I'm David Lynch

I'm David Lynch

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You gave a talk at the University Wisconsin-Madison where you said your life could be summed up in four words. What were those words?

Have you ever been so far even as decided to go want to look more like?

twin peaks wasnt that great.

i jerked it to the scenes where coopers mentions the coffee is damn good.

multiple times.

everything else was meh.

Great Red Ice exploration of Twin Peeks hidden messages


Suck big black cock

The owls are not what they seem


Seriously....Mulholland Drive...great film.

Could you beat David cronenberg up?

Will you please appologize for Eraserhead?

OK, maybe you *are* David Lynch.

That's seven words.

why are all of your movies so goddamn slow?

seriously, blue velvet, eraserhead, twin peaks, dune, i fell asleep more than once to each and every one of your films
you are so, so boring

david cronenberg has his fare share of shit movies

Do you want to make more money?

Are you David Lynch?

If a bear shits in the woods, and a tree falls on the bear, and nobody is around, does the bear's shit stink?

Thank you for Frank Booth

Technically, no.

Will there be more nudity to come in the rest of the season

Are you doing the new Twin Peaks troll season just for the money?

Just admit it, you're only doing it for the money.

"All niggers must die"
David Lynch, UWM

Why can you drink a drink, but you can't food a food?