anything thats not a huge project that i can make money with, web development. Webapps and such


And that is?

>>Is it good to learn it as a first language? Why?
No, because that logo looks like a swastika. You dont want to touch a programming language invented by a hidden nazi culture.

Go with php or ruby for webdevelopment or java / c#. php is easy to use and easy to learn.

its an easy first language, i learnt it in about 5 months. Once you learn the language you also learn other languages syntax making it much easier to learn

node/javascript is better for web and mobile apps, python is better for scripting and scientific computing

Ima neo-nazi, sieg heil

Python or Ruby are easy starters.

If you want a more strict language, C/C++.

What can i do with JS and python together?

hidden nazi culture, please KYS.

No was, too complicated, and like i said, not planning on doint anything huge

>Is it good to learn it as a first language?
Yes i guess... never used it, my first language was c++ but a lot of people say python is good as first language

If you want to make some web development, then you gotta learn HTML, CSS and Javascript just to start as a web designer, then you gotta choose between Front end frameworks, server-side languages, js frameworks, and databases, after that you can be call a web developer. So you got plenty of ground to cover bro.

Its fun to learn, not the MOST practical these days though. Still a good learning experience if you have none in anything else.

Cons: no standard provider support it. No major brand looks for python programmers.

> inb4: muh 1% google devz

Learned Java then Python. Python is a million times easier

Holy Grail & Life of Brian are must sees. Tons of great skits on the telly

This, Python is merely a stepping stone to other programs. Learn it and use what you learn to make quick work of becoming fluent in other applications.

You're all plebs
learned basic 1st
assembler 2nd
pascal, fortran, cobol after that
This was all before 81ish.
Everything after that was child's play.

Are you talking about software dev or web dev? i was under the impression python is widely used in web dev

nobody cares about compuutors anymore

Good snake

nope.avi python is arguably the worst scientific computing language. Anything on a super computer is in c++.

If you're studying CS, learn c++; if you're lazy study java.

If you're doing this for fun, python is cool. Also check out Go lang/ruby.

Pyhton will make u rage wtf tabs matter eat my asshole.
Learn java.

this guy gets it

Anything on a real computer is c# nowadays. Anything on a phone is Java, iOS is shit. Anything on web is just someclusterfuck of JavaScript, ruby, Asp.net, or some other alphabetsoupshittiershit

Learned it First in School OK but not for complex Stuff gut very good for Data and Basic shit

Most supercomputer code is either C or FORTRAN. C++ is used, but as far as I can tell, mainly for the standard template library. Generally speaking, supercomputer code should minimize dynamic allocation, or should know up front how much allocation is needed (so the object-oriented style tends not to work well). This is because you have to partition your problem, which means you need to figure out how much problem you can fit on each node, which means you need to have a pretty good idea about your space requirements.

Python is very easy to learn and to get you started with data science.

If you have heavy datasets to process, then the processing must be done cleverly otherwise it can become very slow.

If you want to do web dev, Python is one way.

no matter how hard you try, you are not going to be able speak python. even if you perfectly recreated the hisses, and expressive head movement, it is not a language per se. it's just a way of expressing certain types of interaction with mates, enemies, etc. like an animal making itself look bigger to intimidate a potential foe.

c++ is too technical for many math/statistics people so they use python

Pseudo code is writing out what you want your program to do in short-hand English instead of a programming language to make larger programs easier to manage

Don't forget VBA!

I dont know why this made me laugh so hard but thank you.

python is most used on the server side, but u said web dev, i listed you some of the things you gotta learn to be a web dev, prob you are not being clear enough, make research.

If you're looking to "minimize" dynamic allocation, you'll run into the same issue with c/c++ malloc/new are very similar.

And contrary to what you believe, memory isn't the biggest issue. Running your a program under some massive time window is more important. For example, some biophysics experiments can run for an upward of 6 months. Whats more important is optimizing your code to work with the CPU caches and using CPU friendly arrays/data structures.

Agree and disagree. I still write lots of code in c++ that is on a desktop. All depends on what tool you need.

if you just want to be able to pay ur bills and have some money, just learn either html, css and javascript or java that will be it.

Not for experiments, I can guarantee you. They use it for the mundane tasks like creating graphs and manipulating data sets - something you really don't need c++ for.