YLYL Sup Forums Edition

YLYL Sup Forums Edition
Post only threads that make you kek

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=eagle laughing






















lost, kek and fucking saved

nice uh... thumbnail you got there


I just give the jpg's names so I can remember the stories just by reading the title. However for some reason this pic is meant to be read by ants




goddamit, after all these years i finally understood what op was talking about..

he had a day off in school (so he was happy about it), and his mother allowed him to skip shower (he was happy about it too). that all meant that he would have some free time, BUT his mother took him to that weighing test, robbing him of his free time..

i don't know how i feel right now.. the magic of that thread is ruined for me

How do I read that?




damn, he wasn't even baiting... for fuck sake you poo in the loos are disgusting

Not funny, but everyone should have to experience it.


nice numbers and nice maymay

aside from the cigarette prices. I fucking love my country


>He's an outside snake. I audibly fucking laughed.


100% on spectrum if true


Well to be fair, the flag will be completely white by now due to radiation from the sun.

Maybe it's a sign that you shouldn't smoke

Fuckin lost at blarNEKKEK


>implying that the other things happened



How much people were in that fucking tower? It's like 90 of americans have a relative who died there.

This probably did happen because I was able to replicate the results.

you fucker... no way..


weak as fuck

Lost. Well done.

Find an ant to read it to you.

Fake and gay
kys faggot

Well to be fair, it's still an American flag.

You can scratch a name off of a trophy but the prestigious and recognition can never be taken away. It's America's flag on the moon.

'mericuck spotted

Anyone here for this? Quite recent, very long. Prepare to kek, then cry, though.

blarnekeked so hard

>Well to be fair, it's still an American flag.
>You can scratch a name off of a trophy but the prestigious and recognition can never be taken away. It's America's flag on the moon.

i feel awful now. thanks.

>implying it actually happened




What about the part with his sister and the hair thing. And about how she was happy for some reason.

Anyone have that image of the eagle?


google, motherfucker, do you use it?

lmgtfy.com/?q=eagle laughing


>pulp fiction cit, no pic react



I hope this is true

you fucking autist, there were rules in this thread, get the fuck out

i am just really tired of people asking for something that can be found on first page of google

for god's sake, it's literally the second image..

I posted a zip file of my greentext folder because people wanted it in the other YLYL threads. ~1700 images.

files DOT fm/u/fyvasv7x



>Pic related

yo all this time i have been opening new tabs and dragging the pic too image search actually had no idea bout this thanks fag

not even funny just grim
if the bottom 70% of india was eradicated the world would be a much better place



learn too save pics fag

>screenshot of the phone



youtu.be/rFC4qsjpfEs b